
Részletes keresés

pitter74 Creative Commons License 2004.08.26 0 0 218
pitter74 Creative Commons License 2004.08.26 0 0 217

kurva index

kapjatok be

hogy kell kepet feltenni??

francba is


pitter74 Creative Commons License 2004.08.26 0 0 216


na, csak sikerul talan

pitter74 Creative Commons License 2004.08.26 0 0 215

no, ime a borito es a tracklisting

COOKCD291 2CD, megjelenes oktober 18


CD1 – Black Francis demo


1.       The Holiday Song

2.       I’m Amazed

3.       Rock A My Soul

4.       Isla De Encanta

5.       Caribou

6.       Broken Face

7.       Build High

8.       Nimrod’s Son

9.       Ed Is Dead

10.   Subbacultcha

11.   Boom Chickaboom

12.   I’ve Been Tired

13.   Break My Body

14.   Oh My Golly

15.   Vamos


CD2 – Frank Black Francis


1.       Caribou

2.       Where Is My Mind

3.       Cactus

4.       Nimrod’s Son

5.       Levitate Me

6.       Wave Of Mutilation

7.       Monkey Gone To Heaven

8.       Velouria

9.       The Holiday Song

10.   Into The White

11.   Is She Weird?

12.   Subbacultcha

13.   Planet of Sound




Jordi Culé Creative Commons License 2004.07.30 0 0 214

Hajjaj, konkrétan a VOX Caféban volt Spaceheads koncert.


Azokra a korai demókra nagyon kíváncsi leszek.

Előzmény: pitter74 (213)
pitter74 Creative Commons License 2004.07.30 0 0 213

csak annyit hogy a cooking vinyl-nal mar honapok ota be van irva a kiadasi listaba a kovetkezo
FrankBlackFrancis - FrankBlackFrancis
Pre Purple Tape demos and 2003/4 re-workings of same
szoval valami lesz

es meg annyi extra info, hogy Andy Diagram egy jonevu trombitas, a kilenceves evek elejen a James tagja volt, valamint jart itt Magyarorszagon is nem egyszer Spaceheads neven


Előzmény: dokuman (211)
elefantkillah Creative Commons License 2004.07.29 0 0 212

Gyártó: 4AD

Kép: 4:3

Hang: Dolby 5.1

Extrák: Videoklipek, backstage felvételek, interjúk

Játékidő: kb. 120 perc

Megjelenés éve: 2004


Hogy mi a közös a Nirvanaban, a Placeboban, a Radioheadben, a VoiVodban és a Blurben?? Hát csak annyi, hogy mindannyian a huszadik század egyik legfontosabb zenekarának tartják a Pixiest. Nos, igen, pixiék egyedi hangzásukkal, szokatlan dalszerkezeteikkel berúgtak egy ajtót az alternatív zenék előtt. 1991-ben oszlatták fel magukat, így már nem érhették meg, ahogy az  alter hullám világjelenséggé vált. Most viszont mindenki örömére újjáalakultak, koncertjükre az internetes aukción négyszáz dolcsiért keltek el a jegyek, úgyhogy úgy tűnik, a megérdemelt siker végül nem kerülte el őket




Ezt a fellépést még az 1988-as európai turné londoni állomásán rögzítették, tehát nem egy mai darabról van szó. Ráadásul hallhatóan semmilyen utólagos munkálatnak nem vetették alá a szalagot, minden pontosan úgy szól ahogy elgitározták, leütötték, kiénekelték. Ebben persze benne van, hogy becsúsznak hamis hangok, fals üvöltések, de igazából pont ettől vezér az egész, mert hát a Pixies pont a féktelen dinamizmusról, a bizarr váltásokról, a szétbarmolt hangzásról szól. Még a mai fülnek is szokatlan megoldások tömkelegébe futunk bele a dalokban, úgyhogy tényleg nagy élmény végighallgatni az anyagot. Van benne némi kis punkot idéző ösztönös agresszió, art-pop elemek, és nem ritkán olyan zsigeri popposág, amitől teljesen bekólázva ülök a képernyő előtt, és gyakran nem igazán tudom hova tenni a dolgokat. Megnézve ezt a felvételt csak egyet sajnálok, hogy nem lehettem ott Londonban, nem ugrálhattam a csurig teli teremmel együtt és így nem üvölthettem a szövegeket csápolva a kezeimmel. Na mindegy az utsó kettőt itthon is megtehetem, legalább elszórakoztatom a macskát.




A videoklip az tiszta sor, sok mindent nem lehet hozzáfűzni, max annyit, hogy itt sem a hagyományos megoldások dominálnak. Ezek a kisfilmek lubickolnak a humorban és a bizarr képi megvalósításban, mindenféleképpen figyelemreméltó munkákról van szó. A korongon ott figyelnek részletek a már említett európai turné során kis kézikamerával felvett filmecskékből is. Vicces az egész, remekül szórakoztam, de egy valamit nem tudok megérteni, hogy miért nem lehet feliratoztatni, így sok ember kimarad a mókából. Az interjús rész pedig egészen elképesztő. A jelenlegi zenei világ olyan arcai mondják el véleményüket a Pixiesről, mint Bono, David Bowie, Thom Yorke (Radiohead), PJ Harvey, Damon Albarn (Blur) hogy csak néhányat említsek. Tehát egy szerény sztárparádéval zárul ez a nem mindennapi kiadvány.


Ahhoz képest, hogy milyen régi koncertfelvételről van szó, a minőségre nem lehet panasz, a képi világ ráadásul megtartja a zene dinamizmusát, jók a vágások, így annyira nem is hiányoznak az effektek, meg az egyéb kis trükkök. A kézikamerás felvételek persze gyakran homályosak meg életlenek, na de nehogy már mást várjunk! Az interjús rész viszont tökéletes, szép, okos, ügyes.



1988-ban rögzítették ügyebár ezt a koncertmókát, és hát még így is sokkal jobban szólnak, mint számos mai titán. Jók az arányok, tiszták a hangok, hibának nyoma sincs, garantált az élvezet, már ha megbarátkozunk a kicsit extrém megszólalással.




Elsőre annyira nem tetszett a dolog, volt egy csomó részlet amit nem tudtam hova tenni, de a sokadik meghallgatás után egyre inkább megfogott az anyag, úgyhogy azt kell mondjam, ez egy király zenekar király kiadványa. Mindenképpen ajánlott az átlagnál kissé nyitottabb népek számára.


dokuman Creative Commons License 2004.07.28 0 0 211

már meg is találtam.


Black had been working on a two-disc set entitled 'Frank Black Francis' scheduled for a spring release. However, SpinArt Records, the label set to release the double album have been reportedly unable to pin Black down for a completion date.

Disc 1 is said to feature Black's reworking of Pixies classics collaborating with experimental duo Two Pale Boys. The group features Andy Diagram, who plays a trumpet through radio receivers and Keith Moliné who manipulates sound with a MIDI-based guitar setup. Crikey.

Currently, little is known of the second disc, although sources confirm that it is likely to compile Black's early pre-Pixies solo demos.

In other Pixies news, writer Josh Frank has been piecing together his musical 'Teenager of the Year: The Frank Black Musical' which is set to premiere this September in New York.

Frank has also been working on an official biography entitled 'Fool The World: An Oral History Of The Pixies' features excerpts from interviews with the band themselves and their associates and celebrity fans including Thom Yorke, David Bowie, Bono, PJ Harvey and Dave Grohl.

The book is expected to see a release before the end of the year.


azért az a musical egy kicsit túlzás, nem?

Előzmény: dokuman (210)
dokuman Creative Commons License 2004.07.28 0 0 210

ki mit tud erről:


Frank Black Francis & Two Pale Boys: 2004 pixies reworks ?

39tnerruc Creative Commons License 2004.07.05 0 0 209
Hát ez... semmi különös. Egy Breeders szám, mely nem fért fel a két évvel ezelőtti albumra.
Előzmény: Jordi Culé (197)
dokuman Creative Commons License 2004.07.04 0 0 208
ez volt berlinben: 01. Gouge Away - Doolittle 1989 02. Debaser - Doolittle 1989 03. Dead - Doolittle 1989 04. Crackity Jones - Doolittle 1989 05. Isla De Encanta - Come on Pilgrim 1987 06. Is She Weird - Bossanova 1990 07. Monkey Gone To Heaven - Doolittle 1989 08. In heaven - B -side 09. Wave Of Mutilation (UK Surf) - Doolittle 1989 10. Cactus - Surfer Rosa 1988 11. Where Is My Mind? - Surfer Rosa 1988 12. Nimrod's Son - Come on Pilgrim 1987 13. Blown Away - Bossanova 1990 14. Here Comes Your Man - Doolittle 1989 15. I Bleed - Doolittle 1989 16. Something Against You - Surfer Rosa 1988 17. broken Face - Surfer Rosa 1988 18. U-Mass - Trompe le monde 1991 19. Bone Machine - Surfer Rosa 1988 20. Velouria - Bossanova 1990 21. River Euphrates - Surfer Rosa 1988 22. Tame - Doolittle 1989 23. Caribou - Surfer Rosa 1988 -- 24. Hey! - Doolittle 1989 25. Gigantic - Surfer Rosa 1988 -- 26. Vamos - Come on Pilgrim 1987 27. Into The White - b side
Előzmény: Jordi Culé (204)
pitter74 Creative Commons License 2004.07.04 0 0 207

na jo

elismerem az earwax 205-os hozzaszolasat hallgatolagos beleegyezesevel de en irtam

fenntartom az allaspontom tovabbra is


earwax Creative Commons License 2004.07.03 0 0 206
ez hulyeseg. nem a pixies a vilag legjobb zenekara. azt nem tudom, hogy melyik.
Előzmény: earwax (205)
earwax Creative Commons License 2004.07.02 0 0 205

a pixies a vilag legjobb zenekara


roskildei teljesitmenyuket kovetoen kristalyosodott ki bennem ez a regota erlelodo gondolat.

a gigantic, wave of mutilation, debaser daltrio szunet nelkuli egymas utan valo lejatszasert pedig minimum grammy dijat kellene adni nekik, a kovetkezo husz evben minden alkalommal



(ezt nem en=earwax irtam, hanem a gonosz ikertestverem)




Jordi Culé Creative Commons License 2004.07.02 0 0 204
Berlinben jó volt.
Kid Pompeii Creative Commons License 2004.07.01 0 0 203
Már a második magyar Pixies topicot találom az interneten. Ez fantasztikus érzés. Szeretlek benneteket.
zeuszka Creative Commons License 2004.06.22 0 0 202
mert eddig nem láttam, baszod
Előzmény: retisonic (201)
zeuszka Creative Commons License 2004.06.21 0 0 200
hát úgy tűnik, én leszek a legkevésbé cool azzal, hogy végre beírom: láttam a Pixiest Ljubljanában, és örültem neki. akkor még jobb lett volna, ha mondjuk kétszázzal kevesebb jegyet adnak el a szervezők, és az a Zahovic-fejű köcsög nem hadonászik mellettem egész végig, de azért így is FASSSSSSSSSSZA volt (ahogy Károly mondaná).
top 5 a koncertről:
I Bleed
Planet Of Sound
Something Against You

top 5 a le nem játszott számokból:

Cecilia Ann
Is She Weird?
Tony's Theme
Levitate Me

Szőrös Creative Commons License 2004.06.14 0 0 199
megüresedett egy hely a berlini Pixies (+Ash +Franz Ferdinand) koncertre. 32ezer a koncertjegy+repjegy, szállás is megvan 3 estére, az se drága, lehet jelentkezni (fényképpel:)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.06.14 0 0 198
hát a közönségről elég annyit elmondani, hogy a toten hosen után léptek fel amire felvonult az osztrák punktársadalom színe-java:) aztán amelyikük még nem volt öntudatlanul bebaszva az rögtön takarodott is el onnan..
az ottmaradt emberek nagy része meg chilire várt ami persze azért mind népszerűségben mind stílusban más kategória.. valószínű töredékük hallott csak a pixiesről de erre számítani lehetett..
azért voltunk páran rajongók elöl a 3. sorban:)))
a kontakt tényleg kimerült kb egy "today is my birthday"-ben de akkor is krva jó volt őket élőben látni-hallani!!!
persze a napot inkábbb a chili zseniális fellépése tette emlékezetessé.
én azért finoman szólva nem bántam meg hogy elmentem..
Előzmény: Jordi Culé (196)
Jordi Culé Creative Commons License 2004.06.14 0 0 197
Jordi Culé Creative Commons License 2004.06.11 0 0 196
Hát, nagy élmény lehetett... fórumból:

"I expected this concert to be bad, but not THAT bad. it was not the band's fault, they were in good shape. but they were completely misplaced and lost at this shit festival (rhcp, metallica, slipknot, life of agony,...). somewhere between 100.000 and 150.000 people attended it, maybe more. and as i expected, most of them came to get heavily drunk to heavy metal. additionally, the festival site is absolutely awful and depressing - industrial wasteland. the only reason behind this so-called festival is the maximation of money - it has nothing to do with music, there is no heart or soul behind it, and so there is absolutely no atmosphere. just really awful - and people like me are still stupid enough to spend money on it.
what about the pixies ? they played to 60.000 people (some number i heard at sometime). all those people knew the band which played before, and they knew the band after (rhcp). but maybe 5% knew about the pixies. and so was the response. being sqeezed like tuna fish, all i could see was the big video wall. really great. i had the notion when they walked up, in my area i was the only one who cheered, so i gave up quickly.
they started with bone machine, then followed the usual pilgrim/surfer/doolittle-program. pre-doolittle songs were velouria and u-mass only. drunken assholes with slipknots shirt next to me screamed, vomited and jumped around - much to stoned to have any idea what is going on. gigantic was recognized, and so was where is my mind - possibly everbody thought they are covering placebo. really sad. at some point kim said "today is my birthday" -people next to me started singing happy birthday, and when they came to "happy birthday, dear... " they didn't know the name. seeing frank on the video screen most people were obviously thinking "who is this fat guy ? he should make place for rhcp". to this non-existent audience-band relationship, which could be felt all the time, the pixies reacted by marching off after vamos, without any word or encore. but practically no-one asked for the latter one.
overall, the band and sound was very good, very tight. this concert would have been perfect in a smaller venue, with people who come and pay to see the pixies. but under this circumstances it was just awful and sad. so who is to blame ? they said they are basically doing this tour for money, and i knew. but i was optimistic enough to believe i would get something for my money - and i was wrong. terribly wrong. this concert left a very bad taste in my mouth. it was one of this things which you can only respond to in a cynical way, and that is never good.

i have seen fb&tc half a year ago - it was in small club, 400 people, assorted fans, if you like. it was the best concert i have ever attended. he also played pixies tunes, and i enjoyed them a lot. and it seemed he also enjoyed it - quite the opposite to today. to conclude, i can only say, i want my frank black back."

Előzmény: dzsexx (195)
dzsexx Creative Commons License 2004.06.03 0 0 195
június 10-én a bécsújhelyi pixies-rhcp-re beszállnék odaút-visszaútba, ha van még hely valakinél kocsiban
(sőt ha netán két szabad hely lenne, tudok még egy jelentkezőt)
Jordi Culé Creative Commons License 2004.06.01 0 0 194
Tessék ezt szépen végigolvasni, megéri. fórumból van.

Yesterday, I went to the Pinkpop festival only to see the Pixies.
You can find a review here:
After the show I wanted to go home immediately, it kept raining, and after seeing the Pixies, no other bands seemed to have any importance.
I met another fan at the train station.
We talked about how cool the Pixies were, and still are.
Started singing Pixies songs to kill some time.
Talked about the show, how cool Joey was during Vamos, how glad I was they did In heaven.
After about half an hour a voice came through the speakers in the train telling us we had to switch trains due to a car accident some miles ahead.
A guy with a sleepy head asked us in English what they told, and if this was the right train to Amsterdam.
I told him he also had to leave this train and take the other one.
I noticed the pink bracelet he was wearing around his wrist and while walking on te platform towards the next train I asked him if he also went to the Pinkpop festival.
"Yeah," he siad, "I went to see my brother."
All of a sudden I just knew who was walking next to me.
This person had to be...
"So your name is... Thompson?"
"Yeah yeah, Chuck's my brother, I came here to see him perform with the Pixies..."
I was stunned.
Of all people in the world I just met the brother of the person who I adore for making in my opinion the best music ever made!
The beginning of a very interesting conversation.
I talked to him for about fifty minutes, enough time to ask him almost anything I wanted to know about The man and his music.

I hope he's cool with me publishing this on the forum, and I guess he knew I would do this, so I feel I'm doing right.
Chuck, don't hate me for this, don't kill your brother for this...

Ok here's the rest of the Errol Thompson IV story:

"Oh man, there's so much I'd like to as you about his music, and there's so much you probably know about it, but I'm afraid you won't tell?"
He laughs.
I ask him about the new stuff.
"What do you wanna know? Pixies or his solo stuff?"
I start about the solo album.
"Honeycomb?, ah, it's good..."
"Better than Show me your tears?"
"I thinks so, yes, but it's different, that's because it's not live recorded"
"Recorded in 24 tracks right?"
"Yeah, it sounds slick, but it's damn good"
He tells about the difference between this and a Catholics record. All different sudio artists, completely different sound compared to the Catholics stuff.
Honeycomb is already completely finished, waiting for it's release.
He couldn't tell me the date of release though.
Couldn't believe my ears when he tells me he owns three different versions of that album...
But there's more to top that...
He tells me he owns a lot of unreleased stuff, enough to fill six albums!!!
Of course I asked if it's possible to put it on the FTP.
He smiles and says it's not gonna happen.
CT often uses parts of old unreleased songs to use in new ones.
Once, there will be a moment these song will be released too, he assures me.
I can't help to ask:"So are the Catholics history?"
"No no, I guess not, they definately will be playing together some time, for sure, they're so good as a band, they're amazing."
He tells me it doesn't matter who Chuck's playing with, it's all good.
Nice to see his brother is probably his biggest fan.
He's very proud and is happy to tell about his brother, obviously he's willing to tell me a lot because of the fact it's not hard to see I'm a big fan...
He tells me Charles gave him all the DiscLive recordings, but he didn't have the time to listen to all of them.
Coachella is my favourite, and he says he was there as well...
When his job allows it he's following Chuck where he can.
After staying with friends in Amsterdam he'll travel to London to watch the Pixies' shows.
After that, he will join them in Paris, and even in Japan...
I ask him what kind of job he has, how the hell does he manage to have the time and/or money to join the half of the Pixies tour?
He says he owns a bar, which is quite succesfull, one good man is all it takes to do the job, he says, grinning.
"Quite a good living..."
I ask for the name of the bar, which I forgot already.
According to him, it's already posted somewhere on the forum.
Yep that's right, Frank's brother often reads our posts on the forum...
He's quite positive about the site:"It's a good site, it's so complete, and I really enjoy reading the posts, don't know who runs it though.."
I tell him I believe it's some guy from Canada, haha, referring to Dean with the most posts...
You're from Canada right?
But are you the one who runs the site?
He tells he signed in once, but actually didn't post anything.
"It's good not to spoil the mystery..."
He assures me Charles will be back to post on the forum.
"He likes that a lot"
I tell he him how much it is appreciated by us, the fans, and he says Frank knows that, he knows how we feel to be close to our hero.
Talking about our hero: I asked Errol about The Ring...
"They'll probably get married soon..."
"So it's an engagement ring?"
"I like to call it a promise ring"
I sure like the idea of that.
And now for something completely different:
The Pixies will release an album with new songs!!!
The Pixies will release an album with new songs!!!
The Pixies will release an album with new songs!!!
Yes, that's right.
The Pixies will release an album with new songs!!!
Errol told me he's not easily shocked but he sure was when he listened to those new songs...
So now you know why I referred to a 2005/2006 tour...
Man, I was flabbergasted by these words he told me.
New Pixies songs...
There is a god!

And then I gave him my last cigarette which he enjoyed and went home.

What a day!

Jordi Culé Creative Commons License 2004.05.19 0 0 193
1. David Lovering made an appearance in the this 80s cult classic movie?

2. The Pixies originally played shows under what name?

3. What three colleges did Kim Deal attend?

4. What high school did Black Francis attend?

5. What Puerto Rican city did Frank spend the majority of his time in when he lived abroad?

6. What Pixies album sold the most copies?

7. Wave of Mutilation is on what soundtrack?

8. Bossanova is said to be a concept album of what theme?

9. Who is the topless model on Sufer Rosa’s cover?

10. What was the original title of the Come On Pilgrim demos?

11. Who recorded Come On Pilgrim?

12. Nirvana frequently covered this Pixies song when they played live

13. Who wrote the bass line for “The Holiday Song?”

14. What month and year did the Pixies play their first show?

15. What year did their first gold record go gold?

16. What year was Joey Santiago born?

17. What is the largest venue the Pixies have ever played? (Just a name, not a number)

18. What is Joey Santiago’s preferred brand of guitar?

19. What was Kim Deal’s first car? (make is funny enough, no need for model or year)

20. Kim Deal’s band, The Amps, played their first ever live gig at what venue? (hint: they opened for Sonic Youth)

21. What is the complete English translation of Isla de Encanta?

22. What band accompanied the Pixies on their tour after Doolittle’s release?

23. What career did David Lovering pursue after the Pixie’s breakup?

24. What band did Joey Santiago form after the Pixie’s breakup?

25. What Sufer Rosa song is on the Fight Club soundtrack?

26. What album is “Wild Honey Pie” on?

27. What brand of cigarettes was Joey Santiago famous for smoking?

28. What is the frequency of the pitch of the opening guitar thrill in “Rock Music?”

29. True or False: Frank and Kim never kissed onstage.

30. True or False: The title, Come On Pilgrim, comes from a John Wayne movie.

31. True or False: Black Francis claims to have seen a UFO in Iowa as a small child.

32. True or False: All of the Pixies are bilingual.

33. True or False: The Pixies never once got together to play music during the period of 1993-2003.

34. True or False: Frank Black is a registered democrat.

35. True or False: None of the Pixies have dual citizenship.

36. True or False: Trompe le Monde doesn’t contain a single Bossanova outtake?

37. True or False: Black Francis and David Lovering have never attended a film festival together.

38. True or False: Frank Black accompanied Bono to South Africa in 1992.

39. How many band members were at the Pixies first rehearsal?

40. Who is the oldest member of the Pixies?

41. Who is the youngest member of the Pixies?

42. What is the rumored title of the Pixies forthcoming album?

43. Who recorded Doolittle?

44. What was Steve Albini’s reported fee for recording Sufer Rosa?

45. What does the monkey on the cover of Doolittle represent?

46. What is the longest track the Pixies ever recorded?

47. What year was Manta Ray recorded?

48. What color of shirt does David Lovering always where when playing?

49. What object/animal does David Lovering illuminate during his magic show?

50. What was the last song the Pixies played at their final show in Vancouver?

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.05.15 0 0 192
Jehova, ezt ne hagyjuk szó nélkül.
Előzmény: Szőrös (190)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.05.15 0 0 191
Biztos, hogy sokan olvastátok már, de ez jó.
Annak meg, aki megy koncertre, igéretes.

"Instead, tonight is for the music, which is exactly how it should be with this legendary band. And that music? Well, it's still perfect. Set over a roar of a thousand screaming voices that know nearly every word, the Pixies are buzzing with brilliance and better than you ever imagined they could be. Onstage, Black looks like an older, chubbier, constantly grimacing cousin of Matt Lucas, but he slurs the blues of 'Bone Machine' like a sex god, eeks the lyrics of 'Monkey Gone To Heaven' like an indie prophet, and curls out every note of 'Where Is My Mind?' in the way that makes you forget every other band in the world. Radiofoot? Libertimes? Franz Fernando?"

Szőrös Creative Commons License 2004.05.11 0 0 190
mellé ment, a vamos-ra gondoltam, giganticot komázom
Előzmény: Jordi Culé (189)
Jordi Culé Creative Commons License 2004.05.11 0 0 189
A Gigantic? Nekem sem kedvencem.
Előzmény: Szőrös (188)
Szőrös Creative Commons License 2004.05.11 0 0 188
egyetlen Pixies szám van, amit nem szeretek, és nem elég hogy két lemezen is rajta van, de még következetesen eljátszák mindig
Előzmény: Jordi Culé (182)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!