
Részletes keresés

Giovanna Creative Commons License 2003.08.12 0 0 4652
Mérd meg ,nincs-e lázad!:P
Előzmény: elcondor (4651)
elcondor Creative Commons License 2003.08.12 0 0 4651
Most már bevallhatod,hogy mindig is rajongtál érte,és csak alibiből drukkolgatsz a szőrős latinoknak! :-))
Előzmény: Giovanna (4650)
Giovanna Creative Commons License 2003.08.12 0 0 4650
Borzasztó nem tudok szabadulni Petitektől, képes volt egynapon születni a lánykutyámmal:)


elcondor Creative Commons License 2003.08.12 0 0 4649
Ha TyggeR barátom a gép közelében lenne,sztem már megtette volna,viszont mivel nyaral,így most az Ő és a magam nevében is boldog születésnapot kívánok Petinek,bízva abban,hogy ha már teniszezni nem akar,legalább a topikot olvassa! :-)
forzajuve Creative Commons License 2003.08.12 0 0 4648
Akkor én is kívánok boldog születésnapot!
Mióta nem játszik alig láttam teniszmeccset.
Előzmény: Miranda H. (4646)
Haszika Creative Commons License 2003.08.11 0 0 4647
egyik szemem sír a másik IS :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

minden idők legjobb és legszimpatikusabb játékosa "letészi a lantot"

nem nagyon fogok teniszt nézni ezután, az biztos

Előzmény: zlotyi11 (4640)
Miranda H. Creative Commons License 2003.08.11 0 0 4646
Üdv, tudom, hogy holnap lesz a napja, de holnap nem tudok jönni. Álljon hát itt ma. Pete holnap 32. Boldog szülinapot!
xabi Creative Commons License 2003.07.24 0 0 4645
amit eddig csak sejtettünk, az most bekövetkezett.
nagyon fog(sz) hiányozni Pete!
lightningman Creative Commons License 2003.07.23 0 0 4644
Szeretném, ha idén Agassi nyerné a US Open-t és lenne egy ki-ki meccs az elmúlt korszak legnagyobb riválisai, Agassi és Sampras között. Én láttam pár meccsüket és azt gondoltam mindíg, hogy a történelem legjobb teniszmecsét láttam, de aztán jött a kövekező. Vele azt hiszem meghal a tenisz egy darabja is és őt soha nem lehet majd pótolni.
elcondor Creative Commons License 2003.07.22 0 0 4643
"I've a seven-month-old boy and he's smiling now and it's a lot of fun to see him growing up. Having a routine at home, sleeping in my own bed at night, making breakfast in the morning, that's something I've never had."
Nehezen tudok értelmeset írni,várható volt,h előbb-utóbb eljön ez a pillanat,de mégsem lehet erre felkészülni.Hülyén hangzanak ezek a sorok,mert olyan,mintha egy nekrológot írnék,pedig csak a kedvenc teniszezőm visszavonulása miatt ütögetem a billentyűzetet,aki miatt elkezdtem nézegetni a teniszemccseket,igaz előtte is képben voltam,és Lendlt pl nagyon szerettem,Beckert pedig nagyon nem,de akkor is Pete a NO.1.Valahogy megfogott,h a szédületes tudása milyen szerénységgel párosul,és hogy a legkiélezettebb szitukban is angyali nyugalommal,grimasz nélkül ügyködött a pályán.Aztán volt az a bizonyos lejjebb is emlegett eset,amikor Courier ellen az edzője halála után sírva fakadt,meg amikor Corretja ellen elhányta magát(tudom Giovi igazságtalan volt,meg minden),és rájöttem,h bazzeg ez a fickó ugyanolyan hús-vér ember,mint én,és onnantól végképp a legnagyobb sportemberré nőtt a szememben.Most minek mondjam hiszen minden Sampras vagy más tenisz rajongó így van ezzel,de együtt rohantam vele a rövidítés után,együtt nyújtozkodtam a röpténél,szóval tudjátok,hogy van ez.Á,lehet,hogy semmi értelme siránkozni,hiszen 14 Grand Slam győzelmét senki nem veheti el,és annyi,de annyi csodás emlékkel ajándékozott meg minket,hogy abból még évekig csemegézhetünk.Csak hiányozni fog.Ahogy nyújtogatta a nyelvét a szerva előt,ahogy mostanában a levegőbe csapott egy-egy megnyert fontos pont után,vagy ahogy épp a törülközőbe temetkezett egy-egy kudarc után.
Pete,öregfiú,nagy király voltál,és az is maradsz,köszi mindent,és érezd jó magad a családdal,megérdemled a pihit,Te voltál a legnagyobb!
PETE RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lightningman Creative Commons License 2003.07.22 0 0 4642
Ezzel elvesztette a sportág az elmúlt 15 év legnagyobb alakját és én is a kedvenc játékosomat.
Sajnálom, de remélem azért nem tűnik el teljesen és hallunk még róla. Azért így sorban nagy egyéniségeket vesztünk el: Chang, Rafter, Krajicek, Sampras. Nem hiszem hogy a fiatalok pótolni tudják őket egyhamar főleg a nagyon hasonló játékstílusuk miatt.
zlotyi11 Creative Commons License 2003.07.22 0 0 4641
Sajnálom, hogy nem láthatjuk már játszani de megértem!
Sok sikert neki a továbbiakban is!
Előzmény: zlotyi11 (4640)
zlotyi11 Creative Commons License 2003.07.22 0 0 4640
Ahogyan a tavalyi US Open óta egyetlenegy alkalommal sem lépett pályára, úgy az augusztus 25-én rajtoló amerikai nyílt teniszbajnokságot is kihagyja Pete Sampras. Minden idők legeredményesebb teniszezője úgy nyilatkozott, ezzel befejezi az aktív sportolást, amely egyáltalán nem hiányzik számára.

Az egykori világelső Pete Sampras bejelentette, nem indul az idei US Openen, s minden bizonnyal örökre leteszi a teniszütőt. "Nem leszek ott az Openen idén, mint ahogy nem voltam ott Wimbledonban sem. Nem hiányzik a tenisz, hogy ismét elkezdjem az edzéseket, s végigcsináljak mindent, hogy ismét az legyek, aki szeretnék lenni. Ez az érzés azt mondatja velem, eljött a visszavonulás ideje. Ha már Wimbledonban sem volt kedvem játszani, akkor valószínűleg elérkezett az út vége" - nyilatkozta a 14-szeres Grand Slam-győztes sztár.

Sampras, aki pályafutása során hét alkalommal nyert Wimbledonban, kétszer az Australian Openen és ötször a US Openen, az utóbbi időt kedvenc hobbijának, a golfnak szentelte. Legutóbb a Lake Tahoe-viadalon állt rajthoz, s az NBC televíziónak adott nyilatkozatában jelezte, jó esélyt lát arra, hogy hivatalosan is visszavonuljon.

Érdekesség, miután a US Openen való távolmaradását bejelentette, visszalépett a golfviadal utolsó fordulójától is.

TyggeR Creative Commons License 2003.07.22 0 0 4639

Sampras pulling out of U.S. Open

32-year-old decides its ‘probably time to give it up’
Pete Sampras tells NBC's Mary Carillo that he's happy as a family man and doesn't feel something missing in his life by not playing tennis.

STATELINE, Nev., July 20 — Pete Sampras plans to withdraw from the U.S. Open, opting not to defend his record 14th major title. His last competitive match was the final of the 2002 Open, where he beat rival Andre Agassi. This season, the 32-year-old Sampras has pulled out of a succession of tournaments, including the majors: the Australian Open, French Open and Wimbledon.

WHILE PLAYING AT a celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe this weekend, he told NBC-TV “there’s a good chance” he will officially retire soon.

“Not being at the Open this year, which I’m going to pull out of, and not playing Wimbledon — I don’t miss it enough to really start training, start practicing, doing everything I have to do to be where I want to be,” Sampras said. “So it tells me it’s a sign to say, ’It’s probably time.”’

He’s won seven Wimbledons, five U.S. Opens and two Australian Opens. He hadn’t skipped Wimbledon since 1988.
“I miss it, but it’s time probably to give it up,” Sampras said. “I feel like if I wasn’t going to play Wimbledon then that was probably it for me, so that’s the way it goes.”
He withdrew from Sunday’s final round of the golf event here citing personal reasons, tourney spokesman Phil Weidinger said.

© 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

pedroh Creative Commons License 2003.07.15 0 0 4638

afelől érdeklődnék, hogy Sinisa által közzétett 10 legjobb Sampras meccs megvan-e valakinek vhs-en? nekem ugyanis csak a két Agassi fölött aratott U.S. Open győzelme van (2002,2001), illetve a Becker elleni VB győzelem, pocsék minőségben.

Ha igen, nagyon szívesen adnék kazettát (és videót, ha kell:), mert nagyon régóta vadászom rájuk.

köszi szépen


Előzmény: Törölt nick (4635)
solar44 Creative Commons License 2003.07.08 0 0 4637
Immár 3.szor próbálkozom ezzel az üzenettel, remélem most sikerül.
Gondolom Pete nem csak nekem hiányzott nagyon Wimbledonból.Furcsa érzés, hogy nincs ott a nagy versenyeken, nehéz lesz hozzászokni.Az NBC honlapjáról letölthető egy 9 perces interjú, ebből úgy tűnik, h nagyon boldog családapa, és egy rendkívül kedves és emberi teremtés. Bár ez eddig sem volt titok. A videó az alábbi címről letölthető, szerintem érdemes megnézni.Ha esetleg vki jobban ért a számítógéphez, mint én, elárulhatná, hogy hogyan lehet (egyáltalán lehet-e) ezt a videót vhogy lementeni a saját gépre. Előre is köszi a segítséget. Íme akkor a cím:
Előzmény: TyggeR (4636)
TyggeR Creative Commons License 2003.07.02 0 0 4636
Sampras voted greatest champion

Nothing it seems, stirs Wimbledon's calm waters quite like an argument about the greatest men's champion in the Open era.

The original plan was to allow the commentary team of Pat Cash, John McEnroe, Boris Becker et al decide among themselves a player worthy of the title - but even these great names were flummoxed.

First the rules - you could only choose players from the Open era at Wimbledon, 1968 onwards, and we were looking for the greatest champion - not necessarily the best player.

That 36.21% of you chose 'Pistol' Pete Sampras is no real surprise - the American was the unrivalled champion of the '90s, winning seven titles between 1990 and 2000.

Blessed with a thunderous serve and an immaculate serve and volley game, Sampras was made for Wimbledon, and the tournament rewarded him handsomely.

The majority of you disagreed with three times champion and former BBC commentator John McEnroe, who picked Rod Laver out as his choice.

The Australian won four times in the 1960s, but only polled 5.43% of the vote - which seemed to suggest that most voters were too young to remember him.

Or maybe not - the 'silver surfers' responded to Sue Barker's suggestion that many over 50s weren't exactly computer literate, with a surge of emails, votes and even the odd text.

Eighty-five year old Joan Sutherland from Liverpool said: "I'm clicking away on the Rod Laver button to give his vote a boost," - sadly it wasn't enough.

But at least he didn't fare as badly as BBC commentator Pat Cash, who polled a miserly one percent and came last in the poll.

Last that is, among eight of tennis' all-time greats - most of us can just dream.

Greatest men's champ vote
Pete Sampras - 36.21%
Bjorn Borg - 30.55%
John McEnroe - 12.01%
Boris Becker - 8.35%
Rod Laver - 5.43%
Andre Agassi - 4.71%
Jimmy Connors - 1.63%
Pat Cash - 1.11%

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2003.07.01 0 0 4635
10 best matches(talán)
1. Pete Sampras beat Andre Agassi 6-3, 6-4, 7-5. Wimbledon final, 1999. From 0-40 (on serve), 3-4 in the first set, until early in the third, Sampras played a brand of tennis I have not seen anyone play in the last quarter of a century. "He walked on water," said Agassi.

2. Sampras beat Jim Courier 6-7, 6-7, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3. Australian Open quarterfinals, 1995. "Do it for your coach, Pete," shouted a fan from the stands as Sampras fought to stay in the match in the second set tiebreak. And the normally composed champion broke down. Then, wiping off tears, he slowly got back to business. It was an epic match in which the great man dug deeper than ever before.

3. Sampras beat Alex Corretja 7-6, 5-7, 5-7, 6-4, 7-6. U.S. Open quarterfinals, 1996. The great man was so exhausted in the four-hour marathon dogfight that he stood at the back of the court vomiting early in the fifth set.

4. Sampras beat Jim Courier 6-7, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4, 6-4. French Open quarterfinals, 1996. This was Sampras' finest performance at Roland Garros in the only Grand Slam that has eluded him. To beat a two-time French champion from two sets down was a marvellous effort. It was also Sampras' best chance to win the French Open but he was running on empty in the semifinal against Yevgeny Kafelnikov.

5. Sampras beat Pat Rafter 6-7, 7-6, 6-4, 6-2. Wimbledon final, 2000. In the gloaming, the great man pulled off a minor miracle in front of his parents to win his 13th Slam and beat Roy Emerson's record. Rafter was up 4-2 in the second set tiebreak. It was an emotional moment for the great man.

6. Sampras beat Boris Becker 3-6, 7-6, 7-6, 6-7, 6-4. ATP world championship final, 1996. This was a great tennis match featuring two of the finest serve and volleyers of the era.

7. Sampras beat Goran Ivanisevic 6-7, 7-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2. In his third Wimbledon final, Ivanisevic threw in everything he had, and some more, through four sets before Sampras stamped his authority in the decider.

8. Sampras beat Andre Agassi 6-7, 7-6, 7-6, 7-6. U.S. Open quarterfinals, 2001. Shot for shot, point for point, this was probably the finest hard court match ever played. The tennis was of such extraordinary quality that many oldtimers in the media said it was the best match they have ever watched. Neither man lost serve in this epic.

9. Sampras beat Andre Agassi 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4. U.S. Open final, 2002. Who would have believed this? Who would have thought that after 26 months without a single title, over 33 tournaments, the great man would do it again where it all began in 1990?

10. Sampras beat Petr Korda 6-4, 6-3, 6-7, 6-7, 6-4. Fourth round, Wimbledon, 1997. This was a spectacular grass court match. Korda, one of the finest shotmakers in the game, battled back in great style but the champion of champions prevailed in the end.

TyggeR Creative Commons License 2003.06.23 0 0 4634
nem kombinálod túl, biztosan nagyon benne van az a zakó. mintha félne is kicsit visszamenni, h nehogy megint megalázzák. őt, akinek nevétől annyiszor volt hangos wimbledon.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (4632)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2003.06.23 0 0 4633
Referee Mills feels he may have mistreated champ Sampras

[June 21, 2003 CHARLES BRICKER South Florida Sun-Sentinel] As tournament referee Alan Mills contemplated the first Wimbledon in 15 years without Pete Sampras, there was a sadness in his voice, as well as a lingering fear that he might have had something to do with Sampras' absence here.

"I think putting two and two together, he thought he was badly treated last year and maybe he's a little bit annoyed," said Mills, who had scheduled Sampras' second-round match against George Bastl on an outside court.

"He played his match on Court No. 2 and lost to a lucky loser, which obviously devastated him. You could tell that by the way he was at the end of the match. I hope it's not because of that that he's basically retired," said Mills, who also is the long-time referee at the Nasdaq-100 on Key Biscayne.

It was not unusual for Mills to schedule former champions for a match away from Centre Court or Court No. 1.
"We always try to put top players out there. We had McEnroe, Connors, Henman, Rusedski. ... I think it's a little bit unfair if you keep the same player inside the big courts all the time," he said.

"Pete called to find out where he was playing and I told him. There was no argument. Fifteen minutes later he called back, asking if there was any chance of going indoors, as he called the big courts. I said, `Well, no, the order has been published.' Then his coach (Jose Higueras) came in, which is fair enough. He looked at the four men's matches on the big courts and said he could understand. Pete's match didn't have the attractiveness of the others.

"The way he handled it told me he takes the rough with the smooth, that he's a great sportsman. I will miss him in a personal way."

Listening to Mills, there was a sense that the episode on Court No. 2 last year still weighs heavily on him.

"I hope Pete will come back, because he will be invited back," Mills said.

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2003.06.23 0 0 4632
Én kibőgtem magam,miután elolvastam.Aztán találtam még egy idevágót,a W.-i főmuftival,Mills-szel készült interjút,aki kib.szta a bajnok-ölő kettes pályára tavaly,ahol ki is kapott Bastltól..Na akkor már úgy potyogtak a könnyeim,hogy azt be sem tudtam linkelni..azzal gyilkolták le sztem Petit,amiatt van benne ez a keserű rezignáltság..De azt egy ekkora bajnok mégsem vallhatja be,hogy megalázták akkor,de benne van,és az nem engedi őt újra visszatérni..
Mondegy,lehet megint túlkombinálom,de szégyen-gyalázat,hogy így kellett W.-tól búcsúznia,kilökve egy külső pályára,vereséggel..:((((
Előzmény: TyggeR (4631)
TyggeR Creative Commons License 2003.06.23 0 0 4631
örülök neki... ?(
Előzmény: Törölt nick (4630)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2003.06.22 0 0 4630
End of the road for the king

[June 22, 2003 Sunday times, Andrew Longmore]

Pete Sampras exclusively reveals he has played his last match at Wimbledon and may not even defend his US Open title.

The racket lies in the games room, next to the pool table. Close by stand the trophies, the videos neatly stacked next to the television, the images of a career that is done. Being Pete Sampras, as cautious off the court as he was explosive on it, he will not fully commit to a life without tennis, but in an exclusive interview with The Sunday Times last week, the seven-time champion admitted for the first time that he would not be coming back to his beloved Wimbledon.

"We've got the two biggest events in tennis coming up, Wimbledon and the US Open, and if there was anything in me, that would be enough of a challenge," he said. "But it's not there, it's time for other guys to hold up the trophies. I'm 95% sure I'm stopping."

Sampras can even date the moment the odds slipped beyond his reach. Two months ago, he returned to the practice court at the bottom of his garden in Beverly Hills. It was spring and the inner clock was counting down the days to his favourite time of year. He called his coach, Paul Annacone, and said he wanted to hit some balls again, the first since he won his fifth US Open so dramatically and emotionally
late last summer.

"I knew I had to get my body back in tennis shape if I wanted to play at Wimbledon," he recalls. "I'd been putting off the decision and putting off the decision in the hope that something would come back. I thought I would get back to practising hard because of what the tournament meant to me. For a couple of days we had some good practice down there. But then on the third day, after about half an hour I called over to Paul and said, `Let's sit down for a second'. He knew what was coming. "I said, `This is real, I can't do it'. I just knew my heart wasn't in it. It wasn't my body that felt bad, it was just getting up and going to practice. I enjoyed hitting the balls, the backhands and the forehands, it was the bagful of other stuff that I knew I had to do, all the drills and the fitness.

" I just wasn't where I needed to be. Last year, losing like that (to George Bastl) on Court Two wasn't the way I wanted to go out. I couldn't think of anything worse, but even that wasn't enough to make me go back.

"Then it really hit me that I wasn't going to play Wimbledon. I had to own up to the facts, to the reality of where I was, and that was a huge deal because of what Wimbledon has meant to me. Growing up as a kid, that was where I dreamt of playing and where I dreamt of winning.

"It's no longer a tennis tournament, it has become part of my life and the whole process of not playing there after so long was very hard."

For two weeks, Sampras knew he wasn't going to play; he just didn't know how to tell anyone. He had to pass one further test of motivation. At Christmas, his brother had bought him the video of his seven Wimbledon triumphs, compiled by the BBC: Courier, Ivanisevic, Becker, Pioline, Ivanisevic, Agassi and Rafter. Late one evening, when his young son Christian had gone to sleep, he slipped the video
on for the first time. He wanted to see the final against Andre Agassi, the moment he reached perfection on a grass court.

"I was searching for something," he says. "I wanted to see if that would do anything to inspire me. So I sat there and watched the match against Andre and a little bit of my last final against Rafter, out of curiousity.

"But, actually seeing me play, seeing the mindset I was in, the focus and the concentration, knowing all the work that goes into that, made me pull away even more. It seemed like another age. It made it even more clear to me that my time had gone."

Admitting that to the rest of the world proved a bigger problem, a part of what Sampras calls the "process of retirement". He told Bridgette, his wife, and the rest of his family and discussed what to do with his agent.

In the end, Sampras was sitting at the side of the court, watching the LA Lakers lose to the San Antonio Spurs, when the news leaked out.

"That was an eerie day because people kept coming up to me and asking me about it," he says. "Everyone thought I was going to play, and when I said I wasn't I think they understood what I was going through.

"The public hadn't heard from me for quite a while because I had nothing to say, but once Wimbledon came around it was time to own up. I'd be cheating myself and the tournament to go out there. So the racket went back in the cupboard and that was pretty much it."

So, for the first time in 15 years, the greatest player in Wimbledon history will be absent, on the golf course at the Bel-Air Country Club, maybe, where he regularly challenges Annacone and a group of actors, new friends of his, to a dollar or two a hole.

Curiousity will drive him to switch on the coverage late at night, to check on the progress of his old foe, Agassi, and to glimpse the tunnel vision in Lleyton Hewitt which he once recognised in himself. He was asked to do commentary at Wimbledon for an American television station, but politely declined such an instant and obvious hop over the fence. Too much of his soul would be there on the court.
Yet there will be times over the next fortnight when he will shake his head at the succession of factory-built baseliners masquerading as grass-court players.

Whatever his heart might say, his instinct will remind him that, at the age of just 31, he could beat most of them tomorrow. "I used to lick my chops when I saw someone staying back," he says.

"Look at the top 10 in the world now. I think my game could still stack up against some of these young guys. There's nobody there who can serve you off the court and I never used to worry much about returners, to be honest.

"Last year's final (between Hewitt and David Nalbandian) was a sign of what's to come. Tim Henman's there, he's one of the few natural serve and volleyers, but if he's not in the final, you could have two baseliners again.

"Roger Federer's got a good game for grass, I think, and Andy Roddick has the ability, though it's hard to serve that well every match.

"One of the reasons I was able to win it so many times was that I could play at a high level at Wimbledon with less effort than many of the others. I could just serve and volley some guys off the court and my reputation helped me, there's no question about that. But this year I think it's a matter of who gets hot over the fortnight."

He pauses, contemplating his own absence. "I'll always miss Wimbledon, this year, in 10 years' time, whenever, but I'm not going to come back and play just to say goodbye. People talk about Michael Jordan and his competitiveness in everything, but I don't feel like that. I was competitive at tennis and that's why I didn't want to contemplate a farewell tour or anything, because the only reason I play the game is to win. I've raised the bar over the years, and though it has been tough to touch the same heights over the last couple of years, I still expected to reach certain standards. "Before the last US Open I wanted to win one more major, to prove to everyone that I could do it, to prove everyone wrong. When I won it, I felt kinda empty because I realised I had nothing left to prove, but the day after wasn't the right time to call it a day. I thought maybe it was time to stop, but I wanted to be 100% sure.

"I didn't want to retire and then six months later come back again. The good thing is that I don't have to report to anyone, not an owner of a ball club or a team manager. I'm my own boss and I can make my own decisions."

The statistics define Sampras's status in the game with indisputable accuracy. He has won 14 Grand Slam singles titles, more than anybody else in history, spent more weeks at No 1 (286) than anybody else and
earned more money (just under $44m) than anybody else. His record at Wimbledon : played 70, won 63 (including 53 victories in 54 matches from 1993 to 2000) : is unsurpassed. Yet it will mean as much
to Sampras that Stefan Edberg, a player and a man in his own image, recently nominated the American as the greatest player he'd ever seen.

Nobody at Wimbledon will need any reminding of that essential truth. Sampras made it look so easy, deceptively so. "People misunderstood me, underestimated the amount of work I've had to put into the game," he says. "The game did come pretty easy to me, but for six or seven years I was the man to beat and that has taken its toll. It's nice to see Andre still out there at 33, and I wish him well, but I've burnt more fuel along the way than he has. You have to be in better shape as a serve and volleyer than a baseliner. The arm, the back, the
shoulder; the movements are more explosive. It's like the difference between a sprinter and a marathon runner."

Occasionally, the vague outline of a return to the courts infiltrates the reality of his conversation. He will give it a few more months, he says, before he finally gives up on his motivation. The US Open, and the prospect of defending his title, will be the last chance. Any longer and there will be rust on the wheels. "I feel content," he says quietly. "I never felt like that in my career. It feels good not having the responsibility any more, the travel, the practice, the airports, the lifestyle of a professional tennis player. It's not a bad life at all, but it's a hard life. I've a seven-month-old boy and he's smiling now and it's a lot of fun to see him growing up. Having a routine at home, sleeping in my own bed at night, making breakfast in the morning, that's something I've never had. It'll take time before I'll pick up a racket again, even for a gentle hit. Besides, the strings on the racket have all popped."

Just one thing he wants to know. Why do the players no longer have to bow to the Royal Box? Maybe, I laugh, it's because he's not there.

"That's right," he says, enjoying the idea. "The king is gone."

Haszika Creative Commons License 2003.06.17 0 0 4629
úgy értettem én is;
Előzmény: IVan (4628)
IVan Creative Commons License 2003.06.17 0 0 4628
Az tavalyelőtt volt. Tavaly megnyerte.
Előzmény: Haszika (4627)
Haszika Creative Commons License 2003.06.17 0 0 4627

(hú de sajnálom azóta is h a köcsög Hewitt elverte tavaly az USOpenen:(((((((( k életbe, pedig milyen jól jáccott a döntőig,bazzz

Előzmény: zlotyi11 (4626)
zlotyi11 Creative Commons License 2003.06.17 0 0 4626
Pedig még jó lenne ha egy igazán nagy győzelmet aratna!
Előzmény: elcondor (4623)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2003.06.16 0 0 4625
Sampras says will never play French Open again

[June 14, 2003 Reuters] Pete Sampras says he will never again play at the French Open, the only grand slam tournament he has not won.

The record 14-times grand slam winner, who has not played since beating old rival Andre Agassi in September to win his fifth U.S. Open title, said he had put too much pressure on himself to win in Paris.

"That's that. I won't be seen at Roland Garros anymore," the 31-year-old said in an interview with sports daily L'Equipe on Saturday.

"I did everything I could to win the title, so I am giving it up without regret. I changed my preparation, playing a lot on clay before the French Open, or less, but there was always something wrong," Sampras said. "I came every year for nearly 15 years, I did everything I could to win this title, so I can forget it without having any regrets."

"When I came back to Flushing Meadows last year, everyone thought I couldn't win. Then I did win. So when I beat Andre in the final, it meant something enormous to me.

"I wanted to prove something, that I was still able to win a 14th grand slam tournament," he added.

Sampras said he had planned to return to Wimbledon this year. The American has pulled out of this month's grasscourt event, which he has won seven times, but has not ruled out a possible return.

"If I had made a comeback in the middle of the season, I've have done it at Wimbledon. Two months ago I started training again seriously with the aim of going back to Wimbledon. But it didn't last, my heart wasn't in it any more.
"This decision not to go to Wimbledon was followed immediately by that not to play in 2003, because If I can't motivate myself for the tournament that I put above all the others, it's not even worth thinking about the rest.

"I said to myself: 'What do you have to prove?' And I said 'stop'. I stayed at home, I stopped training. I didn't have any aim, I can no longer have any aim after all that I achieved in my career and what happened in the US Open."

And he admitted he will be tormented about not being at Wimbledon this year.

"When I think about tennis it's usually about Wimbledon.

"At the moment I've no feelings. But the first day of the tournament I know that I'm going to be thinking about it a lot, it will even torment me."

Asked why he did not announce his retirement, Sampras said: "I did not want to close the door for good. I will see at the end of the year if I will quit or not. Maybe in November or December, after more than a year without a competition, I will have the desire to play a few tournaments.

"With a bit of luck, it will be for the US Open or Wimbledon in 2004."

Haszika Creative Commons License 2003.06.16 0 0 4624
mútkor (pár napja) ESPN Classic Sports-on Wimbeldon volt, Pete 6. győzelme:)))

prsze sajna csak összefoglalók voltak, de így is kúl volt visszanézni

elcondor Creative Commons License 2003.06.16 0 0 4623
Ez elég gázos.Egyre kevesebb reményt látok a visszatérésre.
Előzmény: Miranda H. (4622)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!