A gabonakörökhöz való viszonyuk alapján az embereket két csoportba tudom osztani: vannak a szkeptikusok, és vannak, akik hisznek abban, hogy ezek nem ember keze által alkotott dolgok.
"I emailed several questions to the BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES SPACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE based on the thread linked below.
Please see the reply shown below.
Thank you for your interest regarding the prematurely published article in Novinar Daily and Sofia Echo. Firstly, I would like to clarify that SPACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE of BAS is not directly involved in the “Dialogue 2009” experiment, in which myself and my colleagues are currently taking part in. This year, I had the opportunity of putting together a team of experts representing various scientific fields and walks of life. We worked together on a project based on the original work on our own Mrs M.Vezneva, a former architect and correspondence member of IAI. Mrs. Vezneva has two published books containing dictionaries of universal symbols language via which she states that pictograms may be interpreted. In her books, she engages in a dialogue regarding global issues with the crop circles “creators”. It is based on the universal symbols language, I.e. Pcychometry and telepathy. The aim of the “Dialogue 2009” experiment is to carry out a similar dialogue regarding the use of the crop circles but using different participants. We believe that the crop circles are real existing formations from unexplained nature, and that they carry information from alien to us sources. We have already 36 participant replies which we are currently analyzing. Currently, there are facts confirming our initial hypothesis, mentioned above, however we will publish our final thoughts after careful consideration by all team members.
Please let me know if you’d like any further information or if you’d like to take part in “Dialogue 2010” experiment. Thank you!
With kind regards, Prof. Filipov
-------Original Message-------
From: Steve Woods Date: 23.11.2009 г. 23:15:28 ч. To: lfilipov@space.bas.bg Subject: Request verification of News Story
- Show quoted text -
Prof. Lachezar FILIPOV
Space Research Institute Deputy Director on International and National Activities
Secretary of Interdepartmental Commission on Space Research of Council of Ministers Head of Astrophysical and Synergetic Department 6 Moskovska Str. P.O. Box 799 1000 Sofia Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 878 705422;
+359 2 979 34 22 Fax +359 2 981 33 47 E-mails:
I'm not sure what all this means but I thought I should share this info.
"Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation.
Includes spectacular cinematography of the latest, greatest and most up to date Crop Circles and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, experiencers, and the best known, most credible Crop Circle authorities in the world today. Packed with bonus features, expert analyses and an exclusive cinematic archive of the latest and greatest Crop Circle formations ever captured on film. "
Ugyan ezt tette az emlékező vizes topikkal is. Össze-vissza hordott 7-et-havat, és végül, amikor bebizonyosodott, mennyire nem tudja, miről beszél, rámtámadt, hogy szétoffoltam.
Bosszantóan buta, agressszív, és valahányszor bebizonyosodik, nincs érve, igaza, kötekedőbe megy át.
Dehát te várod annyira hogy még külön is kérted.Gondoltam akkor keressük együtt.Hátha találunk már valami érdemlegeset is.Vagy várjuk meg az Akadémiai állásfoglalást ? Sokat segítenél abban hogy kiszürjük a hamis gabonaköröket.Vagy te az összeset annak tartod ?
Szerinted .De ez csupán a te véleményed . A Bulgár Tudományos Akadémia tudósaié viszont más.Ők ugyanis a gabonaköröket komolyan veszik és tudományosan vizsgálják.