Az Ön által felkeresett topic fegyverek, ill. annak látszó eszközök
forgalmazásával kapcsolatos adatokat is tartalmazhat.
Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy csak akkor lépjen be, ha Ön fegyverek forgalmazásával
vagy felhasználásával hivatásszerűen foglalkozik, és a honlap látogatása nem
eredményezi valamely Önre vonatkozó jogszabály vagy egyéb szabályozás
rendelkezéseinek megsértését.
Az Kft. a fórum számára kizárólag tárhelyet szolgáltat, a honlapon
megjelenő információk vonatkozásában szerkesztői felelősséget nem vállal.
Amennyiben megítélése szerint a honlapon jogellenes tartalom jelenik meg, úgy
azt kérjük, jelezze az Kft. mint tárhelyszolgáltató felé.
Tévedtem, itthon van a cucc, nem a laktanyában. Előre is elnézést a terjedelemért, de nem tudom másképp feltenni. Nem másolom be, csak az M16 szériára és a lőszerre vonatkozó megállapításokat. A képek sajna lemaradnak.
Chapter 3. Individual Weapons Section I. M16 Series of Assault Weapons, 5.56mm Ammunition, and Accessories
General discussion:
The US Army executed OIF with three variants of the M16 series of assault weapons: the M16A2, the M16A4, and the M4 Carbine (hereafter referred to as M16 series). The latter two were configured as Modular Weapon Systems in units so equipped. A fourth version, the M4A1, was used by Special Operations Forces but was not encountered by the assessment team.
The M16 series received widespread praise for its durability and reliability. A few soldiers expressed a desire to be able to fire the weapon after pulling it out of the dirt (“like you can do with the AK” was the perception), but there were no trends of poor reliability. This may be attributed in part to the ease of maintenance reported by the soldiers. While keeping the weapons clean in this environment was a continuous requirement it was not considered to be a difficult one.
Most soldiers considered The M16 series to be very accurate regardless of the version used or the sighting system employed. One sniper team spotter employed his M16A4 (equipped with a high powered scope) against targets at 600 and 800 meters with first round hits in each case.
Those units equipped with the Rail Adapter System (RAS) were very happy with its modularity and flexibility of employment. Most units allowed soldiers to place accessories on the Modular Weapon System where they best suited the individual. Some units prescribed weapon configuration in their standard operating procedures. Many soldiers stated that the RAS should be an integral part of the weapon rather than an adapter kit.
In the discussion with field units there were no quality issues with ammunition from the production facility. Consensus of the troops is that this weapon/ammunition is effective for its intended purposes. Ammunition was correctly marked and packaged and there were no incidents of defective materials, damaged or dented rounds etc.
Issues raised by soldiers are detailed below:
Section I. a. M16 Series of Assault
Issue #1: Magazines
Discussion: The majority of the issues experienced with the M16 series rifles in theatre were attributable to the magazines. Most problems reported occurred from loading the M16 series magazine with 30 rounds. One problem was that the magazine is difficult to seat in the weapon with the bolt closed and the magazine tends to spread apart at the top, increasing the difficulty with insertion. Most soldiers relieved these problems by loading less than 30 rounds. One soldier recommended 25 rounds to ease the math associated with ammunition status. No one complained about the reduced capacity.
Recommendations: In the short term, advise the AOR to fill magazines with a maximum of 28 rounds and provide units with magazines issued with RFI. In the long term, the quality and the design of the M16 series magazine must undergo review. Combat Developers should consider whether 30 rounds per magazine are operationally required.
Issue #2: Sling
Discussion: Sling requirements generally fell into two categories: a combat sling that keeps the weapon at the ready when hands free, and a carrying sling that keeps the weapon out of the way during support tasks. Many different commercial slings were present among the units in theatre.
Recommendations: Provide the soldier a tactical sling that provides the capabilities addressed above and attaches to the load carrying system and field through RFI.
Issue #3: M4 Basis of Issue
Discussion: The M4 is by far the preferred individual weapon across the theatre of operations. Units that don’t have it want it. Mechanized infantry units requested the M4 due to the cramped conditions of the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle and the house-to-house, room-to-room, Urban Operations missions frequently conducted. Combat Support and Combat Service Support soldiers described the difficulty of performing their MOS-specific missions while wielding the longer M16. This was especially true for drivers of all vehicle types. Frequent mounting and dismounting during convoys and engaging targets from within the vehicle (i.e. security halts) underscored the need for the shorter weapon.
Recommendations: Near term replace the M16 with the M4 as the standard issue weapon. Long term develop a more compact rifle that fulfills the needs stated above.
Issue #4: Distribution of Back Up Iron Sight (BUIS)
Discussion: Many units equipped with the M68 Close Combat Optic did not have the BUIS. As a result, many soldiers retained the carrying handle on their M16A2s and mounted the M68 in front of it and/or attached the carrying handle to the RAS. This is clearly less than optimal. Some units purchased commercial back up sights with varying degrees of satisfaction (i.e. Knight’s Armament).
Recommendations: Increase production of the BUIS and accelerate its fielding so that every M68 equipped weapon has a BUIS as soon as possible and/or as part of RFI.
Section I. b. M16 series rifle ammunition
Issue # 1: Dim Tracer
Discussion: The units interviewed expressed the need for leaders to have the ability to employ Dim Tracer. Leaders said they would like to have the capability of directing fire and engaging targets without presenting a visible signature of their location and where they want the fire to be concentrated. The units say this goes hand in hand with them owning the night.
Recommendations: In the near term, define the requirement and conduct an engineering study for 7.62mm and caliber .50 dim tracer technology applicability to 5.56mm. In the far term, develop 5.56mm dim tracer ammunition, if appropriate.
Issue # 2: Armor Piercing Round
Discussion: Units interviewed expressed the need to have an armor piercing round so that they could engage material and light skinned vehicular targets at long ranges.
Recommendations: The M995 armor piercing round has been typed classified and is a standard inventory item that units can order. Ensure wider notification of field on availability of the M995 and specifically notify the AOR as soon as possible. Make the munitions available for immediate issue in the AOR.
Issue # 3 Lethality
Discussion: There have been many engagements with the M855 spanning ranges from 10 feet to 250 meters against soft targets (non-armored individuals) during OIF. Observations from the field cover many different responses from “I shot him in the gut and he ran away”, “I had to put multiple rounds in him to stop him”, to “I shot him in the chest and he went down” and “I shot him in the head and he dropped on the spot”. There are many different views on the lethality of this round ranging from the need for a heavier bullet (the need for more stopping power), to “We have no complaints with the M855 ammunition. It is satisfying the operational need.” One brigade of soldiers interviewed made a very interesting statement concerning the lethality of the M855. Their focus groups indicated that based on proper target acquisition with the improved M68 (CCO), shot placement, basic rifle marksmanship, and firing controlled pairs they were very satisfied with the round’s performance/ terminal effects.
Recommendations: A Government Lethality IPT has been stood up to standardize GEL block testing and an engineering study will be conducted extensive, soft target terminal effects of COTS and military 5.56mm ammunition. The characteristics of each bullet terminal performance will be determined. Based on requirements and using the engineering information, a new round should be type classified and made available.
Issue # 4: Indented Primers
Discussion: There were a high number of indented M855 primers in OIF. Operationally each time a cartridge is chambered in an M16 Series Rifle or M4 Series Carbine, a slight indentation is made on the primer. This is caused by contact of the free-floating firing pin against the cartridge primer as the bolt closes. This is a function associated with normal operation of the weapon. While this may not cause a problem for rounds fired after only one chambering, it is very common for the chambered round to be ejected unused and reinserted into magazine. For example, infantry soldiers returning to their Bradley must clear their weapons before mounting the vehicle. The same round may endure multiple strikes over the course of a mission. It was observed that the indent is more pronounced in the M4 than in the M16. It is unclear at this time what effect this has on the ammunition’s performance but it is clear the psychological effect is negative. There is a fear that the round may accidentally discharge after too many chamberings. Others fear that the round will be rendered a dud after too many chamberings. Units have attempted to deal with this issue by rotating the ejected cartridges within the magazine, a time consuming burden they should not have to endure.
In discussions with weapons experts it was found that the Army conducted tests to investigate the effects of multiple detents on 5.56mm ammunition. Standard issue cartridges were repeatedly chambered and ejected up to 100 times each, at ambient conditions, at 150 deg F and using weapons infiltrated with sand. No slam fire, or accidental discharges occurred. However, cartridges are not intended to be repeatedly re-chambered as this may de-sensitize the primer and/or deform the body of the cartridge case sufficiently to cause misfires. The potential for a misfire may occur in as few as 10 to 20 lock and load cycles of the same cartridge. No misfire occurrences were directly observed from indentations but soldiers relayed some occurrences of accidental discharges when going through the clearing procedures and one soldier experienced a misfire – from a round cycled through the chamber numerous times. Further testing is planned to more accurately quantify these conditions and establish the need of a Maintenance Advisory Message (MAM).
Recommendations: In the near term, publish a Ground Precautionary Message to the field detailing the issue with a recommended interim solution (maximum safe chamberings). In the mid to long term, the engineering community should determine the cause of the indenting, and its effect on the ammunition.
Hat sztem meg a "minden ellenseges katonanak egyenei vedoeszkoze lesz kezifegyverek ellen" teoria csunyan bebukott.
A PDW-koncpecio halott, a kiskaliberu panceltoro pisztolyoszer meg MUhahaaaa.
A nyugati hadseregeknek JELENLEG joreszt olyan "terroristak, lazadok, szabadsagharcosok stb" ellen kell harcolni (azsia, afrika), akiknek esetleg cipoje sincs, csak egy rozsdas AK-ja.
A katona egyeni lofegyvere sztem NEM soft-armored celok ellen valo.
Arra ott kell lenni a geppuskanak, nehezgeppuskanak, granatvetonek, rokettanak stb.
"Recon, nekem csak az az egy (elméletre alapozott) fenntartásom van a kis űrméretű lőszerrel (legyen akár keleti, akár nyugati 5,xx mm-es), hogy egyre terjednek az ilyen vagy olyan ballisztikai védelmek. Még a legutolsó hátsó-akárholisztáni terrorista/szabadságharcos csapat is rájön lassan, hogy vaslemezeket aggasson az autóira, körbehomokzsákozza a bázisát, satöbbi. Szimmetrikus konfliktus esetén meg ott lehetnek a gyári védőmellények, sisakok. Ezek ellen egy 7,62 mm-es AK nem hatékonyabb, mint egy 5,xx mm-es M-16 (M4) vagy AK?"
Erre majd a nálam képzettebbek talán tudnak érdemi magyarázatot adni. Én úgy emlékszem, hogy az 5.56 célja az volt, hogy súlyos sérülést okozzon, ami nem csak a sérültet, de az őt segítő, fedezékbe húzó társait is kivonja egy időre a harcból. Akkor természetesen még nem igazán voltak elterjedve a védőmellények. Aztán a '90-es években megcsinálták a green tip lövedéket, aminek nagyobb volt az átütő ereje (erről Szléjer és Gvass biztos sokkal többet tud mondani). Irakban és afganisztánban is voltak negatív példák arra, hogy a célpont nem bukott egy lövéstől, azt hiszem ezért csinálták meg a Colt rendszeren alapuló 6.8 mm-es karabélyt, aminek sokkal jobbak a paraméterei. Ha nem felejtem el, akkor holnap hazahozom a laktanyából azt az irományt, amit tavaly készítettek irakban 1000 harcoló katonát meginterjúvolva az összes rendszeresített ami kézifegyverről és bemásolom ide az M4-re vonatkozó részt.
Recon, nekem csak az az egy (elméletre alapozott) fenntartásom van a kis űrméretű lőszerrel (legyen akár keleti, akár nyugati 5,xx mm-es), hogy egyre terjednek az ilyen vagy olyan ballisztikai védelmek. Még a legutolsó hátsó-akárholisztáni terrorista/szabadságharcos csapat is rájön lassan, hogy vaslemezeket aggasson az autóira, körbehomokzsákozza a bázisát, satöbbi. Szimmetrikus konfliktus esetén meg ott lehetnek a gyári védőmellények, sisakok. Ezek ellen egy 7,62 mm-es AK nem hatékonyabb, mint egy 5,xx mm-es M-16 (M4) vagy AK?
Volt pár éve valamelyik Haditechnikában cikk a jövő katonai kézifegyvereiről, ahol elemezgették az akkor (és a technika gyors fejlődésének bizonyítékeként ma is...) fejlesztés alatt álló szuperfegyvereket, OICW és társait. Valami olyat írt az író, hogy az 5,56mm-es cső egyetlen indoka, hogy el kell lőni a raktárból a legyártott készleteket, de a ballisztikai védelmek miatt gyakorlati haszna semmi. Az író 12,7 mm-es űrméretű egyéni fegyverekről álmodott... OK, ez egy író egy véleménye, de lehet benne valami.
Az FN FAL (L1A1) ismereteim szerint eléggé megbízható cucc volt, jó sokan is rendszeresítették. Leginkább a súlyát és lóbaszó méretét kifogásolták, illetve azt,hogy a sorozatlövő változatok az erős NATO lőszer miatt kontrollálhatatlanok voltak. De öntöltőben igencsak jó puska volt, mégha feleslegesen erős lőszert is tüzelt. Persze egy Botswanai helyében Én inkább örülnék,hogy nagyobb hatótávolságú fegyverem van, mint az ellenségnek, akinek mondjuk egy AK-ja van...
Külön bosszantó az, ahogy Gvass is említette,hogy a NATO lőszerre áttervezték, mivel eredetileg a köztes német lőszerre készült a fegyver! Utána az angol .280?-asra és után lett NATO lőszerre áttervezve.
De miután soha nem találkoztam ezze a vassal, így nem tudok saját tapasztalatokról beszámolni :-(
"Ahogy lecserélnék a legkevésbé sem praktikus, benzinzabáló Dodge/Chevy/Ford SUV/pickup-jaikat monduk egy alacsony fogyasztású, nagyságrendekkel megbízhatóbb japcsi verdára? ;-)"