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Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.15 0 0 482
Boldog itt,de mégis elmegy!

Congratulation van Gaal!

A JÓ ÉDES KURVA ANYÁDAT,még találkozunk te ....!

Előzmény: Kis_Joe (481)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.15 0 0 481
Kluivert: "It will be difficult that they transfer to me without my agreement"

The Dutch forward Patrick Kluivert does not know nothing clearly his future. The goleador recognizes that this worried about the arrival about Goes Gaal and by the rumors on their possible crossing, although notices that if the Barça wants to sell to him it must count on his opinion. Patrick Kluivert assures in his page Web that "the draftee of Goes Gaal causes in a my mixture of emotions. I am contented since he is a man that I know and that has palmarés important, but also preocupaco because its appointment has left some questions me without responding ". With respect to his future and to the rumors on his possible crossing, the Dutch forward is full: "To my clun not yet has said nothing to me, but obvious he is not pleasant to read the news where it says that my future in the Barça is uncertain. The only thing that I can say is that to the Barça it will be difficult to him to sell to me without my agreement. And I already have said often that I do not want to go to me since I am happy in Barcelona. I understand that they want to make money to make new draftees, but I am not a businessman. And right now I do not want to play in any other site. I would like to speak personally with Go Gaal to know what thinks with respect to my ".


zar Creative Commons License 2002.05.13 0 0 480
Hello,Kluivert nagyon tekinikás játékos,ebben az évben ő volt a csapat lelke.

Nem szabad őt eladni,maradjon és lője tovább a góljait!

Előzmény: Kis_Joe (479)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.13 0 0 479
HA elmegy Klui a Barcából,akkor lekell venni a címert!

francba,ez qrva jóó!

puszulj ván Gál!

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.06 0 0 478
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.06 0 0 477


Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.06 0 0 476
besten spiler in this WORLD!!!

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.06 0 0 475
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.06 0 0 474
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Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.06 0 0 471
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.06 0 0 470
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.05 0 0 469
Kluivert, sanctioned by another act of indiscipline

Rexach wanted to punish to the Dutch leaving him in the bench before Madrid, but the injury of Rivaldo forced to change to him of plans. The forward went to Milan two days when he was injured and he skipped three sessions of recovery

The truth is that the technicians blaugrana must make authentic embroider of bobbins to control to some members of the group. Rexach had in mind to give rest to Rivaldo in Vigo so that totally it was rested for the party before the Madrid of the Camp Nou. Nevertheless, the sudden loss of Kluivert, after suffering itself of annoyances in their left knee that before took place one week after hitting Rochemback, forced Charly to change totally of plans and to summon to Rivaldo. Decision that in the end was fatal because brasile.o finished the injured party and could not play before Real Madrid. But the worse thing does not finish here, since Kluivert before carried out days to its sudden fall of the list an indiscipline act that Barcelona thinks to punish very severely. He is that the forward the past had the medical statement of release from duty from Thursday 11 of April because of already commented entrance of Fabio. The Dutch had to go late ma.ana and to recovery with the purpose of being to point for Vigo, that gambled nine days later. Nevertheless, the forward decided by itself and without requesting permission to the club to leave two days to Milan, where peculiarly he was his intimate friend Cococoncentrado with the selection, when he had to follow his process of recovery. From the 15 of April in the evening to the 17 by the ma.ana, Kluivert skipped three sessions of recovery. This attitude hers was reprobated by the specific weights of the group, that recriminated their action to him and still more after to have been outside in Vigo. Although the most gotten upset it was Rexach, that it had predicted to leave in the bench the day him of Madrid in the Camp Nou, but the injury of Rivaldo forced new changes of plans. Let us hope that this denunciation from the CQC serves to him like fuze to vindicate in the Bernabéu with ' hat trick'.

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.05 0 0 468
Kluivert, sancionado por otro acto de indisciplina

Rexach quería castigar al holandés dejándole en el banquillo ante el Madrid, pero la lesión de Rivaldo le obligó a cambiar de planes. El delantero se fue a Milán dos días cuando estaba lesionado y se saltó tres sesiones de recuperación

La verdad es que los técnicos blaugrana tienen que hacer auténtico encaje de bolillos para controlar a algunos miembros de la plantilla. Rexach tenía en mente dar descanso a Rivaldo en Vigo para que estuviera totalmente descansado para el partido ante el Madrid del Camp Nou. Sin embargo, la repentina baja de Kluivert, tras resentirse de unas molestias en su rodilla izquierda que se produjeron una semana antes tras chocar con Rochemback, obligaron a Charly a cambiar totalmente de planes y convocar a Rivaldo. Decisión que a la postre fue fatal porque el brasileńo acabó el partido lesionado y no pudo jugar ante el Real Madrid.

Pero lo peor no acaba aquí, ya que Kluivert protagonizó unos días antes a su caída súbita de la lista un acto de indisciplina que el Barcelona piensa castigar muy severamente. Resulta que el delantero tenía la baja médica desde el pasado jueves 11 de abril por culpa de la ya comentada entrada de Fabio. El holandés tenía que acudir mańana y tarde a recuperación con el fin de estar a punto para Vigo, que se jugaba nueve días después. Sin embargo, el delantero decidió por sí solo y sin pedir permiso al club marcharse dos días a Milán, donde curiosamente estaba su amigo íntimo Cococoncentrado con la selección, cuando tenía que seguir su proceso de recuperación. Desde el 15 de abril por la tarde hasta el 17 por la mańana, Kluivert se saltó tres sesiones de recuperación. Esta actitud suya fue reprobada por los pesos específicos de la plantilla, que le recriminaron su acción y más aún tras haber quedado fuera en Vigo. Aunque el más enfadado era Rexach, que tenía previsto dejarle en el banquillo el día del Madrid en el Camp Nou, pero la lesión de Rivaldo obligó a un nuevo cambios de planes.

Esperemos que esta denuncia desde el CQC le sirva como espoleta para reivindicarse en el Bernabéu con un 'hat trick'.

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.05 0 0 467

Kluivert: "It is necessary to take advantage of the great moment Saviola"

Recovered already of his injury, Patrick will return to the equipment in the shock before the Celta of the next Saturday. The incognito is to know, again, who will remain in the bench. Right now it seems difficult to seat to Saviola. It will be, then, Rivaldo, Overmars, Kluivert?

Patrick Kluivert does not discard to the Barça in the fight by the title of League, in spite of recognizing that the company is very difficult, and honors that the blaugrana equipment must take advantage of the great moment Saviola, to that describes as impressive. The Dutch, that did not play before the Native of Alava by a contusion in its left leg, has commented on the options of Barcelona in Liga that "is very difficult, although now better we are located. It is not the same situation that when we go first or seconds, but we will try it ". For want of four days, the Barça is quarter to six points of the Valencia, five of Real Madrid and four of the Sport one: "we already said that we played seven end and now are left four. It is important to have gained Sunday and against the Celta it will be another end. It is necessary to demonstrate that we are strong, is very important also for the party against Madrid ", is this Patrick. PRAISES To SAVIOLA Kluivert, on the other hand, has praised to Saviola, that thinks that it has demonstrated to be in a while "impressive" after to have marked five goals in the three parties. "we have seen all It, has ense.ado that he is in a while impressive and it is necessary to take advantage of it", has assured the blaugrana forward, who is convinced that he and the Argentinean they are not incompatible. "we have already played and perfectly we can play together, each one looks for its site where to be able to play", it has finalized.

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.05 0 0 466
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.05 0 0 465
Kluivert will be sold to file to a ram

Several are the rams with which it has contacted the blaugrana organization facing ańo next, although will only arrive one. The list is ample: Hernán Crespo, Shevchenko, Jardel, Viduka, Go Nistelrooy, Cissé, ˇMorientes! they could arrive… and Kluivert would go away.

The blaugrana technical secretariat knows clearly that the equipment needs a ' killing one áreá facing the next season and, for that reason, is going to do all the possible one to contract it. Nevertheless, the great problem is that a goleador resisted in the market is worth much money and the Barça, indeed of money, does not walk very well. Thus the things, the only possibility that some of the operations takes shape that the organization or has open is to propose an exchange ' cleaned (that is to say, without money) to a club in exchange for its player or to offer a certain amount of money and to ańadir to supply one or several soccer players to try to reduce the price that asks for the origin club.

And in these it is the Barça. The blaugrana club has been put in contact with several organizations to communicate its interest in contracting its forward and, in return, it offers to Patrick Kluivert.


Many are the forwards who the Barça has in portfolio, but at the moment diligences by some have only begun, assumes that by first of the list. The one that sounds more is the Argentinean Hernán Crespo (Lazio). From Italy one makes sure that the leaders culés have already offered near 25 million euros more Kluivert to convince Sergio Cragnotti, proprietor of ' societá Roman.

Also from Italy the news that arrives the Barça tries to the ucraniano of the Milan Andrei Shevchenko, that it would have via free leaving after the arrival of the Tomasson Danish. Nevertheless, the ' rossonerí solicits between 65 and 70 million euros to let to him march, a prohibitive number for the coffers blaugrana. In any case, it is explained that Gaspart will speak next Thursday with Galliani to treat this subject and the one of the lateral Coco. Kluivert also would enter the supply.


The last name appeared in the press is the one of the Dutch of the Manchester United Ruud Van Nistelrooy, to that saw Friday in acompańado Barcelona of the very same Gaspart. In England one says that the Manchester United would only accept its march in case that they arrived Kluivert or Rivaldo and is speculated on with the possibility that both clubs were negotiating an exchange on great scale Verón-Rivaldo and Van Nistelrooy-Kluivert.

But the candidates do not finish here. According to some British mass media, the Australian end of the Leeds Mark Viduka could finish in the Camp Nou in exchange for Overmars. Other that it plays in the islands and that also interest the blaugrana club is Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, of the Chelsea, a goleador guaranteed by Louis van Gaal. Finally, it has been spoken lately of Cissé (Auxerre), Jardel (Sporting of Lisbon) and from Madrid one scores at ˇMorientes!

Geci real!!

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.04 0 0 464
Maradj itt Klui!
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.30 0 0 463




Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.30 0 0 462


Cocu :ĐĐĐ


Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.30 0 0 461

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Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.30 0 0 456

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.29 0 0 455
Újabb gólt lőtt a Villa ellen,a felsőbe bombázta!
Szerdán viszont AGYBA-FŐBE kell verni a realt!!!




Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.22 0 0 454



Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.20 0 0 453
Javier Saviola

Na,akin múlhat a mai meccs!

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!