Curiosa Festival 2004 (West Palm Beach, Tampa, Antioch, Atlanta, New York, Camden, Cinncinati, Cuyahoga Falls, Columbia, Mansfield, Toronto, Clarkston, Tinley Park, Dallas, Spring, Englewood, Salt Lake City, Chula Vista, Phoenix, Carson, San Francisco, Sacramento) és An Evening with The Cure (Everett, Monterrey, Mexico City)
Sept. 6th, 2004 - Mexico City, Mexico (Sports Palace) Lost, Labyrinth, Fascination Street, From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, A Night Like This, The End Of The World, (I Don't Know What's Going) On, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Pictures Of You, Closedown, Lullaby, Like Cockatoos, Before Three, A Strange Day, One Hundred Years, Never, The Promise 1st Encore : M, Play For Today, A Forest, Forever 2nd Encore: 39, Bloodflowers 3rd Encore: The Lovecats, The Walk, Let's Go To Bed, Why Can't I Be You? 4th Encore: Taking Off, Friday I'm In Love, Boys Don't Cry 5th Encore: Going Nowhere
egy igen korai számnak nem tudom a pontos címét, ebben kérném a segítségeteket. A kalóz CD-n Save the Children van feltüntetve, viszont szövegkörnyezet alapján See the Children szerintem. Szerintetek?
Sept. 5th, 2004 - Mexico City, Mexico (Sports Palace) Plainsong, Shake Dog Shake, The Figurehead, A Night Like This, The End of the World, Anniversary, Lovesong, Push, Inbwetween Days, Just Like
Heaven, Sinking, Us or Them, Maybe Someday, Before Three, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, alt.end, One Hundred Years, Disintegration
1st encore: 39, Bloodflowers, The Promise
2nd encore: The Drowning Man, Charlotte Sometimes, Primary, Faith
3rd encore: The Walk, Let's Go To Bed, Why Can't I Be You?
4th encore: Grinding Halt, Boys Don't Cry
Sept. 4th, 2004 - Mexico City, Mexico (Sports Palace) Lost, Plainsong, Labyrinth, Fascination Street, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, A Night Like This, The End of the World, Lovesong, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Jupiter Crash, Pictures of You, Siamese Twins, Before Three, alt.end, One Hundred Years, Disintegration, The Promise 1st Encore: 39, Bloodflowers 2nd Encore: M, Play for Today, A Forest 3rd Encore: Close to Me, Lovecats, Why Can’t I Be You 4th Enconre: Three Imaginary Boys, Fire In Cairo, Grinding Halt, 10:15 Saturday Night, Boys Don’t Cry. "Mexican people was very very loud.. making unforgettable chorus (the keyboard part in play for today was simply incredible). Robert seemed so happy as I´ve never seen him before. Roger was interacting with the audience through all the last set. Everything was just beautiful. "
Sept. 2nd, 2004 - Monterrey, Mexico (Monterrey Arena) Lost, Plainsong, Labyrinth, Fascination Street, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, The End of the World, Lovesong, Push, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Jupiter Crash, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Before Three, alt.end, Disintegration, One Hundred Years, The Promise
1st Encore: M, Play for Today, A Forest
2nd Encore: 39, Bloodflowers
3rd Encore: Close to Me, Lovecats, Why Can’t I Be You
4th Enconre: Three Imaginary Boys, Grinding Halt, Boys Don’t Cry, Going Nowhere
Show was 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Úgy emlékszem, indokként Perry hozzáállását említette, aki ezt az egészet írta, de szerintem nem kell túl sok jelentőséget tulajdonítani ennek a pletykának.
Szerintem csak félreérthették a minapi poénját, amikor azt írta a kezére egy TV fellépésnél, hogy "4 hire" (~ munkát keres). A turnén adott egyik nyilatkozatában is egyértelműen azt mondta, hogy nem lép ki akkor sem, ha a következő albumnál is az általa utált Ross Robinson lesz a producer, amit valószínűsít.
Már arról is olvastam, hogy Robert ki akarta rúgni Perryt a Coachella után, de előtte megvitatta Simonnal a dolgot, és ő lebeszélte róla. Szerintem: totál faszság.
Arról szintén olvastam, hogy Robert felkérte Porlt, hogy jöjjön vissza a Cure-ba. Ezt el bírom képzelni, de a tényleges visszatérésének csak Roger vagy Perry kilépése esetén lenne értelme. És azt gondolom, max. az előbbi fenyeget, bár remélem, csak szórakozik, és maradnak így, ahogy vannak.
Aug. 31st, 2004 - Everett, Wa. (Everett Events Center) Lost, Plainsong, Labyrinth, Fascination Street, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, The End of the World, Lovesong, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, Jupiter Crash, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Before Three, alt.end, Disintegration, One Hundred Years, The Promise 1st encore - The Drowning Man, Charlotte Sometimes, Faith 2nd encore - 3 Imaginary Boys, Grinding Halt, Boys Don't Cry 3rd encore - M, Play for Today, A Forest 4th encore - 39, Bloodflowers 5th encore - Why Can't I Be You?