
Részletes keresés

czila1 Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 598
Előzmény: Törölt nick (597)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 597
jó, ne írj
Előzmény: czila1 (596)
czila1 Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 596
nem kell
Előzmény: Törölt nick (595)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 595
írni kell
Előzmény: czila1 (594)
czila1 Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 594
Sok a duma, hogy előzöm + így Wertit?????
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 593
nehéz lemosni
Előzmény: ragtapasz (592)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 592
tetkó tovább tart
Előzmény: Törölt nick (591)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 591
naponta, mert hamar kopik
Előzmény: ragtapasz (590)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 590

ne már, ez nem igaz

alapvetően nincs veled baj, csak fested magad

Előzmény: Törölt nick (589)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 589
szinte semmire
Előzmény: ragtapasz (588)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 588
akkor hol nincs? mire vagy empatikus?
Előzmény: Törölt nick (587)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 587
szinte mindenhol, csoda, hogy még egyben van
Előzmény: ragtapasz (586)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 586

hol a lyuk?

Előzmény: Törölt nick (585)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 585
az empátiám szintén
Előzmény: ragtapasz (584)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 584
az lyukacsos
Előzmény: ripsz (583)
ripsz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 583
ementáliról már hallottam
Előzmény: ragtapasz (582)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 582
Előzmény: ragtapasz (581)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 581
nem neked mondtam, ripsznek (vagy ropsznak?)
Előzmény: spacetime hedgehog (580)
spacetime hedgehog Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 580
ennél nagyobbat nem volt szívem idetenni
Előzmény: ragtapasz (579)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 579
nagyobb empátiát!
Előzmény: ripsz (578)
ripsz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 578
ez nem hiányzott
Előzmény: spacetime hedgehog (577)
spacetime hedgehog Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 577
khm (közhelymagyarázat):

Adam feeling like a fool drives up the dark, winding canyon
road. As he nears the top of the canyon the residential area
gives way to desert brush. The road winds steeply up to a
dark dead end where an old barn and stable sit. Adam parks in
a little dirt lot and walk up past the barn to the corral.
His eyes grow accustomed to the dark and he.looks about. No
one is around. There's only a light wind and a few twinkling
stars in the sky above. Suddenly some bare bulbs hanging from
the corral gate flare up. Adam hears a noise in the
brightness and turns. There walking toward him into the light
is the Cowboy - dressed in clean blue denim jeans, well-oiled
unscuffed, beautifully engraved cowboy boots, a red
embroidered ivory buttoned cowboy shirt complete with string
tie. Atop the Cowboy's head is a 10 X white Stetson. The
Cowboy is smiling warmly as he approaches. He stops in front
of Adam and begins to speak with a true, slow Western drawl.


Howdy to you.

Beautiful night.


Sure want to thank ya for drivin' all the
way up to see me from that Beverly Hills

No problem. What's on your mind?

Well now, here's a man who wants to get
right to it. Kinda anxious to get to it
are ya?


A man's attitude ... a man's attitude goes
some ways toward how a man's life will
be. Is that somethin' you agree with?


Now... did you answer cause you thought
that's what I wanted to hear or did you
think about what I said and answer cause
you truly believe that to be right?

I agree with what you said...truly.

What did I say?

That a man's attitude determines to a
large extent how his life will be.

So since you agree I guess you could be a
person who does not care about the good

How's that?

Well, just stop for a little second and
think about it. Will ya do that for me?

Okay, I'm thinking.

No. You're too busy being a smart aleck
to be thinkin'. Now I want ya to think
and quit bein' such a smart aleck. Can ya
do that for me?

Look ... where's this going? What do you
want me to do?

There's sometimes a buggy. How many
drivers does a buggy have?


So let's just say I'm drivin' this buggy
and you fix your attitude and you can
ride along with me.


Now I know a few things. I know you have
had a rough day. You're probably thinkin'
I don't know the half of it, but in
actual fact I know every part of it. The
business of gittin' thrown off your
movie, the heartache of seeing your wife
with another man... losin' access to that
precious film vault...

Adam suddenly looks stunned, unsure.

COWBOY (cont'd)
... realizin' you don't have hardly a
nickel to your name and then add on to
that the sickenin' feeling some men are
gonna catch you and hurt you bad for
bustin' their vehicle. Some days are like
that. They are rough, but what will
tomorrow bring? Will it be better than
today? The same ... or worse?
A lot of that is up to us individually.
Up to us and our attitude. When the
Castigliane brothers said "This is no
longer your film," they meant it, but
they didn't mean you were not going to
direct it. I want you to go back to work
tomorrow. You were re-casting the lead
actress anyway ... audition many girls for
the part. When you see the girl that was
shown to you earlier today, you will say
" This is the girl." The rest of the
cast can stay- that is up to you, but
that lead girl is not up to you. Now,
you will see me one more time if you do
good. You will see me two more times if
you do bad. Good night.

The Cowboy turns and walks until he is engulfed in darkness.
Through the darkness Adam hears the sound of a car door
opening and closing, then another opening and closing and
then the sound of the car driving away. Adam walks up in the
direction the Cowboy took, but he sees no sign of a car nor
any dust nor any road. He goes back down past the barn and
stables to his car. There standing by his Porsche is the

COWBOY (cont'd)
You thinkin' this'll work out, cause I
was thinkin' it just might.

It will work out.

Good then, but, just in case, that bank's
gonna stay closed a bit longer. You
understand that?

I understand.

You're an understandin' fella.

So, this is the last time I see you then
unless I do bad?

No, this one doesn't count. It's part of
the original one. So then ... until we meet


Adam gets in his car and drives off leaving the Cowboy
smiling behind him.
Előzmény: ragtapasz (576)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 576

milyen következmény?

Előzmény: spacetime hedgehog (575)
spacetime hedgehog Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 575
kh: mindennek következményei vannak
Előzmény: ragtapasz (574)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 574
l. 572 hsz összetett mondat 2. és 3. része
Előzmény: spacetime hedgehog (573)
spacetime hedgehog Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 573
tehát azt is megtehetem, hogy nem nevetek meg senkit
Előzmény: ragtapasz (572)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 572
nyugodtan megnevezhetsz bárkit, elvégre ez a te topikod, itt azt teszel, amit akarsz
Előzmény: spacetime hedgehog (571)
spacetime hedgehog Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 571
meg még sokakat, akiket itt nem nevezek meg
Előzmény: ragtapasz (570)
ragtapasz Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 570
azokat is, meg azokat, akik képesek fraktálvírusokat előállítani
Előzmény: spacetime hedgehog (569)
spacetime hedgehog Creative Commons License 2006.08.14 0 0 569
akkor inkább a vírusmarketingeseket
Előzmény: ragtapasz (568)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!