A vermonti szenátor - aki nemrégiben arról beszélt, hogy büszke a zsidó gyökereire - most direkt egy, a zsidó szavazókat megcélzó videóval állt elő - olvasható a Neokohn vasárnapi cikkében. Ebben azt mondta: „Nagyon büszke vagyok arra, hogy zsidó vagyok, és várom a pillanatot, hogy én legyek az ország történetének első zsidó elnöke".
Igen, ebben minden benne van. És a legszebb, a legcsodálatosabb, ahogy ez a zavaros, becstelen, vén kommunista seggfej bebújik hirtelen önmaga zsidóságába, hirtelen nagyon aggódik a zsidókért, akiket Trumptól félt, s eközben szövetségeseinek nevezi a mai Amerika két feketeöves antiszemitáját, a két elviselhetetlen, anarchista, szélsőbalos gazembert, Rashida Tlaib-ot és Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-t.
As I’ve said for over a month, the key to any chance of removing Trump is John Bolton. Last night the NYTimes ran a bombshell story: Bolton has written in his upcoming book that Trump told him last August he’s denying Ukraine its aid until they announce they’re investigating the Bidens. BOOM. That’s it. Demand Bolton testify. The Republicans resume their sham trial in 55 minutes.
Bolton attorney claims draft manuscript was improperly accessed
Bolton's attorney Charles Cooper submitted a draft manuscript of the forthcoming book to the National Security Council on December 30, 2019, he said in a statement Sunday.Cooper said he submitted the manuscript on Bolton's behalf despite "our firm belief that the manuscript contained no information that could reasonably be considered classified."Cooper also comes close to confirming the accuracy of the Times report, alleging that the "prepublication review process has been corrupted" and that "information has been disclosed by persons other than those properly involved in reviewing the manuscript."Bolton's attorney also provided CNN with a copy of the letter he sent to the National Security Council's senior director for records management. In the letter, Cooper suggests that the NSC official assured him that "the sole purpose of prepublication security review is to ensure that SCI or other classified information is not publicly disclosed."Cooper provided the manuscript to NSC with the understanding that "the process of reviewing submitted materials is restricted to those career government officials and employees regularly charged with responsibility for such reviews." (CNN)