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Katasztrófa jöhet az amerikai elnökválasztáson
Komócsin Sándor, 2020. március 8. vasárnap, 19:08
- Joe Biden elnökjelölt-aspiráns látványos sikere az amerikai demokraták előválasztási csatáiban elfedi a tényt, hogy a 77 éves politikus nincs már szellemi képességeinek teljes birtokában - figyelmeztet egy publicista ünneprontó elemzésében. Ez óriási kockázatot jelent, különösen, ha végül őt választanák az USA elnökének.
The New York Times - 2020 March 09 - Monday
Lisa Lerer and Reid J. Epstein -
Within hours of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s exit from the race, a departure that left the party facing a primary battle between two septuagenarian white men, prominent Democrats began publicly insisting that the ticket include a woman, preferably a black woman.
A vocal segment of the party argues that the vice-presidential slot must go not just to any woman but specifically to a black woman, given the crucial support African-American women have given to the Democrats in recent elections. Over the past three years, the overwhelming backing of black women helped the party recapture control of the House and flip Senate and governor’s seats in deep-red states like Louisiana and Alabama.
“African-American women have been the most loyal supporters of Democratic candidates,” said Representative Barbara Lee of California, a former chairwoman of Ms. Harris’s campaign. “It’s time we have an American-American woman as vice president.”
Nikema Williams, the Democratic Party chairwoman in Georgia, put it simply: “A black woman on the ticket is the margin of victory.”
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic Senate leader, is particularly focused on the idea, arguing that such a pick could help unite the party after a divisive primary, according to people who have spoken with Mr. Schumer.
Mr. Schumer isn’t the only party official intrigued by the idea of putting a black woman on the ticket. Some close to Mr. Biden are urging him to pick a nominee who could protect his support among black voters, whose strong support has helped him capture the lead in the primary race.