Stephen Hendry's manager says the seven-times world champion owes a debt of gratitude to the baggage handlers who broke his old cue.
The Scot's stick was broken during transit in August, prompting fears he would find it hard to reproduce the form that had made the best player the world has seen.
But he won the Brighton Open in his first tournament with his new cue and is on the verge of a place in the final of UK Championship in York.
Now his manager, Ian Doyle, says losing the cue, which many experts believed was sub-standard, could be the best thing to happen to the world number two.
"I think Stephen should seriously consider getting a present for those baggage handlers because they've done a wonderful job," said Doyle. "A number of people said he should have got rid of his old cue years ago.
"What pleases me now is that he's applied himself with the new cue and is really enjoying his snooker again."
Én amilyen bolond vagyok,tuti hogy bambulni fogom a boardot.:)
Most viszont lépek,mert 4-kor tenisz,és már 2 napja nem aludtam egy szemernyit sem..
Szióka,jó éjt!
dehogyis Hendryt, monjuk már kezdek megbarátkozni vele, régebben nem volt szimpatikus, de már látom nem olyan rossz ember :)
ja az nem is lenne jó, hideg a víz, nagyon könnyen megfázik az ember:D
holnap szerintem én nem követem livescoreon a meccset mer csak felidegesíteném magam, inkább 22körül megnézem mi lett a vége