
Részletes keresés

Ciani Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1783
Go Jimmy go!

Már megint szuper a hangulat, kár, hogy nem ez a döntő (ott a vadász űzött vad lesz :-)).

fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1782
Arra, de ez csak alamizsna volt!:))))
Előzmény: appius (1781)
appius Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1781
szerintem meg zseniális volt, ha az utolsó pirosra gondolunk:)) Hajrá Jimmy!
Előzmény: fighting (1780)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1780
Hát hogy ez megint mekkora mák volt!:(((
Előzmény: fighting (1779)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1779
Meg is van.:)))
Előzmény: fighting (1778)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1778
S rögtön egy Jimmy hiba, érik a 2-1!:)))
Előzmény: fighting (1777)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1777
Végre elkezdték!
Előzmény: fighting (1776)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1776
Euro meg mondjon le, hogy ezt nem láttuk.:((
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1775)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1775
De hogyan!!!!!!!
138-as bréééééék!!!!!
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1774)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1774

19-69 (62)

De mindjárt egyenlít Ronnie...

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1773
Még nem is kezdték el..
Előzmény: sajtosrud (1772)
sajtosrud Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1772
Na most irjak 20:45tol lesz csak.
Előzmény: fighting (1770)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1771
Most írták csak 20:45-től lesz!:(((
Előzmény: fighting (1770)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1770
Basszus ne már.
Miért nem snooker lesz!?:(((
sajtosrud Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1769
Mi a szar van miaz a sifutas 20:10tol ott alul?
sajtosrud Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1768
Sajnos ez fizetos ugy tunik.
Pecsen meg nincs az UPC kabelen BBC:(
Előzmény: Zombie (1767)
Zombie Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1767
esetleg itt, RealOne playerrel.
Zombie Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1766
nalunk UPC kabel van, es jon a BBC World.
Előzmény: sajtosrud (1763)
Justice Dr. Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1765
a fenébe itt csak BBC Prime van.
na mindegy én úgyis csak Oxford Englishben vagyok jó. ;))
Előzmény: Zombie (1762)
Justice Dr. Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1764
jaa, Ronnie nagyon népszerű játékos hozzá lehet szokva, hogy álltalában neki drukkolnak többen, de ez ma este nem így lesz. :) kiváncsi vagyok, hogy tudja majd kezelni.
csak nehogy a szurkolótáborok is összemérjék majd az erejüket. :))
Előzmény: sajtosrud (1760)
sajtosrud Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1763
Nezni kene de BBC world ez micsoda?
Jon UPC kabelen?
Előzmény: Zombie (1762)
Zombie Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1762
akit erdekel:

BBC World
Extra Time
Ronnie O'Sullivan, Champion Snooker Player, with Rob Bonnet

Fridays @ 21.30 GMT
Saturdays @ 01.30; 07.30; 11.30 GMT
Sundays @ 23.30 GMT
Mondays @ 09.30 GMT

en ma delutan lattam, feloras interjumusor, foleg NEM snookerrol. Ronnie nem eppen Oxford English-t beszel, szoval ovatosan ;-)

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1761
Még egy adalék a Masters-hez:

Snooker body defends table

World Snooker has responded to criticism from the players about the quality of the table at The Masters.
Several players have complained about the cloth and cushions, prompting organisers to take the table apart on Wednesday but problems have persisted.

World Snooker defended the playing conditions at Wembley.

"The playing conditions currently provided and the materials in use and the best to be found anywhere in the world," said its statement.

"We are proud to work with the finest suppliers of all products related to the manufacturing of snooker tables.

"In a letter from the WPBSA on 25 November 2003, all main tour players were informed that an expert research and development team had initiated a thorough technical investigation into all aspects of playing conditions on tables.

"The results of the first stage of this process were stated in the letter. The investigation is ongoing with the intention to resolve any remaining issues.

"We fully support the excellent work carried out by all parties associated with the production of tournament tables."

The players have been unhappy throughout the week with unpredictable bounce off the cushion and the unusual playing of the cloth.

"The table's unplayable," said Jimmy White after his match against Hendry on Wednesday.

"The cloth needs to be changed, it's like fighting with a ripped glove."

Hendry added: "The cushions were too fast and it was quite heavy for screwing back. Maybe it was because the atmosphere was damp."

sajtosrud Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1760
Erdekes lesz ez az esti meccs ebbol a szempontbol is.
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1759
Visszatérve a Jimmy-tábor zajongásaira:

Crowd mars White win

White won a nervy battle
Jimmy White hit out at unruly members of the Wembley crowd after his 6-4 win over world number three Stephen Hendry.
Frequent shouts were heard from a pro-White crowd at key moments during the contest prompting the Englishman to call for offenders to be thrown out.

"The crowds were a bit loud and there was one woman who didn't stop talking all game. Once you sling a couple out, the rest behave," said White.

"I get great support here, but this is a bit embarrassing."

White claimed his first Wembley win over Hendry in seven attempts.

A break of 54 gave him the first frame, but a fluked red set up Hendry for a 97 break, and he won the next to go ahead.

White restored parity only for a 101 break to put Hendry in front, but a missed pink saw White make it 3-3 and he edged a nervy seventh for 4-3.

Mistakes came as the pressure grew but White held his nerve and a break of 51 helped him clinch the vital frame.

Afterwards, White apologised to Hendry for the conduct of the crowd.

"You can't blame everyone for four or five people but Stephen's a total gentleman who doesn't deserve that."

And Hendry said: "Every year we get the same interruptions and nothing's done about it, so it's part and parcel of playing at Wembley.

Table comes under fire

"You have to take it as a compliment. They only boo because you're a threat.

"But that's not an excuse. I lost because I missed a pink for 4-2 that I could pot with my eyes shut."

In response to the Wembley crowd trouble, the game's governing body issued a statement saying they planned to beef up security measures.

"The importance of security is paramount to the organisers of all professional snooker tournaments," read the statement.

"This incident will be considered as par of a wider security review applying to the professional circuit.

"One particular spectator today caused unacceptable disturbance and was warned she would be required to leave the arena if this was repeated.

"She caused another disturbance at the end of the ninth frame and security staff agreed she should be ejected from the arena and escorted out of the venue.

"The 10th frame had started by this stage and rather than interrupt the match she was ejected at the end of the frame which was the last of the match."

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1758
A döntőre már csak kicsípi magát Ronnie is!:))
Előzmény: sajtosrud (1757)
sajtosrud Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1757
A donto egyben hajdivatbemutato is lesz mar latom:))
Meg kell mondjam nagyon puritan mostanaban Ronnie azzal a nehany par filleres hajcsatjaval:)
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1756)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1756
Az egyik Mester:

fighting Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1755
Most már csak Ronnienak kell behúzni a kötelezőt!:))))))
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1753)
Justice Dr. Creative Commons License 2004.02.07 0 0 1754
gratula Paulnak!
este Ronnietól is vmi hasonlót!

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!