
Részletes keresés

az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 -2 0 24760

Nem kell amerikának, nem is érdemlik.


Ez a szerencsétlen amerikás magyar itt ékes példája az önzésüknek, butaságuknak, agymosottságuknak.


Csak azt csodálom hogy Lincoln, Teddy R, Kennedy, FDR kellett nekik...

Előzmény: Törölt nick (24758)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 -2 0 24758

Nem hirdetett államosítást, vagy hasonló böszmeséget. Általános állami egészségbiztosítás -  emberiség elleni bűntett és az állami nyugdíjpénztár mellett a világ egyetlen piramisjátéka, , ahova nem bepalizzák az embert, hanem hatalmi erővel bekényszerítik. Ingyenes felsőoktatás, nem csak a tehetséges, jól tanuló  rátermetteknek, hanem mindenkinek. Azokat nyúzták volna meg  a legjobban adóemelésekkel, akik elvileg kedvezményezettjei lettek volna - alsó és középső középosztály.  Nem beszélve az oktatás és az egyetemi polgárok színvonalának leromlásáról.  De mindkét téma kaput.

Előzmény: Törölt nick (24754)
az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 -2 0 24757

Only Joe





az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 -2 0 24756

véd idióta aparácsik! a fogalmakkal se vagy tisztában..

Előzmény: Törölt nick (24754)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 0 2 24755
Előzmény: Törölt nick (24752)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 0 2 24754

Hapsikám, kaptál hülyét?


Összemosod a szociáldemokráciát a demokratikus szocializmussal.

Ez utóbbi volt Sanders mániája.

Előzmény: Törölt nick (24752)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 -1 1 24752

Jót röhögtem, a DK-hoz köthető Nygati fény portál lekommunistázta Bernie Sanders vermonti szenátort, aki kiszállt a demokrata párti előválasztásból. Egy skandináv szocdem párt balszárnya, vagy annak mezsgyéje.  Politológusok, történészek, közdazdászok hülyét szoktak kapni, ha összemossák a kommunizmust és a szociáldemokráciát, de az amerikai és a magyar politizáló közvélemény - eltérő okok miatt - hajlamos rá. Magyarorszáőgon minden  parlamenti párt szocialista és a a Jobbikot, LMP-t leszámítva tele vannak kisebb, vagy nagyobb érintettséggel, de pártállami múltú káderekkel.

az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 -1 0 24750

All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

An unfinished compendium of Trump’s overwhelming dishonesty during a national emergency








Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 0 2 24748

6 Biden Lies About Trump's COVID Response

1. President Trump called coronavirus a hoax

Editing President Trump out of context is Democrats’ favorite way to exploit this national emergency for political purposes. Biden’s campaign took two separate statements made by the president at a rally to make it look like he said, “Coronavirus, this is their new hoax.” If you go through the transcript of the president’s statements that night, it is clear that it never happened. President Trump rightfully said the politicization of the crisis is a hoax, just like the Russia witch hunt and the impeachment charade. The Washington Post even awarded Biden four Pinocchios for manipulating the video. But President Trump never said, and never would say, the disease itself is a hoax.

2. The Trump administration rejected WHO coronavirus test kits

 During the March 15 presidential debate, Biden asserted the Trump administration “refused to get coronavirus testing kits from the World Health Organization,” while attacking the president for his handling of the COVID-19 response. The truth? WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said, “No discussion occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States.” How could President Trump reject something that was never offered?

3. Trump eliminated entities responsible for global health security and biodefense

On March 19, Biden tweeted, “The Obama-Biden Administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like COVID-19. Donald Trump eliminated it.” This characterization, however, completely distorts what happened. After President Trump took office, the NSC established the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which included global health and biodefense. Tim Morrison, who ran the new directorate, claimed this change made America’s biodefense response even stronger.

4. Trump made no effort to get medical professionals to China

 At the end of March, during an interview with Anderson Cooper, Biden said, “You should get into China and get our experts there. We have the best in the world. Get them in so we know what is actually happening. There was no effort to do that.” However, on January 6, the Trump administration began offering to send a CDC team to China, one week after China publicly acknowledged the virus. On January 7, the CDC set up its coronavirus incident management system before the first death was reported and while China was still claiming there was no evidence the virus could spread from human to human. And on January 8, CDC representatives visited Wuhan.

5. Trump told governors they were on their own in getting medical equipment

During a CNN town hall, Joe Biden said President Trump told governors they were on their own in getting medical equipment. The problem? That’s not what the president said. Although many liberal news outlets ran with the first half of President Trump’s quote, “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” the second half of the quote clearly said, “[The federal government] will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.” Biden knew about the entire quote nine days before he repeated the lie on national television.

6. Trump slashed the Centers for Disease Control budget

During an interview on ABC’s “This Week” in early March, Joe Biden asserted. “They’ve cut the — the Centers for Disease Control. They’ve cut the funding for — they’ve tried to cut the funding for NIH, the National Institute of Health.” He recently doubled down on his argument on Twitter. It’s important to note, however, that the Obama administration tried to cut the CDC’s budget five out of its eight years in the White House. In reality, the CDC’s budget is 7% larger now than under President Obama’s final years in office.

History proves Joe Biden’s failed pandemic responses. While he likes to tout his leadership with handling the 2014 Ebola crisis for how he would lead the country through COVID-19, many former Obama officials have said Biden was not at the center of the Ebola response. Additionally, during the 2009 H1N1 crisis, administration officials repeatedly had to walk back false or misleading statements Biden gave about the virus.

There is no good reason for Joe Biden to consistently lie to the American public. Perhaps it’s more of his senior moments that prove he has no concept of reality. Or maybe it’s just a failed attempt to stay visible during this crisis.

No matter the rationale, Biden continues to remind voters every day that he is unfit to be president.

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 0 2 24745


Előzmény: az igazi bubbles (24744)
az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.10 -2 0 24744
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.09 0 2 24742


Te pancser.

Előzmény: az igazi bubbles (24738)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.09 -1 1 24736

jókai bableves Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 0 2 24729

A f...m fog veled ezen vitázni.

Sírj nyugodtan tovább.

Előzmény: az igazi bubbles (24728)
az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -1 1 24728

Bullshit, senki sincs a pénzénél.

Előzmény: jókai bableves (24726)
jókai bableves Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 0 2 24727

Ha befogta volna a pofajat nem igy allnanak a dolgok.




Mert te ott Canadában tudod, hogy hogy állnának a dolgok.

Valld be, hogy Brenievel megint rossz lóra tettél, s igy megy ez 20 éve.

Az USA-nak nem kell egy komi.

Pancser vagy és politikai analfabéta.

Na és kibitz.

Előzmény: az igazi bubbles (24725)
az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24724

Minel tobbet beszel most, a demiknek jo..


o dolga kopinger ewtars.

Előzmény: jókai bableves (24723)
jókai bableves Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 0 2 24723

Kerokibitz a POTUS nem tesztel, a doktorok tesztelnek.

Te faß.


Előzmény: az igazi bubbles (24721)
jókai bableves Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 0 2 24722

Nem lesz Joe kormány.


Egyetlen demokratára tudnék szavazni, ha indulna: Mark Cuban.

Előzmény: az igazi bubbles (24720)
az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24721

When the president had his oil baron buddies tested but a regular normal person cannot get tested somethings stinks to high heaven.

jókai bableves Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 0 2 24719
az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -1 0 24718
az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24717

Chaos rocks Trump White House on virus' most tragic day

az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24715


Előzmény: martinaxe7 (24712)
martinaxe7 Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24712

Friss takony


Majd kiszárad...

az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24710


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was named the recipient of this year's Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. The award, which has been called the Nobel Prize for public figures, is given for an act, or a lifetime, of political courage.

In a statement, Caroline Kennedy called Pelosi "the most important woman in American political history."






az igazi bubbles Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24709
martinaxe7 Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24708

Lemondott az amerikai haditengerészet elsőszámú civil tisztségviselője, Thomas Modly haditengerészeti miniszter. Modly azért távozott, mert hatalmas negatív visszhangot kapott, amiért hülyének nevezte a Theodore Roosevelt repülőgép-hordozó volt kapitányát egy legénységnek tartott beszédben - írja a CNBC.

martinaxe7 Creative Commons License 2020.04.08 -2 0 24707
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.04.07 0 2 24706

On the other hand:


WASHINGTON – Stephanie Grisham stepped down as White House press secretary to return to the East Wing as chief of staff to first lady Melania Trump, according to a White House statement Tuesday. 

Grisham spent less than a year in the post without ever holding a news briefing. Her predecessor, Sarah Sanders, scrapped the regular briefings that had been customary to the job throughout Republican and Democratic presidential administrations dating back to Herbert Hoover's, according to historian Martha Kumar. The first televised news briefings took place under Bill Clinton's administration.

Grisham is expected to begin her role with the first lady immediately, according to a statement from Melania Trump that announced the change. Grisham's replacement will be announced in the coming days. Grisham said she would remain in the West Wing "to help with a smooth transition for as long as needed."

The East Wing statement said the first lady's previous chief of staff, Lindsay Reynolds, resigned this week to spend time with her family. 


Grisham has been absent from the administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak, self-quarantining after coming into contact with members of a Brazilian delegation who tested postive for COVID-19 at the president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

The announcement comes amid a staff shake-up at the White House, which includes President Donald Trump's new chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and last week's departure of deputy communication director Jessica Ditto.


Az Index is sok CNN-t olvas.

Előzmény: martinaxe7 (24701)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!