Szivarvanyos kemek, szovicc - hiszen az egesz ugy egy vicc - mielott a trollok belekotnek, mert nem ertik
Mar a CIAnal is ezt apropgandat nyomjak...
even a simple product rebranding announcement can spark a ridiculous culture war between clashing political factions, fandoms, and hot-headed Twitter users.
But the CIA (of all entities) managed to temporarily unite the internet in mockery and condemnation, after their new social media campaign, “Humans of CIA,” evolved into an accidental comedic masterpiece.
The campaign, intended to boost diversity at the agency, is being accused of both weaponizing progressive language, and catering to the “woke masses,” seemingly confirming the worst fears of the right and left.
The derision was sparked by an advert which features a Latina intelligence officer named Mija, who proudly declares herself “a cisgender millennial, who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.”
As she strides, in slow-motion, through the corridors of power and oppression, she admits to once having suffered from “imposter syndrome,” but now refuses to “internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can, or should, be.”