Earlier, during the 1000's, Hungary had taken over most of what is now northern Romania. This area, called Transylvania, had many Romanian people. But it did not become part of Romania until the 1900's.
World War I was fought from 1914 to 1918. Romania remained neutral at first. But in 1916, it joined France, Great Britain, and the other Allies in their fight against the Central Powers (chiefly Austria-Hungary and Germany). Romania wanted to gain Banat, Bukovina, and Transylvania--three provinces of Austria-Hungary that had large Romanian populations. The Allies won the war, and Romania received the territories it wanted as part of the peace settlement. As a result, Romania about doubled in size and population. For the first time, Romania's territory included almost all the land where large numbers of Romanians lived.
Romania's economic problems caused many people to seek new leadership in the early 1930's. The Iron Guard soon became a strong authoritarian movement. Its followers were fascists who sought to destroy Romania's government and establish a dictatorship. This group used terror against its political opponents and blamed Communists, Jews, and liberals for Romania's problems. King Ferdinand died in 1927, and his son Carol became King Carol II three years later. The popularity and power of the Iron Guard grew during the early years of Carol's reign. Fearing a loss of his own authority, Carol made himself dictator of Romania. He outlawed the Iron Guard and all political parties.
World War II began in Europe in September 1939, as a struggle between Germany and the Allies--a group of nations led by France and Great Britain. Romania remained neutral at first. By June of 1940, Germany had gained a great military advantage over the Allies. Germany allowed Hungary to take northern Transylvania from Romania. The Soviet Union took part of northeastern Romania. Bulgaria took territory in the southeast. The territorial losses turned the people against King Carol, and he gave up his throne on Sept. 6, 1940. Carol's son Michael became king, but Premier Ion Antonescu ruled. Antonescu cooperated with Germany, and German troops occupied Romania in October. Romania then joined the war on the side of Germany.
By August 1944, the tide of the war had turned against Germany. King Michael then overthrew Antonescu, and Romania joined the Allies. The war ended in 1945, and the Allies took northern Transylvania from Hungary and returned it to Romania. The Soviet Union and Bulgaria kept the Romanian territory they had taken
From the 10th century the Magyars spread into Transylvania and by the 13th century it was an autonomous principality under the Hungarian crown. In the 14th century Hungarian forces tried unsuccessfully to capture Wallachia and Moldavia.
Throughout the 14th and 15th centuries Wallachia and Moldavia offered strong resistance to Ottoman Empire expansion. During this struggle the prince of Wallachia, Vlad Tepes (known as the Impaler, because he rarely ate a meal without a Turk writhing on a stake in front of him), became a hero; he later became associated with Dracula. Transylvania fell to Ottoman control in the 16th century, and after this Wallachia and Moldavia paid tribute to the Turks but retained their autonomy. In 1600 the three Romanian states were briefly united under Mihai Viteazul, prince of Wallachia, after he joined forces with the ruling princes of Moldavia and Transylvania against the Turks. Unity lasted only one year, after which he was defeated by a joint Habsburg-Transylvanian force, and then captured and beheaded. Transylvania came under Habsburg rule, while Turkish suzerainty continued in Wallachia and Moldavia until well into the 19th century. In 1775 the northern part of Moldavia, Bucovina, was annexed by Austria-Hungary. This was followed in 1812 by the loss of its eastern territory, Bessarabia, to Russia. After the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-29, Ottoman domination over the principalities finally came to an end.
After 1848 Transylvania fell under the direct rule of Austria-Hungary from Budapest, and ruthless Magyarisation followed. In 1859 Alexandru Ioan Cuza was elected to the thrones of Moldavia and Wallachia, creating a national state, which was named Romania in 1862. Carol I succeeded him in 1866, and in 1877 Dobruja became part of Romania.
Romania was declared a kingdom in 1881, with Carol I as king. He died at the start of WWI and was succeeded by his nephew Ferdinand I who, in 1916, entered the war on the side of the Triple Entente. His objective was to liberate Transylvania from Austria-Hungary. In 1918, Bessarabia, Bucovina and Transylvania became part of Romania.
After WWI, numerous political parties emerged in Romania, including the Legion of the Archangel Michael, better known as the fascist Iron Guard. Led by Corneliu Codreanu, this party dominated the political scene by 1935. Carol II, who had succeeded his father Ferdinand I to the throne, declared a royal dictatorship in 1938, and all political parties were dissolved. In 1939 he clamped down on the Iron Guard (which he had previously actively supported) and had Codreanu and other legionaries assassinated. In 1940 the USSR occupied Bessarabia, and Romania was forced to cede northern Transylvania to Hungary by order of Germany and Italy. Southern Dobruja was also given to Bulgaria. These setbacks sparked off widespread demonstrations, and the king called in General Marshall Ion Antonescu to help quash the rising mass hysteria. Antonescu forced Carol to abdicate in favour of his 19-year-old son Michael, and then imposed a fascist dictatorship with himself as conducator (leader). In 1941 he joined Hitler's anti-Soviet war. In 1944, with the Soviet Union approaching Romania's border, Romania switched sides.
A jelenlegi Kolozs megye területén az emberi élet legrégibb nyomai a neolitikumból származnak.Ebben a korszakban jelentos társadalmi fejlõdés ment végbe, amit a megyénkben végzett régészeti feltárások is meggyõzõen bizonyítanak. A Bácsi-toroki telep például , mai ismereteink szerint, az ország legrégibb csiszolt-kõkori leletegyüttese. Új szakaszt nyitott az emberi társadalom fejlodésében Dáciának a rómaiak által való elfoglalása. A dáko-román népesség továbbélését a IV. és az V. században az ebbõl a korszakból fennmaradt Plugarilor utcai központi temetõ leletei bizonyítják. A dáko-románok szomszédságába számos vándornép telepedett le az idõk során, az apahidai és aranyosgyéresi leletek tanúsága szerint. A középkorban a gyulafehérvári székhelyû független erdélyi vajdaság keretén belül 7 vármegye közül kettõ itt alakul: Doboka vármegye és Kolozs vármegye-( 1164-bõl és 1177-bõl maradtak fenn a legkorábbi õket említõ írásos dokumentumok). Az utóbbi Fehér vármegyébõl válik ki a XIII-XIV-ik században, s ez a feudalizálódási folyamat felgyorsulását hozza magával Kolozsváron.
A királyság támogatja azoknak a hûbéri vármegyéknek a hatóságait, amelyek a helyi közigazgatási és politikai egységet képviselik. Ezek közé tartozik Kolozs vármegye, illetve másik három: Doboka vármegye (székhelye Doboka), Torda vármegye (székhelye Torda) és Alsó-Szolnok vármegye (székhelye Dés). Kolozsvár virágzó várossá fejlõdik ki a XV-ik században, a régi kolozsmonostori castrum, a Napoca városra ráépült falu és az itt létesített kolostor (XII:sz.) körül kifejtett élénk kereskedelmi tevékenység következtében.
A középkori Torda az antik Potaissa nevû település szomszédságában születik újjá. Sóaknái fontos gazdasági tényezõként hatnak a város életére, létezésükrõl az 1075-ös évbõl maradtak fenn írásos bizonyítékok. A középkorban fejlõdik várossá Dés is, róla a legkorábbi feljegyzések 1214-ból származnak. 1337-ben fórumként muködik: szabad vásártere van a sóaknák közelében, a Kis és Nagy Szamos összefolyásánál. Kolozsvár Erdély autonóm fejedelemségének idején, a török hûbéruralom alatt a legjelentõsebb gazdasági, politikai és kulturális város marad, annak ellenére, hogy a principátus székhelye Gyulafehérvár. A XVII-ik században Erdélyt bekebelezi a Habsburg-birodalom. A XVIII század vége és a következõ század eleje a román országok történetében a hûbéri relációk bomlásának kezdetét és a kapitalizmus megjelenését jelentik. A 1848-as szabadságharcot követõen Kolozsváron is élénk kapitalista fejlõdés indul. Az addig mind társadalmi, mind nemzeti szempontból elnyomott néptömegek harcának eredményeként 1918-ban megszûnik az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia, Erdélyt pedig egyesítik Románia másik két provinciájával. A román történelem másik meghatározó momentuma 1944 augusztus 23, amikor a Bukarestben aláírt szerzõdések értelmében Erdély északi részét is sikerül Romániához csatolni. Kolozsvárt 1944-ben szabadítják fel a szovjet és román csapatok a fasiszta diktatúra alól, s azóta is az ország egyik legjelentõsebb városa, Erdély politikai és közigazgatási központja, 1968-tól pedig Kolozs megye székhelye.
De hasonlóan mutatják be pl. külföldieknek szóló utikönyvekben. Ott pl. ilyeneket olvastam:
1870től nagy fejlődés indult meg, utak és vasút épült, de ez együtt járt Erdély elmagyarosításával.
II VH története dióhéjban az, hogy a magyar megszállás alatt a zsidókat és a cigányokat mind kivégezték, míg romániában csak táborba zárták őket. Vaamint Horty diktátor volt. És Máramarosban legyilkolták a románokat.