Vase Number 1021 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record LEKYTHOS Date 525 BC to 475 BC Attributed To Manner of: THESEUS P by FOLLMANN Decoration PYRRHIC, WARRIORS DANCING, YOUTH IN CHITON PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Hannover, Kestner Museum: 1966.31 Publication Record Jahresbericht Kestner-Museum, Hannover: 1965-66, 310, NO.38 (PART) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: HANNOVER, KESTNER-MUSEUM 1, 33, PL.(1654) 22.6-8 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Ceccarelli, P., La pirrica nell'antichitΰ greco romana : studi sulla danza armata (Pisa, 1998): PL.5.1 (BD)
Vase Number 340803 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Sub Technique WHITE GROUND Shape Record LEKYTHOS Date 525 BC to 475 BC Attributed To GELA P by HASPELS Decoration BD: MAENADS DANCING, ONE PLAYING PIPES, ONE WITH TORCHES, SATYRS, ONE SQUATTING Current Collection 1: Hamburg, Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe: 81 Current Collection 1: Hamburg, Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe: 1899.96 Publication Record Mercklin, E.v., Fuhrer durch das Hamburger Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe II, Griechische und Romische Altertumer (Hamburg, 1930): 29-30, NO.81 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: HAMBURG, MUSEUM FUR KUNST UND GEWERBE 1, 43-44, PLS.(1995-1996) 29.7, 30.1-3 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Haspels, C., Attic Black-figured Lekythoi (Paris, 1936): 210.100 Publication Record Ballheimer, R., Griechische Vasen aus dem Hamburger Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe (Hamburg, 1905): 21, NO.5 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 214.100 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 119
Vase Number 300836 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record PYXIS Date 575 BC to 525 BC Attributed To CF: BURGON GROUP by BEAZLEY Decoration WOMEN, ONE WITH WREATH, DANCING, DRAPED MAN PLAYING PIPES, WREATHS SUSPENDED Current Collection 1: Hamburg, Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe: 1917.223 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: HAMBURG, MUSEUM FUR KUNST UND GEWERBE 1, 64-65, FIG.38, PL.(2013) 47.5 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, 1956): 90 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 24
Vase Number 215702 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record KRATER, BELL FRAGMENT Provenance ITALY, TARANTO Date 450 BC to 400 BC Attributed To KADMOS P by BEAZLEY Decoration APOLLO AND MARSYAS SEATED PLAYING PIPES, ATHENA, TREE Current Collection 1: Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum: 2476 Publication Record Mythen, Mensen en Muziek, een expositie over muziek in de oudheid, museum het valkhof nijmegen, Mededelingblad 75-76 (Amsterdam, 1999): 13, FIG.27 (PART) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1185.14 Publication Record Mededelingenblad, Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard PiersonMuseum: 68 (1997) 20, FIG.20 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: THE HAGUE, MUSEE SCHEURLEER 2, III.ID.7, PL.(083) 4.9 View Whole CVA Plates CAVI Collection Amsterdam 2476. CAVI Lemma Fr. of RF bell krater. From Tarentum. Kadmos Painter. Last quarter fifth. *CV, Pays-Bas 2, pl. 4,9; also facs. ARV(2) 1185/14, Add.(2) 341. CAVI Subject Apollo and Marsyas, with Athena. CAVI Inscriptions To Athena's left (she faces left): Αθηναα.(1) To left of Apollo's arm: Απο[λλων]. CAVI Comments Beazley compares the pelike Munich 2360 by the same painter, ARV(2) 1186/30. CAVI Footnotes (1)the facs. in CV has: ΑΟΗΝ ΛΑ, but this is hardly to be trusted.
Vase Number 211792 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Date 475 BC to 425 BC Attributed To SPLANCHNOPT P by BEAZLEY Decoration I: DRAPED YOUTHS, ONE SEATED Decoration A,B: DRAPED YOUTHS, SOME WITH STAFFS, ONE WITH METAL BASKET (BRAZIER ?), ONE WITH PIPES CASE, SASH AND PIPES CASE SUSPENDED Current Collection 1: Hague, Scheurleer: 3460 Previous Collection 2: Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum: 3460 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: THE HAGUE, MUSEE SCHEURLEER 2, III.I.B-C.7, PL.(80) 9.3-5 Publication Record Spivey, N. and Rasmussen, T. (eds.) Looking at Greek Vases (Cambridge, 1991): 245, FIG.106 (PROFILE) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 893.38 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: AMSTERDAM, ALLARD PIERSON MUSEUM 1, 88-89, FIG.75, PLS.(301-303) 46.1-4, 47.1-4, 48.1-4
Vase Number 200533 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP FRAGMENT Date 525 BC to 475 BC Attributed To OLTOS by BEAZLEY Decoration A: ATHLETES, ACONTIST, DRAPED MAN PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Hague, Scheurleer: 2229 Previous Collection 2: Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum: 2229 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: THE HAGUE, MUSEE SCHEURLEER 2, III.I.B.9, PL.(077) 6.5 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: AMSTERDAM, ALLARD PIERSON MUSEUM 1, 5-7, FIGS.3A-B, PL.(260) 5.1.3-4 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 64.100 Publication Record Mythen, Mensen en Muziek, een expositie over muziek in de oudheid, museum het valkhof nijmegen, Mededelingblad 75-76 (Amsterdam, 1999): 39, NO.54 CAVI Collection Amsterdam 2229. CAVI Lemma Fr. of RF cup. Oltos. Last quarter sixth. *dr. CV, Pays Bas 2, pl. 6,5 and facs. of inscriptions. ARV(2) 64/100. CAVI Subject A: athletes (youth running; flautist; javelin thrower). CAVI Inscriptions A: to right of the flautist: Χιον.(1) To right of the javelin thrower's head: ( π).(2) CAVI Comments Chion or Chilon? Possibly a kalos-name without kalos.
Vase Number 300600 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record CUP SIANA Provenance GREECE Date 575 BC to 525 BC Attributed To HEIDELBERG P by BEAZLEY Decoration A,B: THEATRICAL (?), KOMOS (?), MEN IN CHITONISKOI AND CHITONS (COSTUME), DANCING, ONE PLAYING PIPES Decoration I: ATHENA Decoration A,B: KOMOS (?), MEN IN CHITONISKOI AND CHITONS (COSTUME), DANCING, ONE PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum: 3456 Current Collection 1: Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum: 3356 Publication Record Hephaistos: 15 (1997) 56, FIG.14 (A) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: THE HAGUE, MUSEE SCHEURLEER 1, III.HDEF.4, PL.(026) 2.4-5 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 27 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 18 Publication Record Brijder, H., Siana Cups II, The Heidelberg Painter, Allard Pierson Series 8 (Amsterdam, 1991): 399, FIG.96, PL.112E-G (INCLUDING DRAWINGS) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: AMSTERDAM, ALLARD PIERSON MUSEUM 2, 26-28, FIGS.12-13, PLS.(391-393,394) 82.1-2, 83.1-2, 84.1-2, 85.4 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, 1956): 66.57 Publication Record Mythen, Mensen en Muziek, een expositie over muziek in de oudheid, museum het valkhof nijmegen, Mededelingblad 75-76 (Amsterdam, 1999): 36, NO.22 (PART OF A) Publication Record West, M.L., Ancient Greek Music (Oxford, 1992): PL.3 (A) Publication Record Brijder, H., et al. (eds.), Enthousiasmos, Essays on Greek and Related Pottery presented to M. Hemelrijk (Amsterdam, 1986): 70-71, FIG.1A-B, 80, FIG.11 (I, DRAWING OF A AND B) Publication Record Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies: 31 (1990), PL.8A AT P.160 (DRAWINGS OF A & B)
Vase Number 205454 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record AMPHORA, NECK Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To HERMONAX by BEAZLEY Decoration A: YOUTH WITH STAFF, PLAYING PIPES Decoration B: DRAPED MAN WITH STAFF AND SKYPHOS Current Collection 1: Gotha, Schlossmuseum: AVA100 Current Collection 1: Gotha, Schlossmuseum: 50 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOTHA, SCHLOSSMUSEUM 2, 9, PLS.(1380-1381) 49.1-2, 50.1-2 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 248 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 488.71
Vase Number 217499 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record KRATER, BELL Date 425 BC to 375 BC Attributed To AK: NIKIAS P by BEAZLEY Decoration A: DIONYSOS (BEARDLESS) WITH THYRSOS, MAENADS, ONE WITH THYRSOS AND KANTHAROS, SATYR PLAYING PIPES Decoration B: DRAPED YOUTHS, ONE WITH STAFF Current Collection 1: Gotha, Schlossmuseum: 76 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOTHA, SCHLOSSMUSEUM 2, 14-15, PL.(1392) 61.1-2 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 365 Publication Record Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: IV, PL.130, GIGANTES 235A (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1335
Vase Number 12584 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record AMPHORA, NECK Provenance ETRURIA, TARQUINIA Date 525 BC to 475 BC Decoration A: HERAKLES AND KERBEROS, ATHENA, HERMES Decoration B: DIONYSOS WITH KANTHAROS AND VINE BETWEEN SATYR WITH WINESKIN AND SATYR PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Gotha, Schlossmuseum: AHV31 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOTHA, SCHLOSSMUSEUM 1, 43-44, FIG.1, PLS.(1157,1160) 33.1-2, 36.1 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 204801 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP B Provenance ETRURIA, CERVETRI Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To MAKRON by BEAZLEY Decoration UH: YOUTH, WITH OINOCHOE Decoration I: SYMPOSIUM, MAN RECLINING, WITH CUP, WOMAN SEATED, TABLE Decoration A,B: (continued) SKYPHOS, CUP, WOMAN PLAYING KOTTABOS, TABLES, PIPES CASE AND BASKET SUSPENDED Decoration A,B: SYMPOSIUM, MEN AND YOUTH RECLINING, WITH WOMEN, SOME NAKED, ONE PLAYING PIPES, AND WITH DRINKING HORN, Current Collection 1: Gotha, Schlossmuseum: 94 Current Collection 1: Gotha, Schlossmuseum: 49 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOTHA, SCHLOSSMUSEUM 1, 54-56, PLS.(1167-1170) 43.4, 44.1-2, 45.1-3, 46.1-4 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Kunisch, N., Makron (Mainz, 1997): 68, FIG.31.303, PL.100.303 (A, B, I, AH) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 378 Publication Record Peschel, I., Die Hetare bei Symposium und Komos in der attisch rotfigurigen Malerei des 6.-4. Jhs. v.Chr. (Frankfurt, 1987): PLS.57, 70 (A, B, I) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 467.119
Vase Number 275701 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP FRAGMENT Date 475 BC to 425 BC Attributed To ANCONA P by BEAZLEY Decoration I: MAN PLAYING PIPES Decoration A: MEN, ONE SEATED Current Collection 1: Gotha, Schlossmuseum: XXXX275701 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 427.11BIS Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOTHA, SCHLOSSMUSEUM 1, ,57, PL.(1172) 48.8-9 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1707.5BIS
Vase Number 205619 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record PELIKE Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To DEEPDENE P by BEAZLEY Decoration A,B: WOMEN, ONE PLAYING PIPES, ONE NAKED, DANCING WITH KROTALA Previous Collection 1: Goluchow, Czartorski: 67 Current Collection 2: Warsaw, National Museum: 142310 Current Collection 2: 142310 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 500.32 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOLUCHOW, MUSEE CZARTORYSKI, 23, PL.(031) 31.4A.4B View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 205596 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record STAMNOS Provenance ITALY, CAPUA Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To DEEPDENE P by BEAZLEY Decoration A: CULT (?), MAENADS DANCING AT STATUE (IDOL ?) OF DIONYSOS Decoration B: MAENADS, ONE PLAYING PIPES Previous Collection 1: Goluchow, Czartorski: 44 Current Collection 2: Warsaw, National Museum: 142351 Current Collection 2: 142351 Publication Record Santi, M.F. (ed.), Le collezioni di antichita nella cultura antiquaria Europea, RivIst Supplement 21 (Rome, 1999): DOBROWOLSKI FIG.11 (A) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 251 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 499.10 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOLUCHOW, MUSEE CZARTORYSKI, 21, PL.(027) 27.1A.1B.1C.1D View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 204084 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record FIGURE VASE HEAD Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To BRYGOS P by GALLATIN Decoration BD1: SATYRS ATTACKING SLEEPING MAENADS, POINTED AMPHORA, ROCKS Decoration BD2: DIONYSOS WITH KANTHAROS, SATYR PLAYING PIPES, ALTAR, IVY LEAVES Previous Collection 1: Goluchow, Czartorski: 119 Current Collection 2: Warsaw, National Museum: XXXX0.4084 Current Collection 2: XXXX0.4084 Publication Record Daraki, M., Dionysos (Paris, 1985): 206, FIG.27 (DRAWING) Publication Record Paquette, D., L'Instrument de musique dans la ceramique de la grece antique (Paris, 1984): 39, FIG.A6 (PART) Publication Record Wegner, M., Brygosmaler (Berlin, 1973): PL.34B (PART) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.257 (PART) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOLUCHOW, MUSEE CZARTORYSKI, 20, PL.(023) 23.4A.4B.4C.4D.4E.4F.4G View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 228 Publication Record Revue des Etudes Anciennes: 94 (1992) 153, FIG.18 (N) Publication Record Boardman, J., The history of Greek vases: potters, painters and pictures (London, 2001): 178-179, FIGS.199.1-3 (PARTS OF LIP) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 366 Publication Record Korshak, Y., Frontal Faces in Attic Vase Painting of the Archaic Period (Chicago, 1977): 86, FIG.8 (PART) Publication Record Kurtz, D.C. (ed.), Greek Vases, Lectures by J.D. Beazley (Oxford, 1989): PL.62.1 (PART) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 382.185, 1649 Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 113 CAVI Collection Warsaw, National Museum? CAVI Lemma RF ram's head rhyton. Brygos Painter. First quarter fifth. *CV, Poland 1, pl. 23,4. Beazley, VPol., pls. 10 and 11,2. ARV(2) 382/185, 1649, Para. 366, Add.(2) 228. *Photo. D.C. Kurtz (ed.), Greek Vases: Lectures by J. D. Beazley (1989) 82, n. 17.(1) CAVI Subject Neck: A: twice: a satyr attacking a sleeping maenad. B: a satyr playing the flute and Dionysus sacrificing at an altar. CAVI Inscriptions Nonsense: neck: A: σν(h ). νι. Above the satyr at right: υνονσ. B: ν[.]σνοι. σνοσ.(2) CAVI Comments Ex Goluchow, Czartoryski 119. For the irregular `heta' cf. Boston 01.8038. CAVI Footnotes (1)said to be now lost [not mentioned as ever in Warsaw]. Listed as `once Goluchow' in ARV(2), but as Warsaw, once Goluchow, in Add.(2). Robertson, AVCA 305 n. 328, lists as `Once Goluchow, Czartoryski'; on p. 100 he says it is lost. (2)all inscriptions, except the third, from CV, text, only.
Vase Number 200149 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record AMPHORA, NECK Date 550 BC: 525 BC to 475 BC Attributed To EUTHYMIDES by BEAZLEY Decoration A: YOUTH POURING FROM POINTED AMPHORA Decoration B: SATYR PLAYING PIPES Previous Collection 1: Goluchow, Czartorski: 63 Current Collection 2: Warsaw, National Museum: 142332 Current Collection 2: 142332 Publication Record Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: PL.157, BRIKON 1 (DRAWING OF B) Publication Record Paquette, D., L'Instrument de musique dans la ceramique de la grece antique (Paris, 1984): 55, A44 (PART OF B) Publication Record Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie: 3 (1958) 326, FIG.7 (B) Publication Record Dobrowolski, W., Wazy Greckie, II, Attycka Ceramika Czerwonofigurowa (Warsaw, 1982): PL.3 (A) Publication Record Burlington Magazine: 119 (1977) 88, FIG.19 (PART OF A) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.37 (B), 34, HEAD DETAILS 5 Publication Record Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 34, FIG.25 (PART OF A) Publication Record Hephaistos: 14 (1996) 140, FIGS.5-6 (A, B) Publication Record Santi, M.F. (ed.), Le collezioni di antichita nella cultura antiquaria Europea, RivIst Supplement 21 (Rome, 1999): DOBROWOLSKI FIG.15 (A) Publication Record Reschke, E., Die Ringer des Euthymides (Stuttgart, 1990): PL.4.1 (DRAWING OF A) Publication Record Heres, H. and Kunze, m. (eds.), Die Welt der Etrusker, internationales Kolloquium 24.-26. Oktober 1988 in Berlin (Berlin, 1990): PL.66.3-4 (A, B) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOLUCHOW, MUSEE CZARTORYSKI, 18, PL.(018) 18.1A.1B.1C.1D View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 156 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 324 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 27.8 Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 75 CAVI Collection Warsaw, National Museum 142,332. CAVI Lemma RF neck amphora. Euthymides. Last quarter sixth. 510-500. *CV, Poland 1, pl. 18. *Beazley, VPol. 13ff., pls. 4-6. Kretschmer, Vas. 153. C. FrSatyr- und Bakchennamen (1912) 37 and 90/b. ARV(2) 27/8, Para. 324, Add.(2) 156. Script 374. A. Kossatz-Deissmann, GVGettyMus 5 (1991) 149, BRIKON 1 (bibl.). CAVI Subject A: a youth pouring wine from a pointed amphora. B: a satyr. CAVI Inscriptions A: to right of the back of the youth's head: Αθενιον. Further to his right: ενχε. Between his legs: he δυν. On his left: οινον. I.e., 'α6[54]γχει hJ δ'ε7[55]ν ο'ε4νον. B: on the satyr's left: Οιφον. On his right: Βρικον. Under the foot, Gr.: MI. See TGV 107/26B 7. CAVI Comments Ex Goluchow, Czartoryski 63. On B, there are two satyr names, but only one satyr is shown. Note syllabic heta.
Vase Number 204085 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record FIGURE VASE HEAD Provenance ITALY, VEII Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To BRYGOS P by BEAZLEY Decoration SYMPOSIUM, YOUTHS, ONE PLAYING PIPES, WITH SKYPHOS, MAN WITH CUP, LYRE, PIPES CASE AND BASKET SUSPENDED Current Collection 1: Genoa, Museo Civico di Archeologia Ligure: 1158 Publication Record Martin, R., La Grecia e il Mondo Greco dalle Origini all'Eta Classica (Torino, 1984): II, 4, NO.1 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GENOVA, MUSEO CIVICO D'ARCHEOLOGIA LIGURE DI GENOVA PEGLI E COLLEZIONE DEL CASTELLO D'ALBERTIS 1, III.I.C.3, III.I.C.4, PLS.(908-909) 3.1-4, 4.1-3 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 228 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 382.186, 1649
Vase Number 331453 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record LEKYTHOS Date 525 BC to 475 BC Attributed To MR: HAIMON P by BEAZLEY Decoration BD: SYMPOSIUM, YOUTH RECLINING ON KLINE, WOMEN, ONE PLAYING PIPES, SOME ON MULES, TABLE WITH FOOD Current Collection 1: Geneva, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire: 10847 Publication Record Birchler Emery, P. et al., La musique et la danse dans l'Antiquite, Regards sur les collections du Musee d'art et d'histoire de Geneve (Geneva, 1996): PLS.14, 16.68 (PARTS) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 135 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GENEVA, MUSEE D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE 2, 46-47, PL.(131) 75.7-9 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, 1956): 552.359
Vase Number 215740 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record KRATER, BELL Date 450 BC to 400 BC Attributed To POTHOS P by BEAZLEY Decoration B: YOUTH WITH LYRE BETWEEN DRAPED MAN WITH STAFF AND NIKE Decoration A: DIONYSOS WITH THYRSOS AND KANTHAROS, MAENADS WITH OINOCHE AND TORCHES, SATYR PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Geneva, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire: 14983 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 461 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GENEVA, MUSEE D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE 1, 24, PL.(20) 20.1.3 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1189.6
Vase Number 209757 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Date 475 BC to 425 BC Attributed To EUAION P by BEAZLEY Decoration A,B: SYMPOSIUM, YOUTHS AND MEN RECLINING, YOUTHS, ONE PLAYING PIPES (?), ONE WITH CUP, TABLES Decoration I: SYMPOSIUM Current Collection 1: Geneva, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire: I519 Publication Record Birchler Emery, P. et al., La musique et la danse dans l'Antiquite, Regards sur les collections du Musee d'art et d'histoire de Geneve (Geneva, 1996): PL.18.79 (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 419 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 792.49 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GENEVA, MUSEE D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE 1, 18, FIG.3, PL.(10) 10.3-4 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 5762 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record OINOCHOE Provenance ITALY Date 475 BC to 425 BC Attributed To BRUSSELS OINOCHOAI, P OF THE by BRUCKNER Decoration OWL ON OLIVE SPRIG BETWEEN MAN IN HIMATION AND BOOTS PLAYING LYRE AND WOMAN PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Geneva, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire: 5764 Publication Record Etudes de Lettres: 1983 (4), 46, FIG.12 Publication Record Birchler Emery, P. et al., La musique et la danse dans l'Antiquite, Regards sur les collections du Musee d'art et d'histoire de Geneve (Geneva, 1996): PL.17.74 (PARTS) Publication Record Paquette, D., L'Instrument de musique dans la ceramique de la grece antique (Paris, 1984): 59, A56 (PART) Publication Record Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Hommes et Dieux de la Grece Antique (1.10-2.12.1982): 252-53, NO.167 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GENEVA, MUSEE D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE 1, 22, PLS.(17,18) 17.1-3, 18.1-2 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 206089 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Sub Technique SL (R) Shape Record KRATER, COLUMN Provenance SICILY, GELA Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To BOREAS P by BEAZLEY Decoration B: DRAPED YOUTHS, SOME WITH WALKING STICKS Decoration R: ANIMAL FRIEZE, LIONS, BOARS Decoration A: KOMOS, MEN, SOME DRAPED WITH WALKING STICKS, ONE WITH STAFF, YOUTH PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Gela, Museo Archeologico: N103 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GELA, MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE 3, III.I.5, PL.(2405) 28.1-3 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 125 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 537.23 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 255 Publication Record Panvini, R., Gelas, Storia e archeologia dell'antica Gela (Torino, 1996): PL.52 (COLOUR OF A)
Vase Number 1196 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record LEKYTHOS Date 550 BC to 500 BC Attributed To LEAGROS GROUP by GIUDICE Decoration SYMPOSIUM, DIONYSOS, MAENADS, ONE PLAYING PIPES, ONE SEATED, SATYRS, PANTHER Current Collection 1: Gela, Museo Archeologico: N107 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GELA, MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE 3, III.H.3, PLS.(2378,2379) 1.3-4, 2.2, 4 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Moraw, S., Die Manade in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. (Mainz, 1998): PL.5.15A-C (BD)
Vase Number 684 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record LEKYTHOS Date 525 BC to 475 BC Attributed To GELA P by HASPELS Decoration KOMOS, DRAPED MEN PLAYING PIPES, DOG, LYRE, COLUMNS (BUILDING) Current Collection 1: Gela, Museo Archeologico: 40218 Current Collection 1: Gela, Museo Archeologico: N126 Publication Record Panvini, R. and Giudice, F. (eds.), Ta Attika, Attic Figured Vases from Gela (Rome, 2003): 265.D42 (PARTS) Publication Record Haspels, C., Attic Black-figured Lekythoi (Paris, 1936): 206.17 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GELA, MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE 3, III.H.7, PLS.(2390,2391,2392) 13.3-4, 14.2, 15.3-4 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 674 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record LEKYTHOS Date 475 BC to 425 BC Attributed To BOWDOIN P by GIUDICE Decoration 0: YOUTH, PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Gela, Navarra-Salonia: 119 Current Collection 1: Gela, Museo Archeologico: N119 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GELA, MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE 3, III.I.11, PL.(2416) 39.1 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 23623 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record AMPHORA B Date 550 BC to 500 BC Attributed To LEAGROS GROUP by MIZUTA Decoration B: DIONYSOS WITH VINE AND KANTHAROS BETWEEN SATYRS, ONE PLAYING PIPES, AND MAENADS, ONE DANCING Decoration A: WEDDED PAIR IN CHARIOT, APOLLO WITH KITHARA, ARTEMIS (?) WITH TORCHES, HERMES, DOG Current Collection 1: Kyoto, Hashimoto Collection: 29 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: JAPAN, SCHWARZ- UND ROTFIGURIGE VASEN IN JAPANISCHEN SAMMLUNGEN 2, 10-11, BEILAGE 4.10, PLS.(58,59,60) 8.3, 9.1-2, 10.5-7 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 1005850 Fabric SOUTH ITALIAN, CAMPANIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record KRATER, BELL Current Collection Frankfurt, Museum fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte: VFB602 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: FRANKFURT, FRANKFURT AM MAIN 3, 26-27, PL.(2449) 36.1-3 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 216253 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Date 450 BC to 400 BC Attributed To MARLAY P by BEAZLEY Decoration I: SYMPOSIUM, DRAPED YOUTHS RECLINING, ONE WITH PLATE, WREATH SUSPENDED, TABLE Decoration A,B: KOMOS, MEN, ONE WITH TORCH, WOMAN PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 1: Frankfurt, Liebieghaus: 1522 Publication Record Peschel, I., Die Hetare bei Symposium und Komos in der attisch rotfigurigen Malerei des 6.-4. Jhs. v.Chr. (Frankfurt, 1987): PLS.265-266 (A,B) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1280.65 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 522 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 358 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: FRANKFURT, FRANKFURT AM MAIN 2, 26, PL.(1457) 66.1-4 View Whole CVA Plates
Vase Number 216195 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record KRATER, BELL Date 450 BC to 400 BC Attributed To MARLAY P by BEAZLEY Decoration B: DRAPED YOUTHS, SOME WITH STAFFS Decoration A: SYMPOSIUM, DRAPED YOUTHS RECLINING ON KLINAI, ONE WITH BOWL (PHIALE ?), WOMAN PLAYING PIPES, TABLES Current Collection 1: Frankfurt, Museum fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte: B147 Publication Record Peschel, I., Die Hetare bei Symposium und Komos in der attisch rotfigurigen Malerei des 6.-4. Jhs. v.Chr. (Frankfurt, 1987): PL.238 (A) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: FRANKFURT, FRANKFURT AM MAIN 2, 31, PLS.(1468,1469) 77.3-4, 78.3 View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 357 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1276.9 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 522
Vase Number 217486 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record KRATER, CALYX Date 425 BC to 375 BC Attributed To NIKIAS P by BEAZLEY Decoration A: OKLASMA, WOMEN, ONE DANCING IN ORIENTAL COSTUME, ONE PLAYING PIPES, MAENAD AND SATYR WITH THYRSOI, TABLE Current Collection 1: Cambridge (MA), Harvard Univ., Arthur M. Sackler Mus: 1925.30.11 Publication Record Schafer, A, Unterhaltung beim griechischen Symposium (Mainz, 1997): PL.53.2 (A) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: CAMBRIDGE (MA), FOGG MUSEUM AND GALLATIN COLLECTIONS, 36, PL.(357) 19.3A-B View Whole CVA Plates Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases, The Classical Period (London, 1989): FIG.320 (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1334.25