Ha tetszik ha nem itt élek és itt szurkolok a csapatomnak. Ez egy kötődés nevezd ahogy akarod.
Nekem nem kell sem Manchester sem Róma semmi csak az én kis csapatom. Ha az putriban játszik akkor ott kell nekem ha bénák vagyunk akkor azért, hogy ne legyünk, ha azért mert kevés a szurkolónk akkor azért, hogy több legyen.
Érzem és átérzem, hogy része vagyok valaminek ami 91-92-ben indult azért akkor mert korábban lehetetlen lett volna. Gyülekezési törvény, csoport alakítás stb stb...
Te úgy érzed része vagy a Manchesternek?
Mert a Manchester téged egy fogyasztónak tekint aki megnyomja a web-lap frissítését, megveszi a mezt (ha majd összejön rá), kimész egy két mérkőzésre. Arctakan és megfoghatatlan vagy. Tele a stadion nélküled is. grazba is ugyan annyian vannak legfeljebb több Szlovén vagy Osztrák megy el.
Amilyen pici az országom olyan pici a csapatom a Manchesterhez képest mégsem cserélnék veled. Mert része lehetek annak a történetnek ami kialakítja a kötődést és szurkolást egy csapattal egy klubbal. Ez a klub az enyém és én a klubbért vagyok. Sírok vagy nevetek de ezek az érzések igazak szívből jövök. Saját magam találtam rá ezekre nem egy képesújságból vagy a TV-ből döntöttem el, hogy milyen szurkoló legyek.
Mondok egy példát amit te jobban megértesz mert közelebb áll hozzád. Van egy csapat ami mondjuk a Manchester de mellette Angliában is vannak 4. vagy 5. ligás csapatok akiknek van szurkolójuk és azokat nem fogod meggyőzni milyen fasza a piros mez meg a Barthez védése. Ők vasárnap elutaznak, hogy megnézzék a Premier Liga helyett az 5. ligát.
Én ezeket az embereket tisztelem mert nem csábulnak el nem mondják reggel a feleségüknek: Na mama mától én Manchester szurkoló leszek.
Valahogy így próbálj minket kezelni.
Mi hiszünk a a Magyar foci jobbátételében és a csapatunk olyan nekünk mintha a gyermekünk lenne.
Ezért ha megkérhetnélek ne cigányozz le mert tudod ez a mentalítás nem a vándorló cigány mentalítás.
Az a szomorú, hogy úgy gondolom ha te nem a 90-es hanem a 80-as évek szurkolója lennél nem manchesternek hanem Liverpoolnak hívnák a csapatodat. Ez szent meggyöződésem.
Nem értem azt sem, hogy jön a Milwall imádat. Azért mert a hooligán hírek első soraiban ők szerepelnek? Nekem ne mondd, hogy a Manchester után az ő játékuk fogott meg.
Kicsit elmondom neked Addick miről írt neked annélkül, hogy ismerném vagy tudtam volna a témáról.
Téged a szigetországi foci engem más érdekel de hasonló fanatizmussal.
Nos valahol meg van a leírás egy külföldi újságból. Angol botránykrónikáról volt szó ahol megemlítették a Headhunters és a City Firm tagjai, hogy a nyolcvanas évek elején a legjobb verekedést Budapesten csinálták, ahol elismerték hátrányban voltak a Magyarokkal szemben.
Gyerek fejjel emlékszem zavaros képekre és hatalmas keveredésre a Keletinél.
Vannak idősebb barátaim akik ott voltak és szerintük is kétszer simán kikaptak de harmadszor sikerült meghátrálásra késztetni az angolokat.
Nekem ez meg van Angol oldalról nyilatkozva mert nekik jobban hiszel. De javaslom nézz utána több könyv is foglalkozik a szigetországi hooligan mozgalommal és nem tagadják.
Ott nem szégyen a vereség és a sérülés.
Ebben is nagyok.
Tudod a Rauters nem írta így nem olvashattam a Nemzeti Sportban de azért:
Arsenal v Manchester United 22/08/99 Premier League
Police kept rival groups of Arsenal and Manchester United supporters, numbering over 100, apart. There were some minor confrontations after the
match. A large group of Arsenal supporters then entered Holloway Road underground station believing that the Manchester United supporters had done
the same. None were found but a group of about ten Arsenal supporters attacked an innocent male inside the carriage before dragging him onto the
platform where the assault continued leaving the male unconscious. Two arrests were made.
Football Related Disorder Euston Railway Station 23/08/99
Police were called to a fight at Euston Railway Station involving 20 men. On arrival a small fight was still ongoing. Two arrests were made. The fight had
been between supporters from Aston Villa and Wolverhampton Wanderers
Tottenham Hotspur v Leeds United 28/08/99 Premier League
Following this match a group of Tottenham supporters turned on the police when officers stepped in to prevent them from approaching a van driven by a
Leeds supporter. Tottenham supporters drinking outside the Bank Public House threw numerous missiles at police. Order was quickly restored although
a number of missiles continued to be thrown.
Derby County v Sunderland 18/09/99 Premier League
Information was received that a coach of Sunderland supporters were on route to Derby with a view to confronting home supporters. Police intercepted
this coach and 53 men were arrested to prevent a Breach of the Peace. At the ground Derby supporters attacked visiting supporters on route to the
Leeds v Sheffield Wednesday 16/10/99 Premier League
Prior to this fixture a group of around 30 Leeds supporters attacked a group of 20 Sheffield Wednesday supporters in a local public house. Glasses,
bottles and chairs were thrown during the disorder and as a result several people sustained cuts from flying glass. Police attended and order was restored.
After the game a large group of Leeds supporters attempted to confront Sheffield supporters but were prevented from doing so by mounted branch
Chelsea v West Ham 07/11/99 Premier League
Chelsea and West Ham supporters clashed prior to this fixture. Police, including mounted branch officers then broke up the rival factions. Four arrests
were made for affray and the rival supporters were escorted away.
Coventry v Leicester City 27/11/99 Premier League
A group of around 60 Coventry supporters were drinking in a local public house. They came out of the pub and started to walk up the road to where a
group of about 60 Leicester supporters started to appear, armed with bottles, pool balls and pool cues. Half way up the road the two groups met, the
Leicester supporters throwing missiles. A lorry making its way along the road had its windows smashed by flying bottles. Officers arrived and the groups
were dispersed. The Coventry supporters in the Hare and Hounds Public House smashed the windows; one offender was identified and was arrested.
Officers in public order equipment escorted the rival supporters to the ground.After the match Leicester supporters were escorted from the stadium to the
railway station. Coventry supporters were hanging around and trying to get to them, but due to the escort they were prevented from doing so. The
Leicester supporters were escorted to the train station with no problems. At the same time Coventry supporters had by now walked in numbers to the
city centre. Officers attended and three were attacked by some of the group. This resulted in one officer receiving a fractured arm, one a fractured finger
and one with cuts and bruises. During the disorder an iron bar was lodged in a building society window.
West Ham United v Manchester United 18/12/99 Premier League
At the end of this fixture the rival supporters attempted to confront each other. Disorder was prevented by the intervention of police, involving mounted
branch officers and dog handlers. One police officer was injured when a bin was thrown at him. The Manchester supporters, now numbering around 75,
were held near Upton Park Station and then escorted onwards by police. The West Ham supporters groups, numbering around 50, were at Plaistow
Station. It was apparent that the two groups were in contact with each other via mobile phones. Both sets of supporters made their way to Euston. They
again attempted to confront each other but were prevented from doing so by police.
Leicester City v West Ham 22/01/00 Premier League
A group of thirty Leicester supporters attacked a public house where 20 West Ham supporters were drinking. Bottles, chairs and ashtrays were used
during the attack. Police attended and separated the rival groups.
Barnsley v Blackburn Rovers 22/01/00 Nationwide League Div 1
After this fixture a group of about 20 Barnsley supporters were drinking in a city centre bar. A fight broke out between them and the door staff at the
Sunderland v Leeds United 23/01/00 Premier League
At half time a refreshment bar came under attack from Leeds supporters. They abused the staff and attempted to remove a till. Police moved in to restore
order but they to came under attack. Batons were drawn and the supporters were moved back in to the seating area.At the conclusion of the fixture a
group of 100 Leeds supporters attempted to confront a group of 30 Sunderland supporters. Police kept both groups apart but there was some sporadic
outbreaks of disorder. 18 arrests were made.
Manchester United v Middlesbrough 29/01/00 Premier League
A group of 50 Middlesbrough supporters arrived in Manchester at 11 am. They then went to a city centre pub. At 11.15 am this group was attacked by
around 150 Manchester United supporters. Large-scale disorder broke out resulting in damage to the public house and several injuries to those involved
in the fighting. No complaints were made to the police by any of those involved in the disorder. Extra police officers attended the scene and dispersed the
Manchester United supporters.
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea 05/02/00 Premier League
There was no large-scale disorder at this fixture but it was necessary to arrest over 100 Chelsea supporters to prevent a Breach of the Peace. This group
had arrived in Tottenham as the pubs were opening. The majority of this group had travelled to the match without tickets. It is believed that they had
attended with the aim of confronting a group of Tottenham supporters, who also numbered in excess of one hundred. The Chelsea group were subject to
a police search. Discarded items found in the pub included a large meat clever, a selection of knives, a Jif bottle full of ammonia and several "wraps"
containing what were believed to be drugs.
Liverpool v Leeds 05/02/00 Premier League
At half time Leeds supporters began to fight with each other in the refreshment area. They then turned their attention on both the stewards and the police.
Several officers were punched and kicked as they went to the assistance of their colleagues. This attack on the police appeared to have been organised
and was started on a given signal. Assistance was required from outside the stadium in order to quell the disturbance and officers were forced to draw
batons during the disturbance.
Watford v West Ham 04/03/00 Premier League
About 30 - 40 West Ham supporters clashed with Watford supporters before the above fixture. Disorder occurred with fighting in the street and bricks
and bottles were thrown through the windows of a public house. Six West Ham supporters were arrested.
Leicester City v Manchester United 18/03/00 Premier League
Leicester City supporters attempted to attack Manchester United supporters who were being escorted to the ground. The visiting supporters form
Manchester then attempted to break out of their escort to confront the Leicester supporters. Police kept the rival groups apart. During the game Leicester
supporters fought with each other. The two groups of Leicester supporters both believed that the others were Manchester United supporters. At the end
of the fixture Leicester supporters again attempted to attack the visiting supporters. Police prevented them from doing so.
Leicester City v Everton 8/04/99 Premier League
After this fixture a group of Muslim males who were distributing leaflets in the city centre were attacked. One of this group sustained a broken jaw. Their
attackers were identified as Leicester City supporters. Two males were arrested at the scene.
Sheffield Wednesday v Leeds Utd 29/04/00 Premier League
A group of Leeds supporters numbering around 80 in number took the local tram towards the ground. During the journey they vandalised the tram
disabling it. Police attended the scene to keep rival groups apart. The police then escorted the Leeds group to and from the stadium preventing disorder.
Later that evening Sheffield Wednesday supporters clashed with Sheffield United supporters. This led to eight arrests for public order offences.
04/03/01 Leeds-Man UTD
This is a very accurate story of events that happened at yesterday's game.This was written by someone else and is spot on.
There have alrady been some sensible and acurate posts regarding yesterdays action, so here is what I saw. After the game United left the ground and turned left, we have done this now for the past 3 years and in the last two seasons we would meet under the tunnel and then walk round to that roundabout and then up that road that leads to the foot of the bridge. This time though the police covered that so instead we just went straight on, there were only 3 coppers trying to stop us and with the road being so wide we managed to keep going. 10 United at the front went into about the same number of Leeds and chased them up to the bridge until we came to the line of old bill. Then the Leeds who were waiting there came at us but there were loads of coppers there so they were pushed back. We came back down the road, but the police attention was on us so the rest of the lads managed to go left onto the roundabout and by the time I got there were going through a hole in a fence which led onto some playing fields. We ran through the playing fields and into an estate and by the time I arrived it
was already going off at the end of the road in a little corner which led onto the the next road. Leeds were tooled up, there were bins, bricks, bikes, for sale signs, chairs, big planks of wood the lot. Now when you have weapons I think it is a mistake to throw them because all you are doing there is giving the other firm weapons the throw back. But Leeds did throw them,as did United, which led to a couple of minutes of the missiles going back and forth, Leeds losing ground slightly, and injuries on both sides. I don't know how many Leeds had there because I had my eyes on more important things than counting them, like the bricks that kept just missing my head. What I did think was that they had a lot at the back who threw a load of shit and then got off when we advanced, and there were about 10 at the front who really wanted it and were game as fuck.
Young lad in a blue t-shirt, small lad with shoulder length hair in a light stone island coat. After a couple of minutes most of United saw some other Leeds down a ginnle and went for them, this led to the lads at the corner thinking we were running and they came out onto the street, however we just turned and ran at them and pushed them back into the corner. At this point the only two coppers present tried to stand between us, they were the two United and Leeds coppers. A massive plank of wood hit the United copper on the back of the head, thrown by
Leeds, and they got out of the way. Their faces said, 'we'll leave it to you lot'. We backed Leeds further back, into the next road and then the robocops arrived so we went back round and walked through the side streets, then Leeds came at us again, with another hail of bricks. More fighting, again Leeds end up getting off with one of their main kids, name starts with J?, getting knocked spark out by one of United's legends because he stood while his mates did one on him. After this we were rounded up by the coppers, we got to a pub, and
Leeds were there again but it was too late now, police all over us. By this time they looked to have about 60. Whether this is all they had, or a lot had got off during the row I don't know. Leeds seemed to be all over the city centre but they were too late. Credit to them for having it for so long but it was our day and we got a great result.
Back to Manchester and City were at home, well they don't usually drink in town so we went to them. For those who don't know Manchester, the Grafton Arms is about 5 minutes walk from City's ground. We had about 60 in there and rang a couple of City's lads, including the 'saviour' Mr C. Were told you were in the Albert and would try to come down. About an hour later in walks two old bill, they looked surprised and we all start singing blue moon. This completely throws them but they return with Lee Hurst, a Manchester copper who confirms hat we are in fact United. We leave quickly and go right onto Oxford Road back to town. Why didn't we come left to the Albert? because that would have been to bad a charge sheet and you have to keep your head about you at all times. Anyway I got a taxi and as it went past the Phoenix there were 15-20 young lads outside, on phones and looking down the road. A quick phone call back to the lads and they go for them. The police stop anything from
happening but these lads leave the pub and walk down Oxford Road. I was walking in front of the lads and police, with about 10 of us and as we approached the Thirsty Scholar there were a couple of faces peering out of the door. We simply asked them "do you want to come out or not". They didn't really but instead just threw
bottles, pint pots and a sandwich board from inside the door. Again I don't know how many they had but it was more than us as we only had ten. One of ours grabbed the sandwich board and chased then back into the doorway and then the rest of our lads came round the corner and City just shut the doors. Then the TAG arrived and we left. So we had them over as well, but I'm not claiming a great result on that cos they were only young kids.
So we went to Leeds and blitzed them, drank 5 minutes from Maine Road with no challenge and then had a little do with some young bottle throwers in town. Mint
Tudod ez az a Premier Ligue ahol szerinted semmi sincsen.
Ha majd bármelyik hírt megmutadod nekem Magyar újságban hiszek neked.
Mert olvashatsz ott olasz, német, holland alsóbb ligás csapatokról is botrányokról de az Angolok kimaradnak.
Kicsit furcsállom, hogy a mi szövegeinkebe belekötsz míg a hasonló Angol szurkolói dalok kommentálását lenyeled.
Amíg itt laksz legalább addig egyenlő mércét!!!