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What if a Japanese company was conspiring to destroy the true faith and replace it with a new age pantheistic man-centered faith? What if it was doing it blatantly and without apology? Then a boycott would be in order.
It is happening. And the Japanese company pushing its own religion is the Mazda car company, and during the past several years Mazda has spent millions of dollars trying to capture more of a share of the North American market.
In 1990, Mazda published a book called The Globe: In Search of the Origins of Mazda, which was to be distributed to all its American employees on the celebration of their seventieth anniversary. It outlines Mazda’s agenda for a global society and claims to give employees "a spiritual foundation" upon which to work toward advancing a new age of peace. It sees each employee as a cog in one big engine that will potentially "establish peace for mankind with a global point of view."
Mazda’s president, Norimasa Furuta, enclosed a letter within each book and at the top of the page read the inscription: "Our history is the future renaissance for the 21st century, new age." He stated the purpose of the book as follows:
"We have written a booklet to explain how MAZDA became the name of our corporation and what it means in order to help everyone who is related to MAZDA enhance their creativity and develop their potential."
The Globe gives the history of founder, Matsuda Jujiro, who is heralded as a great seer who "believed in himself, in his friends, and in heaven, and he achieved a truly global vision." The book explains how he came up with the name "Mazda" which is claimed to symbolize "unlimited possibility and simulates people’s dreams." The name "Mazda" means "the god of light" which evolved into the "god of wisdom" as signified by the name "Ahura-Mazda." The name was chosen because Jujiro believed that the name represents "the origin of civilization."
As Christians, right away we recognize who the "god of light" truly is. The devil is referred to as "an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14) and his original name Lucifer means "light-bearer." Of course, his light is a false counterfeit of the true "Light of the world," the Lord Jesus Christ, but by the context it is obvious that Mazda’s "god of light" is the former.
Mazda spells out its odd theology in the book, which is based on evolution’s big bang theory. The big bang beginning of the universe is compared to the gestation and birth of the human baby, the book notes. Iron, as the most abundant element in the earth, is what automobiles are made of thereby iron gives man "the power of wisdom" (in an incredible leap of logic). Therefore the interconnectedness of man and the automobile help form the earth that they believe is a "living creature."
The Globe also has an anti-West slant in that it claims that civilization moved eastward from Egypt, ending up in the Orient, according to the book, but religion also moved in an easterly direction and Christianity evolved from pagan religions
"Zoroastrianism (thought to have been founded around the seventh century B.C.) is considered the oldest religion in the world. With Ahura-Mazda as its central god, it is based on the dualism of good and evil, and it greatly influenced Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Mazda can be thus traced back to the origin of man’s spiritual history" (pg. 23).
Mazda’s goal for a syncretism of religions under the Mazda banner is demonstrated in a promotional campaign now under way at Mazda dealerships across America. A spiritual book called The Meaning of Life is given to everyone who test-drives a Mazda while supplies last. The book was published in conjunction with Time-Warner Corporation and features movie stars and other famous people giving their individual ideas of spiritual truth. Christian testimonies (however weak) are thrown right in along with new age and occultic world views. All paths are displayed as valid.
The superior attitude of the powers at Mazda is startling in the way they portray themselves as humanity’s hope for peace in their mythological global society.
"The time when regions and continents existed keeping a certain distance from each other is a thing of the past… We are eager to transmit the meaning of MAZDA to the children of MAZDA who will create a new MAZDA… With a strong desire for peace and through the production and sale of automobiles and machine tools, MAZDA has advanced on a course to unite the people of the world" (pp. 78-79).
If we purchase vehicles from this false religious based corporation, we will be contributing to their fiendish efforts to invade Western civilization with a new age agenda. The more money they make, the bigger they will grow in their effort to impose their philosophy on Americans.
The Bible warns us not to partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons (1 Cor. 10:21) which is what the false deity Mazda really is. Hiring an exorcist to rid your car of demons would be a waste of time. The vehicle itself is not evil, but the powers behind it are.