Ronnie O'Sullivan vs Bjorn Haneveer 5-3 Anthony Hamilton vs Joe Jogia 5-1 Barry Hawkins vs Tony Drago 5-1 James Wattana vs Chris Norbury 2-5 Joe Perry vs Jamie Cope 3-5 Stephen Lee vs Gerard Greene 0-5 David Gray vs Mark Allen 5-2 Shaun Murphy vs Mark Selby 5-2
tegnap megnéztem (nézegettem) a DSF-en a Premiere League-t (Ding-Murphy) Katasztrófa a közvetítés!!! Frame közepén reklámokat adnak (vagy 15 percig) aztán egyszercsak visszakapcsolnak, de akkor már vége is a közvetítésnek. Ennek igy mi értelme? Végig nem néztem de felvettem videóra. Ja meg még elég vicces a félképernyőt elfoglaló "küldj-már-egy-sms-t" feliratok. Semmit nem látni tőlük :-( Ennél még a Sport1-es "idétlenkedés"
Tegnap fejezodott be a German Open, ahol a nemet elvonal mellett ismertebb nevek is indultak: Stevens, Hawkins, Robertson, McCulloch, Perry, King, White, Pinches, Holt, Drago, Hunter, Bingham. Vegul kisebb meglepetesre Mark King diadalmaskodott. Ez volt Paul Hunter elso versenye a VB ota, az egyenes kieseses szakaszban sima 0-3-s vereseget szenvedett Stuart Binghamtol.
A Grand Prix szombaton kezdodik, delutan lesz az elso elo adas.
Tegnap illetve ma zajlik a Grand Prix kvali utolso forduloja a verseny elott, egy eredmenyt mindenkeppen erdemes megemliteni, Ding Junhui varatlanul vereseget szenvedett a mar iden Maltaban villogo Tom Fordtol.
A belgak legjobbja, a fotablan viszonylag ritkan lathato Bjorn Haneveer is tovabbjutott es Ronnie O'Sullivan ellenfele lesz majd a Grand Prix-n.
Ket Premier League eredmennyel ados vagyok: Jimmy White vs Shaun Murphy 3-3 Stephen Maguire vs Ding Junhui 3-3
Holnap Davis-White derbi lesz majd a liga kovetkezo fordulojaban.
1 cikben elégedetten nyilatkozik a karrierjéről, noha asszem összesen 1 versenyt nyert és általában a legjobb 16 között nem volt ott sosem. Ezzel együtt rendesen keresett a sporttal.
Szerény, szimpatikus pasi, de nem volt túl izgalmas játékos emlékim szerint.
Persze, ha 5öd annyira tudnék snookerezni mint ő, asszem nagyon boldog lennék.
Aki nem tudna, elkezdodott a Premier League, eredmenyek csutortokrol: Jimmy White vs Ding Junhui 2-4 Ronnie O'Sullivan vs Stephen Hendry 3-3 Nagyjabol hetente lesznek meccsek, minden csutortokon.
E heti hir az is, hogy Ronnie a poollal kacsintgat es november vegen mar jatszana is egy versenyen Orlandoban (ha jol tudom, akkor ez 8-ball). A China Openen biztosan nem indul majd, es lehet hogy a Welsh Openen sem...
Kozben a VB-nek meg mindig nincsen szponzora... a BBC forumain mar dul a vilagvege-hangulat. A Grand Prix es a UK penzdijai egyebkent valtozatlanok maradtak tavaly ota, bar szerintem a VB-n elkerulhetetlen lesz a csokkenes.
Holnap nyit a nyári szünet után a Rex Williams. Légkondit építettek be így állandó hőmérséklet és száraz levegő lesz a klubban. Remélhetőleg ez a következő évadban jótékony hatással lesz mindenki játékára.
Richard Hercock SNOOKER star Paul Hunter has won his battle against cancer and is now looking forward to becoming a father for the first time. The Leeds star was diagnosed in April this year when cysts were found in his abdomen and 26-year-old Hunter had to endure five three-week cycles of chemotherapy. This caused a number of side effects – including the loss of his trademark blonde hairstyles. But now doctors at St James's Hospital in Leeds have given the world No 5 ranked player the all-clear and, in another piece of good news for the Hunter family, Paul and wife Lindsey are expecting their first child on December 27. If Hunter needed any extra motivation to overcome the odds, his wife's pregnancy certainly provided it. "It made him focus on the treatment," said Hunter's manager Brandon Parker. "He now has something to look forward to. He's still very poorly and is building his strength up, recuperating." In a remarkable turn-around, three-times Masters champion Hunter hopes to return to playing snooker in just six weeks' time, at the Grand Prix at Preston's Guild Hall on October 8. He last played at the Embassy World Championship in April, but exited in the early rounds as health worries clouded his performance. "Doctors say he will be well enough for October," said Mr Parker, his manager of six years, as hopes that the dark days of his early prognosis and treatment are well behind them. Pregnant Lindsey has said there were moments when they both feared he might die. "When Paul was at his worst, some nights I'd lay awake in bed checking his lips weren't blue and that he was breathing all right," she told a newspaper at the weekend. "He'd then wake up and I'd explain I was checking he was alive, to which he'd say 'I've not come this far to die, you idiot!'. Throughout the whole of his illness, Paul has never once said 'why me?' or wished it on anybody else. "He's just got on with it. There's never been any real sign of him losing the fight. He's been fantastic. It was like he was swimming along and someone kept trying to pull him under the water. "I kept saying 'just stay afloat' and he managed ... just. Now we're coming through the other end of the tunnel." The 30-year-old said they had been overwhelmed by the number of good luck messages from fans since news of his illness broke. "Within days, Paul received about 500 letters and cards from the public wishing him luck," she said. "He read and kept every single one and, if he ever feels down, he'll read them again. The wonderfully supportive reception Paul got at the World Championships made him very emotional too."
Three times Masters champion Paul Hunter has won his battle against cancer
In an interview with the Daily Star on Sunday, Hunter’s wife Lindsey confirmed that his treatment at St James Hospital in Leeds had been successful.
World No 5 Hunter endured five three-week cycles of chemotherapy which caused various side effects including the loss of his hair.
He was due to undergo a sixth and final cycle earlier this month, but was told that it was not necessary. A scan showed that the cancer had gone.
Lindsey admitted that she and Paul had both feared the worst during his treatment and had been told by doctors there was a chance that it would not be successful.
But the couple are now looking forward to a full return to health for the 26-year-old Yorkshireman, who hopes to be back in action on the green baize at the Grand Prix in October.
Lindsey, 30, also revealed that she is pregnant, with the birth of their first child due just after Christmas.
Hunter’s illness became public knowledge in April when cysts in his abdomen were found to be malignant. Lindsey added that he received over 500 cards and letters within days and that he read and kept every one.
ehh ebben a mostani snooker kvízben 2 kérdés is meglepett:
7. Which Tour player made three 147 breaks in four frames during a practice session in Telford in 2003? első gondolatom az volt hogy jézus, ilyen tényleg létezik? :D
3. Which leading ladies player is a cousin of Ronnie O'Sullivan? ez kevésbé, bár kíváncsi lennék a válaszra :)
érdeklődj a Gold Crown-ban (Fodor Laci szokott oktatni) illetve a Biliard-Art-ban ahol tudtommal Dunai Ede mindenképpen ill talán mások is szoktak vállalni oktatást. Egyébről nem tudok.
Pár éve játszom már a snoookert, most azonban szeretném komolyabban is megtanulni a játékot. A neten sehol nem találtam infot, hogy vannak-e edzők, akiknél lehetne tanulni, mi mennyibe kerül, és hol. Kérlek segítsetek!
U.I: Most volt az Eurosporton az Ireland Trophy döntője, Stevens nyert, de szerintem Hendry hibáiból élt...