No, hátra lehet dőlni és rá lehet gyújtani egy nótára.
Az Astana hivatalosan is megkapta PT licenszet. Az erről szóló hivatalos közlemény mát Luxemburgi bejegyzéssel említi a csapatot. 18 PT csapat lesz jövőre, az Unibet licenszét vissza fogják vonni, mert a határidőig (nov. 20.) nem teljesítették a feltételeket.
Astana 2008 Team Manager Johan Bruyneel has indicated the team's intentions to cover outstanding payments from the 2007 management, Zeus. In a press release today, the Belgian said the Kazakh Cycling Federation (KCF) put the money owed into a escrow account that will be paid out once all information is gathered.
"Although the new management team, as well as the Kazakh Cycling Federation (KCF), is not responsible for rider salaries for 2007, KCF will pay all back salary of the riders. They all should go into the new season with peace of mind," said Bruyneel of the problems that were brought to light last month.
The 2007 Astana Cycling Team had a contract with Zeus, the management company of Luxemburger manager Marc Biver. In September 2007, ProTour license holder KCF ended its collaboration with Zeus due to a breach of trust, which is when the payment problems began, according to the 2008 management.
It is reported that KCF put the total amount of salaries owed into an escrow account, and it is in the process of gathering information regarding bank accounts, social security and the tax status of individual riders. The team managment noted payments are to be made "as soon as possible and that KCF has not ruled out future legal procedures against Zeus."
"I am very glad that we can start the season without debts from the past," continued former Discovery Channel General Manger, Bruyneel, who confirmed his position with Astana in September.
"When KCF contracted my management team for the 2008 season, they committed themselves to solving the existing problem. KCF keeps its word. Hopefully this will relieve the concerns of all riders both those who be on the 2008 Astana Cycling Team as well as the riders that will transfer to other teams." with Levi Leipheimer Sunday, December 02, 2007
The Paceline caught up with Levi Leipheimer last week to reflect back on his return to Discovery Channel as well as look ahead to opportunity to continue riding for Johan Bruyneel at the new Astana for 2008.
Cathy: To start with Levi Id like to hear from you how you originally came back to Discovery Channel for the 2007 season?
Levi: Well you know I was on the team with US Postal in 2000 and 2001 and Id done really well in those two years and made my break-through in cycling. I always felt it was the program where I did my best. Id always maintained good relationships with Johan and Dirk and the riders on the team. So it was kind of a no-brainer; I really wanted to come back.
During the years that you were the team leader at Rabobank and then Gerolsteiner, was it always in the back of your mind that you would like to go back to Johans team?
Yeah, definitely.
Was it difficult to be the leader of European teams?
It was different but I dont regret it at all. It made me stronger and definitely more experienced. I think I experienced something that most cyclists dont get to with a foreign team. Im proud of being with those teams. I wouldnt take it back.
It was a unique position you were in. We dont see many American riders given the chance to head up European teams. So lets take a look back at your original goals for 2007 because unless Im mistaken you were able to meet all of them!
Yeah, I always said I wanted to win the Tour but I think I can be very satisfied with third place.
Lets start with Tour of California. I know that was a big goal for you. For two years in a row you have ridden into your hometown of Santa Rosa with the leaders jersey on your back. That must be incredible for you.
Yeah it is. The cycling community in California is great, especially here in Santa Rosa. In my mind Santa Rosa is the jewel of the Tour of California as far as crowd support and enthusiasm. Being able to lead the race into Santa Rosa the last two years has been overwhelming, especially the first year because I didnt expect it.
The support for you each year in Santa Rosa is amazing. To wander around the town square and see all the signs with your name has to be special. Its like you own the place!
Yeah, it was amazing and like I said I was overwhelmed. Definitely two moments in my career I will always remember.
Is it your intention to defend your title in 2008? Will Astana come to the Tour of California?
Yeah, definitely.
What do you think of the changes to the route, especially the prologue not going to Coit Tower and then the last stage being a true road stage rather than a circuit?
You know I obviously really like the prologue but I understand that the community of Stanford and Palo Alto have put a lot of support into getting the race to them so they will show everyone a good day and make a big push to help the race grow. The stage into San Jose has been made tougher so I am looking forward to that. There is an extra climb. And the last day is different, yes, were not doing a circuit, but I dont know anything about it yet.
Lets move on to your original goals for the Tour. Talk to me about the Tour.
The ultimate goal for any cyclist is always to win the Tour. But to be able to stand on the podium and win a stage was certainly as much as I could hope for. That 24-hour period between my time trial win and standing on the podium is the highlight of my career. Its something I wish that I was able to remember more of. I remember a lot of it but I wish I had it on playback so I could review it over and over.
If you had to chose between storming the time trial or standing on the podium would you be able to pick a favorite moment?
I always see that 24 hour period as one moment. Thats the way it feels to me. I guess I could say the time trial because at that moment it became clear that I would stand on the podium for sure but its hard to separate them.
Then you won US Pro in September and will wear the Stars and Stripes jersey in 2008. Can you comment on that?
US Pro was a surprise. I certainly didnt have it on my mind all year. But I felt strong and I knew my role was going to be to go early and force the others to chase for George and he would obviously have to wait, being the hometown favorite and the best sprinter. So I knew I would have to go early and it just paid off. It worked out.
Youve secured a spot on the US Olympic team, correct? Was that from winning US Pro?
No, thats not where I qualified for the Olympics. Its because I was third in the Tour. I dont have to qualify any other way. As long as I am in competitive form I can go to the Olympics.
Have you gone before?
Yes, to Athens.
What do you think about this opportunity to go again? Are you looking forward to that?
Definitely. The timing is great. Its like two weeks after the Tour de France so really there is no special training involved. The courses are supposedly very difficult, hilly and hard so that would suit me. Ill do both the time trial and the road course. I think we will be there well in advance so Ill have time to check out the routes. Ive been to China before but not Beijing.
Ive had the pleasure of hanging around your family at a few races and I dont think people realize that your family drive the route at the Tour and sleep in their cars when they have to just to be sure to see you race. They are true roadside fans.
Yeah, thats the way it is at the Tour. There are certain stages they want to see whether there is a hotel available or not.
What does it mean to you to have such a dedicated support team around you?
Obviously when I was growing up and I got into cycling they were very supportive. They owned a bike shop in Montana and thats how I got into it. My brother Rob got me in to racing. Theyve worked at my career a long time as well and they enjoy coming to the races.
I know your wife Odessa helps you with training and had her own successful racing career. Does she still participate in cycling events?
No she doesnt race anymore because she injured her back awhile back and couldnt continue to race. But shes the main ingredient for my success. I would not have been able to do anything near the things Ive done without her. We make a really good team.
Now youre moving on to Astana. When Discovery announced they would not be continuing on what were your first thoughts?
I was very disappointed, thinking Id need to go back to a foreign team again. I didnt really see myself going back to do that but then it looked to be inevitable.
Did you have contact with other teams right away that were interested in you?
Yes, yes I did. So I knew I had some opportunities available.
When Johan told you he was going to take over Astana did you have any hesitations about joining him at a team that had problems in 2007?
No, because he explained to me right away that it was a brand new team and the entire management from 2007 was gone. It was basically the same sponsor but a new team. It might be hard for people to realize that the name that is on the jersey doesnt run the team. They arent doing the work.
What do you think your status and respect from within the peloton do to elevate the status of the new Astana?
Well I think I can set a great example for the younger riders and help with training and doing my job really well. I can continue to do my best and get results and I think this will promote a good image for the new Astana.
Do you worry at all about the team being selected for the Tour?
Ya know, I dont worry about it that much. With the Tour winner and third place finisher on the same team plus the results well have leading up to the Tour PLUS the new image we will create for the team I think it will be enough.
Are you excited about being in on the ground floor of a new team?
I dont look at it that way. The structure is already set up with Johan and hes just moving it over. I know he has a lot of work to do and he would probably scoff at the idea that Ive said there isnt any setup to do, but really we have all the staff and there is no training involved of new employees. Everyone knows how to do their jobs. I know there is still a lot of work to be done and they are trying to solve some problems from last year. Im sure everything will be worked out and the team presentation will be in January sometime, at least I think so.
A lot of people tried to create a rivalry between you and Alberto but seeing the two of you in person there never seemed to be tension between you. Can you tell us about your racing relationship with him and how it felt to help him win the Tour?
Its funny, people did try to create a rivalry. It got kind of annoying at the Tour. I guess that would have made a good story but there was certainly no rivalry at all. Alberto was taking it day by day. He wasnt sure if hed be able to continue to keep his form and he was racing like there was no tomorrow which was fun to watch! I knew I had to get better as the Tour progressed and that happened. In the end he was the better rider and there is nothing more I can say except that he deserved to win.
Its interesting when you say he was riding like there was no tomorrow. You are older than he is and probably know your body better. You knew your measured effort had to be x,y,z whereas hes much younger and more spontaneous but did look pretty tired at the end.
Yeah, true, and he had a lot to protect. He had the win on the line.
How about life after cycling? What do you see yourself doing?
I think I will be involved in cycling for sure. I think I can help motivate others and do different things with cycling. I dont think Ill be involved with the racing side but Im not sure.
I know you and Odessa have an affinity for animals. Can you fill us in?
Yes, Odessa is a co-director of an organization called A Leg Up Rescue in Santa Rosa. She personally has rescued hundreds of animals. We always seem to have a foster or rescued animal coming through the house. She rescues animals in Spain too, bringing some animals back here to find them homes. She works on two continents. We put a lot of effort into it. Especially Odessa. Ive always been an animal lover myself but more so now that Ive been with Odessa. We recently had a fund raiser and raised an incredible amount of money for this group and I think its our way to do something, and we feel strongly about it. I guess I have enough recognition now to be an asset and raise some money so I cant see any reason not to do that.
In closing, is there a message youd like to pass on to the Discovery fans?
I wasnt there all the years of Lance winning, but I do like to feel like I was a part of the Postal/Discovery history. I know it was an unprecedented run for the team. Obviously Lance changed the sport in the US and introduced the sport to a lot of people and many of those people became fans of the team and fans of mine. Especially at the Tour when wed do our victory laps on the Champs Elysees, it felt like we were in America because there were so many flags and fans there. Flags up and down the boulevard. It was really special. I think the fans should know that means a lot to the riders, including myself.
Klöden szeretne az Astanában maradni. Augusztusra kapott utoljára fizetést. Ha karácsonyig nem kapják meg a pénzüket, akkor hivatalosan az UCI-hoz foruknak, hogy a pro tour csapatoknál kötelezően előírt bankgarancia alapból fizessék ki a járandóságot. November elején beszélt Bruyneel-vel, aki érdeklődött utána. Klödi nagyon szívesen maradna akkor is, ha értelemszerűen a csapatkapitány Contador lenne.
HÚ! Nagyon jó volna, ha kitöltené a szerződését és maradna az Astanában.
Kash ugyan Belgiumban él, vélhetően ott fizeti az adót, a bíróság azonban még se akar végeláthatatlan lábú Andrjúsának igazságot szolgáltatni. Kijelentették, hogy nem illetékesek az ügyben, ha Kash perelni akarja az UCI-t, akkor a szervezet székhelyén, Svájcban kell megindítania az eljárást. Szegény, úgy fog járni, mint Heras. Mire a bíróság eldönti, hogy ki az illetékes az ügyben, lejár büntetése:-( Azért hajrá, mindent bele!
Szegény fiú. Remélem a liberty egykori beépített hollandiját Johan is átveszi. Nem számít a páratlan őstehetségek közé, de megbízható, erős versenyző, különösen az északi klasszikusokon tud segíteni.
Közben Johan megjirdette a zéró toleranciás antidopping programot, Dr. Damsgaard 300.000 ajrót kap versenyzők ellenőrzésére. Az UCI elvárása, hogy a pozitív eseteket azonnal szankcionálják. A Doki szabad kezet kap, otthon is ellenőrizheti a kerekeseket. Johan azt mondta, hogy drága lesz, de ez az ára, hogy a csapat az élvonalban maradhasson.
Az edzőtábor december 10-17-ig lesz Javea-ban. Javea kb. Ibiza magasságában fekszik a tengerparton.
A holland Algemeen Dagblad újságban megjelent interjú értelme kb.:
- Ausztráliában van, a Herald Sun Tour-ra érkezett, majd a barátnőjével nyaralt, aztán ott maradt edzeni, mint tavaly. - Tiszta deje vu érzése van, mert tavaly a Libertyvel ugyanígy járt szegény, akkor is kongott a bankszámlája.. - Aaron Kemps-szel bérelnek lakást (nem elég, hogy a szezonban össze vannak zárva? :-) ), közben meg a spanyolországi házának a rezsijét is fizetheti, amit a spórolt pénzéből vett. Aaron meg az apja cégébe fektette a spórolt pénzét, szóval kész csőd. :-) Azért megvannak, de nem ideálisak a körülmények. - Biver ígérete szerint hamarosan megkapják a járandóságukat. - Panaszkodik a csapat PT licenszének kérdésessége miatt. Ugyanis ha nem indulhatnak a Tour Down Under-en, akkor nem maradna januárig, inkább hazamenne a családjához.
Remélem nem ferdítettem nagyon el a holland szöveget, itt az eredeti interjú :
A két szegénylegény mindazonáltal nem várja a csodát, beneveztek a Revolution Ausztrál kiadására, és bár csak az utolsó előtti helyen végeztek, talán csöppent valami kosztpénz. :-) December 19-én lesz a következő forduló, talán újra próbálkozhatnak majd, bár addigra csak megérkezik az az átutalás.
A kazahokat nem fogja elengedni a szövetség. A nagy hírnélküliség sajnos Klödi távozását sejteti, a többiek nem olyan nagy nevek, hogy az eligazolásukat bármiért is titkolni kéne...
Nem Pound akaratán múlik a dolog. Csak januárban tárgyalja a spanyol legfelsőbb bíróság a vizsgálóbíró végzése elleni fellebbezést. Ez az a végzés, amiben megszüntette a Fuentes és társai elleni büntetőeljárást.
Az elmúlt 3-4 év minden "nívósabb" csapatából lett összeszedve, kicsit olyan reálmadridos is lett már(főleg Hornert elcsábítása révén) , de nem lepne meg, ha nem 1, hanem 3 emberke is távozna - Klödennel menne Ivanov és Yakovlev, ...... mondjuk a TMO-ba ? :))))
Hát igen, reménykednünk lehet, de sajnos ez inkább álmodozásnak tűnik :/
Egyrészről félek, h a bringások többsége egyáltalán nem bízik az esélyegyenlőség lehetőségében - nyilván az évtizedek óta működő "megszokásból" nehezen váltanak - ezért özönlenek "alacsonyabb osztályba sorolású" csapatokhoz.
Másrészt "odafent" sem akarják elkapkodni a tisztába tevést, miért csak januárban(?!) akarja Pound felnyittatni újból az OP aktákat, és akkor kezdeni megint a herce-hurcát ? :( --> az én teóriám szerint ezzel már meg is alapozta a köv. szezont(is) behálózó káoszt ..... ahelyett, h januárra mindennemű hasonló balhé lezárását hirdetné meg, és azt, h csak a bio-passportosok indulhatnak minden komolyabb versenyen, és Ők békén is lesznek hagyva, múlt ide, v oda, új alapokra helyeznék a sportágat - akinek meg nincs útlevele magára vessen ...
Asszem egyik fél hozzáállása sem enged kevesebb botrányra következtetni, mint idén - monjuk többre sem,(lehet így kell nézni a "jó" oldalát?) mert ahhoz heti kettőt kéne produkálni, és annyi verseny + rider nincs is :))