A motorosok az elnöki hatalmat védeni mennek ki, mint ahogy Nemzeti Gárda is. A "demokratáknak" kinéz egy kiadós verés, rosszabb esetben, kórház, temető, Gitmo.
Ezekkel illetik gyakorta Trumpot, és szimpatizánsait, és mint tudjuk, hasonló a hasonlónak örül, ezek szerint Vujity Tvrtko is nácifasiszta, rasszista, hímsoviniszta, bunkó.
Így van. Ez minden cselekedetén meglátszik. Az ő legfőbb érdeke az, hogy a magyar választók újra megszavazzák. Ezért Orbán Viktor a magyar választókhoz húz.
The day after Trump becomes President, far right leaders from around Europe will meet in a remote German town to discuss how they can make sure Trump's brand of hateful politics sweeps the continent.
This is hate building its movement.
They are strong and gaining momentum. Starting today, we need to build our own movement to match them -- before it's too late.Our future, our children's future, our planet's future is on the line.
Don't think it can happen where you live? Everyone thought Trump was a joke. Now he's a nightmare with nuclear codes.
Avaaz is everything the ethno-nationalists are not, and everywhere they are. We contacted over 2 million swing-state voters in the US election, but it wasn't enough. To win the next stages of this fight, we need to be bigger and stronger. Click below to become an Avaaz Sustainer, and let's get serious about saving the world:
I'm in Racist French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, a friend of Putin, just tried to secretly meet with Trump. Now she'll head to the summit of hate to talk about launching a Europe-wide united far right, sights set on elections in France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, and beyond.
It's going to take action of epic proportion to stop them. We are the largest global online movement in history -- we can do it like no one else.
We have achieved so much together already. We've changed the game on climate change, saved the internet from multiple threats, defeated corporate giants like Monsanto, protected vast tracts of our oceans and forests. But what we face now is an old human enemy, perhaps our oldest. To defeat it, or better, transform it, we must become more. Make this the day you became an Avaaz Sustainer and help build the movement that can beat hate:
I'm in History is shaped by the choices of ordinary people. Generations before us rose to the challenge we are facing now. Let's rise to the challenge of our time.
With hope and determination,
Danny, Ricken, Emma, Alice, Camille, Diego, and the rest of the Avaaz team