Tja, öcsisajt, a manusz szerencsétlen kislánya most olyanná akarja transzformálni a világot, mint az apja volt: Csöre töltött pisztolyt a terhes nök hasának és kirabolni öket, meg jól bekábszerezve "élvezni az életet", stb., mert ugye ha ezt nem szabad, az "antidemokratikus", "rasszista", stb. Pont ez a követendö példa a világ számára. Hány ártatlan ember is halt meg a Georg Floyd-hoz hasonló csöcselék örjöngése miatt?
What could be worse than Trump being just “crazy?” Beyond narcissism, beyond being a sociopath, what if Trump is all too aware that being a psychotic is his greatest strength — and his most powerful weapon? And that that is why no one has ever figured out how to stop him — and now before us lies the scary possibility that once again, while appearing further and further behind in the polls, his madness is what will help him outsmart conventional wisdom by November 3rd. My new episode of RUMBLE is up and rockin’! My guest is Dr. Steven Reisner, a radical psychologist and longtime political activist who now has his own new podcast called "Madness" — which he describes as the place “where psychology and capitalism collide." Reisner brilliantly uses his study of the human mind to understand and explain our current political reality. He reveals how all the armchair psycho-analyses of Donald Trump gets it wrong — and he provides us with a new framework for how to confront Trump and Trumpism. He joins me to discuss American racism, democracy, the problem with psychology today and why we must rethink what we call our “basic values” if we are to truly rise out of the morass we are in. Please give this important conversation a listen, available for free on “RUMBLE with Michael Moore”, Episode #94, ”Madness Can Be Our Friend”:
One month ago today. George Floyd. Murdered. Lynched by a cop’s knee with a lynch mob of cops helping with the lynching. His little girl was right: “My daddy changed the world!” Now it’s up to ALL of us to make sure those changes really take place and transform this broken country to a something worthy of the sacrifice George Floyd made. The way police do their business — that shit is over. But it won’t end on its own. Each of us must force our local mayors and city councils to remake their public safety departments and shift funds to social services to help people in need. And in the name of George Floyd, let’s fix our income inequality, end mass incarceration, and commit to anti-racism and anti-capitalism. Our “health care” system, our schools, our neighborhoods — it’s all wrong, unjust and meant to prop up the wealthy to maintain their control and the status quo. This movement can’t be stopped. Welcome everyone into it and let’s fight until we create a fair and just new normal. Rest in Power, Mr. Floyd. We can’t bring you back, but you will always be with us. #blacklivesmatter #defund #disarm #dismantle #heal
AOC egy igen gazdag negyedböl jön a prolikat" vezetni, ahol a házak 500 ezer dolcsinál kezdödnek. Pont mint a prolikat szédítö komcsi milliárdos Gyurcsótány.
“As for the Tulsa rally, I saw plenty of empty seats esp. in upper bleachers.”
One explanation for why the room wasn’t full is that the Mayor of Tulsa imposed a curfew on Tulsa the night before the rally took place, fearing anarchists were going to come to Tulsa to disrupt the Trump rally, which meant that all the people who had been camped outside the arena for days waiting to get in, had to pack up and leave the area, and others who weren’t there saw what was happening and didn’t know how long the curfew was going to last, and so they all went home and decided to watch it on television.
The Fox News Channel was the only tv outlet that carried the full Trump rally. The other networks were only interested in showing that the arena was not full and did not cover the speeches or anything important. Only what was important to them: Empty seats.
As such, Fox New Channel had 7.7 million viewers for Trump’s rally which is a record number of viewers for a Saturday night on Fox, since they started broadcasting in 1996, and in addition, about 4 million more viewed the event on the internet. So Trump didn’t fill the arena but he set new records on Fox and online."
Hányan is voltak kíváncsiak a senile Joe "szenzációs" kampánygyülésére? Mint a szegény agyalágyult Bauer Tomika egyszemélyes sajttája a XII.ker önkormányzat elött mint választási gyülés a legutóbbi magyar parlamenti választások elött.