
Részletes keresés

FLaci Creative Commons License 2001.07.25 0 0 3126
Szóval a rangjelzések:

3 tele + keret = admiral (ha jól emléxem)
4 tele = captain
3 tele = commander
2 tele + 1 üres = lt. commander
2 tele = lieutenant
1 tele + 1 üres = lieutenant j. g.
1 tele = ensign

(Legalábbis az esetek döntő többségében. Az meg ne kérdezt hogy az O'Brien milyen rangban van...)

Előzmény: Vóbert (3122)
Vegetable Creative Commons License 2001.07.25 0 0 3125
Erről Tity matróz felvilágositotta, mikor kikérte magának az örökös hajósinast - bár késöbb szintén matróz lett, vagyis ő iss előlépett azért... :o)))))
Előzmény: Chtka (3124)
Chtka Creative Commons License 2001.07.25 0 0 3124
Erről a Fecskék és Fruskák című ifjusági regény-sorozat jut eszembe, ahol a legkisebb gyerek (Roger) azért marad közlegény, mert nem lehet mindenki tiszt :-)
Előzmény: Vóbert (3122)
SANGUINIUS Creative Commons License 2001.07.25 0 0 3123
Hol lehet látni az ENTERPRISE trailerét?Ha megnésztem eldöntöm.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (3119)
Vóbert Creative Commons License 2001.07.25 0 0 3122
Captain Proton: Látod rátapintottál a lényegre, tudod te, hogy miröl van szó :DDD

Ami a rangokat illeti, igazából nem értem, hogy szerencsétlen Harry Kim hogy a francba, hogy az eddig látott magyar részek alatt egyszer sem kapott elöléptetést, míg Párizsit egyszer lefokozzák, aztán rá egy évvel meg visszaadják neki a rangját.
Szerintem Harry is megérdemelné, hogy zászlós helyett valami nagyobb rangja legyen.

Egyébként az oly sokat használt hadnagy után miért azonnal a parancsnokhelyettes jön, aztán már a parancsnok és a kapitány, még egy sor rangot be lehetne illeszteni.....Ja akkor nem lenne elég a pötty a nyakukon.

Tényleg nem tudja valaki, hogy az egyes pötty kombinációk milyen rangokat jelentenek??? Nagyon kiváncsivá tett ez a rangosdi :)))

Előzmény: Captain Proton (3109)
Cifu Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3121

Először kijavitok, majd bakizok :)
Természetesen nem Capitain, hanem Captain :)

Előzmény: Cifu (3120)
Cifu Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3120
A rangok forditásának a csúcsa nekem a De Niro US NAVY nehézbúvárokról szóló filmje [a címe nem ugrik be...], ahol De Niro rangja Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, ami kb. A Haditengerészet Vezér Tengerészaltisztje. Ennek a rangnak nincs közvetlen megfelelője a magyar katonai doktrinában, de kb. a Főtörzszászlós rangnak felel meg, vagyis a legmagasabb tiszthelyetesi rang. Na ezt úgy forditották a mozis szinkronban, hogy Ezredes. Szép...

A rangoknál egyébként is keverés van, hiszen az amiknál 4 sereg használ 4 többé-kevésbé eltérő rangrendszert [US NAVY / US Coast Guard, USAF, US Marines és az US ARMY]...


Nem kötekedés képpen, de azok nem "Lieutenant" akar lenni?
Amúgy a Capitain rang - megszólitás régóta keveredik, főleg a Korvett/Fregatt/Sorhajó-kapitánynál csúcsosodott ki ez :)

A Voy max. sebessége 9.975, ha jól emléxem...

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3118
Rangok - (DS9) Kira örnagy volt, igaz nem a csillagflottától kapta a rangot.
Előzmény: Meglivorn (3117)
Meglivorn Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3117

Sok gond nincsen, legfejjebb hogy néha elég alacsony ranggal kap valaki beosztást.

Ensign - zászlós
Liuetanat - hadnagy (j.g. - alhadnagy)
Liuetanat Commander - Parancsnokhelyettesnek szokták fordítani, ugyanis a magyar korvettkapitány elég viccesen hangzik.
Commander - Parancsnok (ami nagyon nem egyenlő a kapitánnyal!)
Captain - kapitány

Amúgy a JAGban gyakran gyalogsági rangokat használnak, így lesz a captain-ból százados, a
liuetanat-commanderből őrnagy.

A rangkeveredés mindössze csak abban lehet, hogy bármilyen rangú tiszt ül a kapitányi székben, azt
kapitánynak kell szólítani (a rang és a beosztás nincs szinkronban). De ez tudtommal a flottánál is így van.

TtK Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3116
Igen itt még hagyján, de mikor rendes tengerészek szerepelnek és azt fordítják le rosszul. A múltkor láttam egy JAG epizódot magyarul (épp egyik adón sem volt ST) ahol commander = altengernagy! Brrrr...

NX-01 max. speed = Warp 5 (Rick Berman)
Személyzet: 70-80
WF (Warp Factor) = (v/c)^1/3 tehát Warp 5 = 125 c

Előzmény: Mike73 (3114)
lacix Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3115
Mekkora sebességre lesz képes az" új,régi kisérleti,az első" ENTERPRISE?

Tudtommal 5.5-ös fokozat a maximuma (A Voy úgy 9.5-öst tudott (10-es a végtelen sebesség, és asszem a fénysebesség az 1-es))

Előzmény: SANGUINIUS (3112)
Mike73 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3114
Hát ha most elővettél egy rang táblázatot, akkor neked annyi... :-)))
A ST-ben sem igazak azok a rangok, bár az igaz, hogy a tengerészeti rangokból szedik a dolgaikat... Ha nézed a filmeket, észreveheted, hogy a rang, illetve a beosztás nem feltétlenül van összhangban. És még keverik is. A katonák biztos jól mulatnak rajta. :-))
Előzmény: TtK (3110)
vega Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3113
BeePee_3 remek Endgame verzió, alig-alig zavarosabb mint az eredeti. :))
Kár, hogy csak az tud rajta igazán röhögni, aki látta végig a Voyagert, a DS9-t, + tud angolul. ;)
Előzmény: BeePee_3 (3105)
SANGUINIUS Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3112
Mekkora sebességre lesz képes az" új,régi kisérleti,az első" ENTERPRISE?
BeePee_3 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3111
Ruslish-ül pedig:


Jajjj... :)

TtK Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3110
Mea culpa. Most találtam rá a topicra és nem olvastam el 3000 hozzászólást csak kb az utsó ötvenet.
Commander: Az ST-ben haditengerészeti rangok vannak. Commander = fregattkapitány, Lt. cmdr = korvettkapitány (alezredes ill. őrnagy). Ezek is elég hülyén hangzanának és a szinkron is gázos mert nem egyezik a szótagszám, ezért szerintem nem kellene lefordítani. (Tiszteletem Grétsy tanár úr!) Commander általában az első tiszt ezért nem jó parancsnoknak fordítani mert a parancsnok a Captain = sorhajókapitány (ezredes).
NX registry: kísérleti hajó. NX-01: Az első StarFleet hajó. Tényleg az Enterprise lett volna (lesz) az?

ST oroszul: Vnyimányie! Fotonnij torpedov igyot ocseny bisztra!

Előzmény: Mike73 (3108)
Captain Proton Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3109
Csak nem, mindenki kedvenc borgjara :) Igy az egesz kollektiva tudasat asszimilalnam.
Előzmény: Vóbert (3100)
Mike73 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3108
Kedves TtK,

azért némileg visszaolvashattál volna a topikban, akkor nem írtál volna le ennyit feleslegesen.

Másfelől az Enterprise NCC-1701 az első, de ezt szerintem egyből meg is fogják tudni magyarázni azzal, hogy az bizony USS. Az új régi Enterprise viszont nem az.

A Warp dolog tényleg katasztrófa, de azért nem olyan rossz a szinkron. Nézzél egy kicsit orosz adót, és majd megtudod, mi az a rossz szinkron... :-)

A commander pedig tényleg parancsnok, bár lehet adott helyzetben kapitányként is fordítani. Úgyhogy nem tudom, mi a bajod vele... (megj. ez amolyan bogár rovar dolog. a commander lehet kapitány, de a kapitány nem commander...)

Előzmény: TtK (3107)
TtK Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3107

Én is a ST-ből tanultam meg németül. Már megvan a középfok. Nézzétek inkább a Sat1-en a VOY utolsó szezont, mint a Viasat-on az elsőt (ami köztünk szólva nem a legsikerültebb évjárat). Amúgy a magyar szinkron szvsz borzalmas. A treknology magyar fordítása rossz, a magyar hangok pedig úgy szólnak mint egy hangalámondásos pornófilmben. Csak néhány elrettentő példa:
Seven of Nine = Hétkilenced
Warp 7 = Térváltás hetes fokozat
Commander = Parancsnok
Ezeket nem kellene lefordítani (a németek is angolul mondják).

Mit szóltok az új Enterprise-hoz? Jónéhány helyen olvastam ellenvéleményeket: A design nem 22. századi és csaknem egy az egyben az Akira osztály másolása. A kánon szerint az NCC-1701 volt az első Enterprise ergo a név is rossz. Rossz előérzetem van, de azért persze nézni fogom.

BeePee_3 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3106
Ja és ez lesz, ha a Tomb Raidert összekeverjük a Star Trekkel...

BeePee_3 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3105

Meanwhile back at the hub:

After a tense standoff, Mirror Admiral Janeway was now making out with Admiral Janeway (not Fleet Admiral Janeway or Admiral Emeritus Janeway).

"Why are all the evil Mirror Universe women bisexual?" the Borg Queen asked.

"Shut up!" mirror Admiral Janeway snapped. "I'm not technically bisexual since I am making out with myself."

Just then a temporal vortex opened and the mirror Universe future Borg Queen emerged. She had long flowing blonde hair and carried a dagger at her side. She saw the mirror Universe Admiral Janeway making out with Admiral Janeway and squealed in delight. "A party! All right! Count me in!"

But before she could join in the fun, another vortex swirled and a haggard, old, fat elfin woman emerged.

"Oh no!" Janeway cried. "It's the future Kes!"

"I've come here from six months in the future," she croaked. "I'm delivering these quantum torpedoes to help fight the Borg."

"But we already have quantum torpedoes!" Admiral Janeway replied.

"I can't help it if I only have a 9-year-lifespan!" Kes replied. "This is the best I could do!"

Meanwhile back on Voyager, Harry and Tom were in the holodeck for one last go-round in the Captain Proton program. Suddenly the arch opened and the bald old Tom Paris burst in.

"You've got to stop!" the bald Paris said.

"Why?" Harry and Tom demanded.

"Sixteen years from now, the Captain Proton program will merge with the Professor Moriarity program and take over the universe! Reg Barclay will be the only survivor of the holocaust that follows!"

"Oh no!" they cried, fleeing the holodeck into the hallway. In his great rush, Tom slammed into the wall, then Harry ran into him from behind.

"Uh, Harry, is that a modulated transponder in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Tom, you're my best friend. I need to tell you something. I've been having these feelings..."

Just then a temporal vortex opened and a fat, bald and hideously disfigured Harry came bursting out of it.

"Stop! Don't say it!" he pleaded.

"It's the future Harry! Are you an admiral?" Tom asked.

"I'm not the future Harry! I'm Garret Wang from the year 2023! Harry, I can't let you say what you're about to say!"

"But why?" Harry asked.

"If you come out as gay, then in the year 2002, I get attacked by a mob of homophobic Star Trek fans. Look at my face! A guy wearing an IDIC symbol threw acid at me!"

"Damn!" said Harry. "I guess I'm just doomed to a life of inexplicably striking out with every woman I meet!"

"That's OK, buddy," Tom said clapping him on the shoulder. "That socially relevant crap died with the '60s. Besides, we'll always have subtext! It worked for Bashir and O'Brien!"

Just then a temporal vortex opened and a fat, bald, hideously disfigured Bashir emerged. "Oh no, it didn't!" he said.

They all stood in a tense standoff, which was suddenly broken by Chakotay dashing back down the hall in his French maid's outfit, to bang on Seven's door. "Let me in! I've changed my mind! I want to be astimulated!"

They all stared.

"Maybe I can live with being straight," Harry said.

Copyright johnzdrake

BeePee_3 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3104

Meanwhile, back on Voyager:

Chakotay burst into the bedroom, dressed in a French maid's outfit.

"Oh baby," said Seven, "Lower your shields and prepare to be astimulated!"

Chakotay did a little pirouette. "I bet you never knew I was so interesting, huh?"

"Believe me, none of us did," she replied.

Suddenly the door opened and an older, fatter version of Chakotay appeared.

"Stop what you're doing," he cried.

"Who, me or her?" Chakotay asked.

"Both of you!" the old Chakotay responded.

"Damn, just when things were finally getting interesting," Seven grumbled.

"Hey, shouldn't you be an admiral or something?" the young Chakotay asked. "You're wearing a lieutenant's pips! I can't BELIEVE this! They've neglected me so much I've actually REGRESSED in character development!"

"Shut up and listen, there isn't much time. I've come from the future to warn you than in 37 years, Seven will dump you for Harry Kim."

"WHAT? Of all the indignities!"

"But there's more! After she leaves you, you'll discover that she's been bedhopping around the galaxy! She's even given you a nasty case of crab nanites!"

"I can't believe this!" the young Chakotay yelled. "I'm going back to my quarters where I can stagnate in peace! I wish the writers had NEVER started paying attention to me!"

"Wait, Commander!" Seven called after him. "Don't go! Resistance is erectile!"

"Forget it, babe! I am outta here!"

Chakotay stormed into the hallway, where he passed Tuvok and Harry Kim. They stared after him as his French maid's outfit flapped in the wind, revealing a sight that neither of them had ever wanted to see. (Well, at least a sight that Tuvok had never wanted to see. Harry was young and still had some issues to work out.)

"You know, I never knew he was so... interesting," Harry remarked.

"I wish I was that interesting," Tuvok said. "Although, in all fairness, sharing a body with Neelix was pretty kinky."

Copyright johnzdrake

BeePee_3 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3103
No akkor némi Trek humor.

Íme az EndSHAME 'valódi' forgatókönyve... :)


Voyager was home! They'd finally made it!

But all was not well. For even as our intrepid adventurers emerged from the transwarp conduit, trouble was brewing back at the hub.

As the Borg Queen was about to melt into a heap of slag, she and Admiral Janeway looked up to see another Borg Queen emerge from a temporal vortex. She was old and chubby, and she had lost all of her beautiful hair, but there was no mistaking it: It was the future version of the Borg Queen.

She strode over to the console, boldly jamming an isolinear storage chip into the bank of computers.

"That's got the cure to the computer virus AND a shield adaptation for the the transphasic torpedoes. Suck on that, bitch!" she snapped at the dying admiral.

The present-time Queen got up immediately and started laughing. "Launch a full invasion of the Alpha Quadrant. After inexplicably going easy on these people for a decade, I'm finally pissed."

"NO," Admiral Janeway cried, clutching at the Borg Queen's strangely delicate ankles. The Borg Queen was just about to kick her head in, when another temporal vortex opened to reveal Fleet Admiral Janeway, stooped over a futuristic walker.

"Stop right there," Fleet Admiral Janeway croaked, "I've got multitransphasic torpedoes in this walker and I'm not afraid to use them. And I have an armor replicating technology that will turn my uniform into an impenetrable neutronium teddy, if that's not enough to convince you."

A temporal vortex suddenly opened behind her, though, and she was seized by a pair of strong arms.

"Who the hell are you?" they all asked.

"I am Khan," the man replied. "And now you will take me to Admiral Kirk."

"He's not an admiral anymore," one of the Janeways piped in. "He's a captain. And he's dead." But no sooner had she opened her mouth than a temporal vortex opened in the floor. A voice could be heard screaming from below: "Khhhhhaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn!!!!"

Khan bowed to the ladies. "Excuse me," he said, and jumped into the vortex.

Just then a vortex opened in the ceiling and out dropped a six-year-old Kathryn Janeway.

"Stand back," she snarled, "I've got a multiquantum transphasic supersoaker here, and I am NOT afraid to use it." Just then a door (not a vortex, mind you, but an actual door) opened and another Borg Queen came in, only this one mysteriously looked more like a 20th century Earth actress named Susanna Thompson while the first two looked more like a 20th century Earth actress named Alice Krige.

"Didn't you die 300 years ago?" snapped the newcomer to the other two.

"Shut up!" the Queens retorted. "You're thinking three-dimensionally."

"No, I'm not! I'm thinking five-dimesionally!"

Then, a temporal vortex appeared behind them and out came an incredibly ancient Admiral Emeritus Janeway waving a biverctoral trilithium-powered PADD. "I've got your interstitial subspace omega-phasic Iconian ectomorphic torpedoes right here!"

Just then the whole ship shook and a wall caved in, revealing the nose of a primitive spacecraft. A short, fat, bald, black man emerged from the craft. "Sorry about that! I knew I shoulda taken a left turn at Alpha Centauri!"

"Who are you?" they all asked at once.

"I'm Zefrem Cochrane, of course," he replied. "Never mind me. Just passing through..."

Fleet Admiral Janeway peered at the man. "You didn't have forehead ridges just now, did you?"

"Don't know what you're talking about," he replied cheerfully as a temporal vortex opened behind him. A svelte arm seized him by the throat, while a woman dressed in a slinky dangerous looking uniform put a knife to his neck.

"Nobody move!" she growled.

"Who are you?" they all asked.

"I'm the mirror universe Admiral Janeway! And I'm in charge now!"

Copyright johnzdrake

BeePee_3 Creative Commons License 2001.07.24 0 0 3102
Volt szerencsém látni néhány új dolgot a Star Trek X-ről. Amennyiben ez igaz, a TNG legénységnek ez volt az utolsó filmje. Kár, ők voltak a legjobbak...


Captain Jean-Luc Picard - Similar to Admiral Kirk in 'Star Trek II' and beyond, a major theme for Picard in 'Nemesis' will be aging. An example of this is a scene set in the new Ten Forward (sans Guinan), where Picard and Data drink glasses of 23rd Century Irish whiskey, and Picard admits to being "an old fart."
Because of this acknowledgement, Picard is able to take great pleasure in driving a Starfleet Jeep on Kolarin-III, the planet where B-9 is hidden. The Jeep, mounted with a rear-facing phaser cannon, is transported in the Argo, a new version of the standard shuttlecraft that able to carry land-based vehicles. While Picard greatly enjoys the ride, his away team members are somewhat less enthused with what the script describes as his "free-spirited driving panache."

At the end of film, Picard's age is clearly shown when the replacement officers for the departing Enterprise crew arrive, including his new first officer Commander Martin Madden. To Picard, this crew all seem very young - "fresh-faced kids... a new generation to teach and nurture."

William T. Riker - At the start of the film, Riker and Troi are finally married, with Picard serving as the best man. The film does not show the wedding ceremony, but instead opens with the reception, attended by all the Enterprise crewmembers. Some of these also take part in a performance, with Data singing an Irving Berlin song, and Riker who (with Troi's approval) jumps onstage to join Data with his playing of the trombone.
The audience is also told by Picard about Riker's bachelor party, which included three Andorians, two Tellerites and a Gorn. In addition, it "included an embarrassing quantity of Romulan ale and, subsequently, Commander Worf's rousing rendition of the love aria from that old Klingon favorite 'Kahless and Morath on the Bloody Plains of Honor.'"

At the end of the film, Riker finally says goodbye to the fourteen years he spent as Picard's "Number One," and accepts command of the U.S.S. Titan.

Worf - During the wedding reception, Worf tells Crusher about his past stint as a Federation Ambassador, commenting that he "was not suited for the life of a... diplomat." Riker later tells Worf of the three-week honeymoon, where he and Troi plan to sail on the Opal Sea in an old-fashioned solar catamaran. Worf responds that Klingon honeymoons begin with the Kholamar desert march, followed (for those couples that survive) by a journey to the Fire Caves of Fek'lhr to face the demons of Gre'thor.
Worf's hatred of the Romulans is once again demonstrated when he refers to his parents' massacre at Khitomer, and that Romulans are "animals" fit only to be killed. However, after seeing two Romulan ships sacrifice themselves to battle Shinzon's Scimitar, he notes that they fought with honour, and even thanks a Romulan doctor after receiving medical attention. Crusher, meanwhile, notes that Worf was saved from a phaser shot literally "by [his] thick head."

At the end of the film, Worf is one of the few original officers to remain with Picard aboard the Enterprise.

Deanna Troi - When Riker protests Picard's decision to join Data and Worf in the away team to recover B-9, Picard leaves command of the bridge to Troi as a joke (she is fourth in the chain-of-command after Picard, Riker, and Data). Later on, before Riker departs from the Enterprise, Picard advises him that "When your first officer insists that you can't go on away missions... ignore him."
Shinzon's second-in command is the Reman Viceroy, who has telepathic abilities. He communicates with Troi in two scenes in a manner that she later describes as "a violation." However, she later realises that the telepathic communication is a two-way street, and uses it to her advantage to locate the cloaked Scimitar.

After the Scimitar manages to destroy part of the forward bridge, the viewscreen is completely destroyed. Before an emergency forcefield is sprung into position, Helms Officer Bransen is sucked into space. It is at this point that Troi takes the helm and pilots the Enterprise.

At the end of the film, Troi joins her new husband Riker aboard the U.S.S. Titan.

Beverly Crusher - At the end of the film, Crusher leaves the Enterprise to take a position at Starfleet Medical. She tells Picard via subspace communication that "I'll save the last dance for you."

Geordi La Forge - La Forge's girlfriend, present at the reception, is none other than Dr. Leah Brahms. While there, he asks her about the possibility of marriage. At the end of the film, La Forge remains aboard the Enterprise.

Kathryn Janeway - Janeway's cameo appearance comes in the form of three subspace communications from Starfleet Command. Faith noted that she may have read an older version of the script, as the recent extensive Ain't It Cool News script review mentioned only two scenes.
Janeway contacts Picard because she's apparently been promoted to the rank of Admiral since 'Endgame.' She serves as the liaison between him and Starfleet, and offers him advice on a number of issues. The script notes that the rank fits her well and Janeway has lost none of her "dry humour" and "down-to-earth charm."

SANGUINIUS Creative Commons License 2001.07.23 0 0 3101
NANOSZONDA NÉLKÜL!Van ilyen bót vagy nincs ilyen bót a tudomságotok allapján.Lécci,Lécci,Léccccci!Mer különben magamba olvasztalak benneteket!ehehehe.Tinektek az ellenállásutok meg marhára időpocsékolás.Na.
Vóbert Creative Commons License 2001.07.23 0 0 3100
Szerintem nem az egyetemi fizikatanárhoz vezetett volna az első utad :)))
Van annál jobb fizikatanárnéni is :DDD ha tudod, hogy kire gondolok :DDD
Előzmény: Captain Proton (3099)
Captain Proton Creative Commons License 2001.07.23 0 0 3099
Egy-ket nanoszonda nekem is jol esne, meg implantatum is, nem kene magoljak, es a felvetelim is sikerulne (asszimilaltam volna egy egyetemi fizikatanart... :)) de akkor mar ugy sem ezzel torodnek ;)
Előzmény: Nemozoli (3097)
Vóbert Creative Commons License 2001.07.23 0 0 3098
Hehe 3,1K..... :)))
Nemozoli Creative Commons License 2001.07.23 0 0 3097

minek neked nanoszonda? Csak nem magadba akarod befecskendezni? :-))))
Amúgy meg nem nagyon látható méretűek, max. pásztázó alagút-elektronmikroszkóppal :-)
A robbanógolyós fegyverek hiánya nekem is feltűnt, mert ugye nem igazán lehet egy erőtérrel megállítani a mozgási energiát, ezért legalább jól elhajítaná azokat a nyavalyás borg dolgozókat a legközelebbi falig... azt meg ők se szeretik túlzottan. :-)


Előzmény: SANGUINIUS (3095)
Reiker Creative Commons License 2001.07.23 0 0 3096
Ja... szuronyok is segítenének, nem? :o)
Igazad van, btw.
Előzmény: SANGUINIUS (3095)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!