Közben friss igazolásunk nem vesztegeti az időt. :)))
"Xavier Nady wasted no time in showing New York fans what he's capable of, posting a .526 average with three homers to earn AL Co-Player of the Week honors."
vicces figura, ezt mindig is tudtuk. annak fenyeben, hogy ev elejen bostonrol mondta ugyanezt (boldogsag, karrier befejezes) majd kikoptem a kajat a rohogestol, mikor olvastam. plane, hogy miutan megtudta hogy elcserelik egy oran belul mar boras hivta epsteint, hogy manny megis maradna inkabb es jol fog viselkedni. tenyleg azt varom mar csak, mikor indul a sajat valosag showja a TV-ben :DDDD
LOS ANGELES -- Manny Ramirez has seen enough. He wants to be a Dodger forever, or at least as long as he plays.
"I love it," Ramirez said after one game with the Dodgers. "I feel at home already. Put the word on me -- I want to stay here. The weather is nice, the stadium is beautiful."
"I've already made $160 million," he said. "I like it here. I'm looking for peace. I want to stay here. At the end of the season, if the Dodgers want me to end my career here, we'll sit down and talk. Time will tell."
"I want peace," he said. "After the game [Friday night], I went out to dinner and nobody bothers you. In Boston, you go from the stadium straight home. That's what I'm talking about. Some people recognized me, said congratulations, that's it. I could go to the movies with my family. I've got nothing against Boston, but this is what I'm looking for. The game is supposed to be fun."
Manager Joe Torre, going from New York to Los Angeles, said he knows what Ramirez means.
"It's hard for him to know that after one game, but I left New York and the first day at Spring Training, I loved it with the Dodgers," Torre said. "It's much different than he's used to. Maybe he'll enjoy what he's doing. I've enjoyed it here."
The Providence Journal reports that Red Sox GM Theo Epstein met with team veterans on Wednesday, and they told him that Manny Ramirez had to go.
The players were not only tired of Manny's antics and felt that he was a distraction, but they didn't trust that they could count on him during the pennant race. One story in the Boston Herald on Friday quoted a teammate as saying "He just doesn't care." Another Herald story discussed his refusal to visit with young cancer patients, calling him a "bum." It seems most everyone involved with Manny in Boston is happy to see him go.
csak az jutott eszembe, hogy manny megint együtt játszhat nomarral. nomarról pedig mindig az jut eszembe, hogy kaphat vki gyűrűt úgy, hogy nem bajnok. ilyen is csak a redsoxnál csinálnak :-PPPPP
Hát, bazzeg..... Elképesztően fos érzés, amikor az ember kedvenc játékosa elhagyja a kedvenc csapatát :(((( Ráadásul a másik kedvenc csapata divízióriválisához ment. Azaz jelenleg a Padresnek senki nem riválisa :)
Maradok azért Padres és Red Sox fan... De azért mostmár a Dodgers is nyerheti a World Seriest :)