Lincoln Abraham a neje fuszeklijat/horgolását hirdeti az adofizetok penzen, a Feher Hazbol.
Ugyehogy bizarr.
Viszont!!! Orulok hogy a big biznic ugy valagba rugta a vigecet hogy vegre normalis hangot utott meg Kinaval a telefonon. Tanul az asshole, ha lassan is de biztosan.
A Pew Research Center szeint csak 12%-a a muszlimoknak él abba a 7 országba (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen) amelyikre Trump 90 napos tilalma vonatkozik.
Palin Sárit állitólag ide akarja küldeni nagykövetnek :)
Constitution - Trampli 2-0
CBC esti hírekben elemezték a hétfői Trudeau-trampli találkozót, az volt a konszenzus hogy Justin elég okos ahhoz hogy úgy kezelje tramplit ahogy van: damaged individual.
The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals said it would not block a ruling by a Seattle court that halted the order
What did the three appeal judges say?
They accepted that the US president had sole discretion to set immigration policy but added that courts could still assess the order's compliance with the constitution.
They discussed whether the ban violated the constitution by targeting a religious group (Muslims) but did not reach a conclusion.
The judges also found "no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the order" had committed a terrorist attack in the US.