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Vase Number 23612 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record SKYPHOS FRAGMENT Date 450 BC to 400 BC Decoration A,B: FIGURES, ONE WITH STAFF, ONE DANCING, DRAPED MAN, DRAPED YOUTH PLAYING PIPES, HERM Current Collection 1: Berlin, Antikensammlung: 31573B Current Collection 1: Berlin, Antikensammlung: V163 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIKENSAMMLUNG-PERGAMONMUSEUM 1, 57, BEILAGE 5.5, PL.(147) 36.1-2
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Vase Number 301923 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record STAMNOS Provenance ITALY, ORVIETO Date 550 BC to 500 BC Attributed To BEAUNE P by PHILIPPAKI Attributed To PERIZOMA GROUP by FURTWANGLER Decoration S: SYMPOSIUM, MEN, ONE WITH CUP, AND WOMEN RECLINING Decoration BD: SYMOSIUM, MEN, SOME RECLINING WITH CUPS, AND WOMEN, ONE RECLINING, ONE PLAYING PIPES, TABLES WITH FOOD, DOG Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: 3211 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: 3211 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, 1956): 345.6 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 94 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIKENMUSEUM 7, 19-20, PL.(3002) 9.1-3
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Vase Number 1005021 Fabric BOEOTIAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record EXALEIPTRON Current Collection Berlin, Antikensammlung: 1621 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 4, 68-70, FIG.34, PLS.(1621-1623) 195.1-2, 196.1-4, 197.5-7
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Vase Number 204418 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To BRISEIS P by BEAZLEY Decoration B: DRAPED YOUTHS WITH WALKING STICKS AND LYRE, CHAIR, PIPES CASE SUSPENDED Decoration A: YOUTH SEATED PLAYING PIPES, BETWEEN DRAPED YOUTHS WITH STAFFS, AND PIPES CASE Decoration I: MAN WITH ANIMAL SKIN, CAP AND STAFF AT ALTAR, ROCK Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: 3359 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: 3359 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 407.19 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 27, PL.(1003) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1054) 125.4.8
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Vase Number 203944 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ITALY, CAPUA Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To BRYGOS P by FURTWANGLER Attributed To DOKIMASIA P by BEAZLEY Decoration A,B: KOMOS, YOUTHS AND MEN, WITH CUPS, SKYPHOS, POINTED AMPHORA, OINOCHOE, PLAYING LYRE, SOME AT KRATER, Decoration I: KOMOS, DRAPED MAN VOMITING, YOUTH, BASIN Decoration A,B: (continued) WOMAN AND YOUTH PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2309 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2309 Publication Record Seki, T., Untersuchung zum Verhaltnis von Gefassform und Malerei attischer Schalen (Berlin, 1985): PL.40.1-3 (I,A,B, UNDERNEATH) Publication Record Ruhfel, H., Das Kind in der Griechischen Kunst (Mainz, 1984): 66, FIG.38 (I) Publication Record Archaologischer Anzeiger: 1984, 396, FIG.1 (A) Publication Record La Cite des Images, Religion et Societe en Grece Antique (Lausanne, 1984): 122, FIG.170 (I,A,B) Publication Record Scheibler, I., Griechische Topferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefasse (Munich, 1983): 63, FIG.60 (I) Publication Record Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Fuhrer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PLS.73, 76 (I,A) Publication Record Himmelmann, N., Archaologisches zum Problem der Sklaverei (Mainz, 1971): 25, FIG.32 (I) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.275 (A, PART OF B) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1055) 126.2.4 Publication Record Prospettiva Rivista dell' arti antica e moderna (Siena): 89-90 (JANUARY-APRIL 1998) 75, FIG.2 (I) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 24-25, PLS.(998,999) 69.1-4, 70.1-2 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 366, 372.11BIS Publication Record Peschel, I., Die Hetare bei Symposium und Komos in der attisch rotfigurigen Malerei des 6.-4. Jhs. v.Chr. (Frankfurt, 1987): PL.120 (A, B) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 112 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 233 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 373.46, 1649, 1701 Publication Record Scheibler, I., Griechische Topferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefasse, 2nd ed. (Munich, 1995): 63, FIG.60 (I) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 114, NO.1 (A) Publication Record Vierneisel, K., and Kaeser, B. (eds.), Kunst der Schale, Kultur des Trinkens (Munich, 1990): 45, 180, 281, 334, FIGS.3.20, 29.5, 45.2, 56.18A-B (A, I) Publication Record Reinsberg, C., Ehe, Hetarentum und Knabenliebe im antiken Griechenland (Munich, 1989): 97, FIG.45 (I) Publication Record Schafer, A, Unterhaltung beim griechischen Symposium (Mainz, 1997): PL.28.2 (I) CAVI Collection Berlin 2309. CAVI Lemma RF cup. From Capua. Dokimasia Painter.(1) First quarter fifth. *FurtwBeschreibung 2309. ARV(2) 373/46, 1649, 1701, Para. 366, 372, Add.(2) 226.(1) K. Vierneisel and B. Kaeser, eds., Kunst der Schale: Kultur des Trinkens (1990), fig. 45.2 (Int.). CAVI Subject Int.: man vomiting, assisted by a boy. A-B: komos: A: under one handle, man with an amphora; youth; two youths at a large krater; girl flautist; man dancing; youth; youth under a handle. B: man with a lyre and man dancing; youth with flutes, man, youth; two men. CAVI Inscriptions Nonsense: imitation: Int.: very widely spaced, in a circle around the figures: seven hasty letters, among them Λ twice. A-B: small imitation letters strewn over the scenes, especially Λ, Υ, Ν.(2) CAVI Comments Done from Furtw.'s text. CAVI Footnotes (1)attributed to the Brygos Painter in ARV(2) 373/46, but on p. 1649 said to be close to him, but perhaps by the Dokimasia Painter; in Para. 366 and 372 definitely attributed to Dokimasia Painter as [412]/11 bis. (2)upsilon V-shaped.
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Vase Number 203844 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To TRIPTOLEMOS P by BEAZLEY Decoration A,B: SYMPOSIUM, MEN AND YOUTHS WITH SKYPHOS, CUP, PHIALE AND KROTALA, ONE PLAYING LYRE, ONE KOTTABOS, OINOCHOE, Decoration A,B: (continued) KANTHAROS, SKYPHOS, AMPHORA, SHOES Decoration I: MAN CARRYING BAG AT HERM Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2298 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2298 Publication Record Arts in Virginia: 21 (1981) 2, 10, FIG.13 (A) Publication Record Archaologischer Anzeiger: 1985, 246, FIG.25 (B) Publication Record Atti e Memorie della Societa Magna Grecia: NS 9-10 (1968-69) PL.20 (A,B) Publication Record Marcade, J., Eros Kalos (Geneva, 1962): 113 (I) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.305 (A) Publication Record Sparkes, B.A., The Red and the Black (London, 1996): 87, FIG.III.17 (A) Publication Record Valavanis, P., and Kourkoumelis, D., Chaire kai piei, drinking vessels (1996): 95 (COLOUR OF A) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 21, PLS.(993,995) 64.1-2, 66.5 Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 118, NO.1 (A, B) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, 20, PLS.(1054,1063) 125.1.5, 134.6 Publication Record Schafer, A, Unterhaltung beim griechischen Symposium (Mainz, 1997): PL.17.1, 3 (A, B) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 223 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 364 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 364.52 Publication Record Oxford Journal of Archaeology: 19 (2000) 2, 155, FIG.10 (A) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 110 Publication Record Oxford Journal of Archaeology: 19 (MAY 2000) 2, 155, FIG.10 (A)
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Vase Number 200459 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 525 BC to 475 BC Inscriptions Signature: EPIKTETOS EGRAPHSEN Attributed To EPIKTETOS by SIGNATURE Attributed To PAMPHAIOS POTTER by SIGNATURE Decoration B: YOUTH WITH HORSES Decoration I: SATYR WITH WINESKIN Decoration A: ATHLETES, ACONTIST, DISKOBOLOS, BOXING, DRAPED YOUTHS PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2262 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2262 Publication Record Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique: 110 (1986) 208, FIG.10 Publication Record Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Fuhrer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PL.69 (A,B) Publication Record Das Altertum: 22 (1976) 10-15, FIGS.5,10 (PARTS OF A) Publication Record Patrucco, R., Lo Sport nella Grecia antica (Florence, 1972): 138, FIG.48, 236, FIG.105 (A, DRAWING OF PART OF A) Publication Record Juthner, J., Die athletischen Leibesubungen der Griechen, II (Vienna, 1968): PL.90B (A) Publication Record Harris, H., Greek Athletes and Athletics (London, 1964): PL.12B (A) Publication Record Stumpfe, O., Die Heroen Griechenlands: Einubung des Denkens von Theseus bis Odysseus (1978): 122 (DRAWING OF A) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): 58, HEAD DETAILS 2 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1051) 122.4 Publication Record West, M.L., Ancient Greek Music (Oxford, 1992): PL.10 (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 328 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 12, PLS.(984,994,995) 55.1-6, 65.4, 66.3 Publication Record Tzachou-Alexandri, O., Mind and Body: Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece (Athens, 1988): 155, NO.43 (A) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 104, NO.6 (A) Publication Record Frasca, R. (ed.), La multimedialita della comunicazione educativa in Grecia e a Roma, Scenario, Percorsi (Bari, 1996): 82, FIG.1 (A) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 82 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 72.15, 1623 Publication Record Annali del Seminario di Studi del Mondo Classico: 10 (1988) FIG.17.2 (PART) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 167 CAVI Collection Berlin 2262. CAVI Lemma RF cup.(1) From Vulci. Epiktetos. Pamphaios potter. Last quarter sixth. 520-510. *FurtwBeschreibung, no. 2262 (facs.). Cf. CIG 8177. Neugebauer, Fpl. 46. *CV, Germany 21, pls. 55, 65,4 and 66,3. ARV(2) 72/15, 1623, Para. 328, Add.(2) 167 (bibl.). BABesch 49 (1974) 243, figs. 1-3 (Int., A, B). Cohen, Bilinguals, pl. 116,1 (Int.). *AJA 88 (1984) 349/23. CAVI Subject Int.: satyr. A: javelin thrower, with two flautists. B: youth leading two horses. CAVI Inscriptions Int.: around the satyr: Παμαφ[ι]ος. Παμαφιος, i.e., Παμφαιος. A: to left and right of the right flautist: Επικτετος. B: εγραφσεν καλος.(2) CAVI Comments The foot modern. CAVI Footnotes (1)type A. (2) καλ'φ1[49]ς or καλ o' ς? I would opt for the former.
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Vase Number 200459 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 525 BC to 475 BC Inscriptions Signature: EPIKTETOS EGRAPHSEN Attributed To EPIKTETOS by SIGNATURE Attributed To PAMPHAIOS POTTER by SIGNATURE Decoration B: YOUTH WITH HORSES Decoration I: SATYR WITH WINESKIN Decoration A: ATHLETES, ACONTIST, DISKOBOLOS, BOXING, DRAPED YOUTHS PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2262 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2262 Publication Record Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique: 110 (1986) 208, FIG.10 Publication Record Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Fuhrer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PL.69 (A,B) Publication Record Das Altertum: 22 (1976) 10-15, FIGS.5,10 (PARTS OF A) Publication Record Patrucco, R., Lo Sport nella Grecia antica (Florence, 1972): 138, FIG.48, 236, FIG.105 (A, DRAWING OF PART OF A) Publication Record Juthner, J., Die athletischen Leibesubungen der Griechen, II (Vienna, 1968): PL.90B (A) Publication Record Harris, H., Greek Athletes and Athletics (London, 1964): PL.12B (A) Publication Record Stumpfe, O., Die Heroen Griechenlands: Einubung des Denkens von Theseus bis Odysseus (1978): 122 (DRAWING OF A) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): 58, HEAD DETAILS 2 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1051) 122.4 Publication Record West, M.L., Ancient Greek Music (Oxford, 1992): PL.10 (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 328 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 12, PLS.(984,994,995) 55.1-6, 65.4, 66.3 Publication Record Tzachou-Alexandri, O., Mind and Body: Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece (Athens, 1988): 155, NO.43 (A) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 104, NO.6 (A) Publication Record Frasca, R. (ed.), La multimedialita della comunicazione educativa in Grecia e a Roma, Scenario, Percorsi (Bari, 1996): 82, FIG.1 (A) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 82 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 72.15, 1623 Publication Record Annali del Seminario di Studi del Mondo Classico: 10 (1988) FIG.17.2 (PART) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 167 CAVI Collection Berlin 2262. CAVI Lemma RF cup.(1) From Vulci. Epiktetos. Pamphaios potter. Last quarter sixth. 520-510. *FurtwBeschreibung, no. 2262 (facs.). Cf. CIG 8177. Neugebauer, Fpl. 46. *CV, Germany 21, pls. 55, 65,4 and 66,3. ARV(2) 72/15, 1623, Para. 328, Add.(2) 167 (bibl.). BABesch 49 (1974) 243, figs. 1-3 (Int., A, B). Cohen, Bilinguals, pl. 116,1 (Int.). *AJA 88 (1984) 349/23. CAVI Subject Int.: satyr. A: javelin thrower, with two flautists. B: youth leading two horses. CAVI Inscriptions Int.: around the satyr: Παμαφ[ι]ος. Παμαφιος, i.e., Παμφαιος. A: to left and right of the right flautist: Επικτετος. B: εγραφσεν καλος.(2) CAVI Comments The foot modern. CAVI Footnotes (1)type A. (2) καλ'φ1[49]ς or καλ o' ς? I would opt for the former.
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Vase Number 205141 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP FRAGMENTS Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To DOURIS by FURTWANGLER Decoration I: DOMESTIC, WOOL WORKING, WOMEN, ONE SEATED, KALATHOI, ONE ON STOOL (FOOT STOOL ?) Decoration A,B: KOMOS, MEN WITH SKYPHOI, CUPS AND PIPES Current Collection 1: Florence, Museo Archeologico Etrusco: 24B9 Previous Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2289 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2289 Previous Collection 1: Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia: XXXX0.5141 Previous Collection 1: Florence, Museo Archeologico Etrusco: 7B28 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: FIRENZE, REGIO MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO 1, III.I.9, III.I.24, PLS.(382,399) 7.28, 24.9 Publication Record Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 1988 (2), PL.19.4 (I) Publication Record Wyke, M., Gender and the Body in the Ancient Mediterranean (1998): 92, FIG.5 (A) Publication Record Duby, G., Perrot, M. (eds.), Histoire des femmes (Plon, 1991): 230, FIG.48 (I) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 375 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 31, PLS.(1009,1010) 80.1-2, 81.1-4 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, 20, PLS.(1056,1063) 127.2.6, 134.8 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 238 Publication Record Cambridge Ancient History, Plates to Volumes 5&6: 102, FIG.107 (I) Publication Record Buitron-Oliver, D., Douris, A Master-Painter of Athenian Red-Figure Vases (Mainz, 1995): PL.84, NO.143 (I, A, B) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 117 Publication Record Fantham, E., et al., Women in the Classical World, Image and Text (New York, 1994): 105, FIG.3.18 (I) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 142, NO.9 (I) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 426, 435.95, 1653, 1701 CAVI Collection Berlin 2289. CAVI Lemma RF cup. From Vulci. Douris. Python potter. Ca. 480 (late middle period, ARV(2) 426). *Neugebauer, F107, pl. 49,2 (Int.). FurtwBeschreibung, no. 2289. Beazley, Campana Fragments, 15 on pl. 7 B 28, and pl. Y, 16 (Florence fr.). CV, Germany 22, pl. 127,2,6 (small pictures). ARV(2) 435/95, 1653, 1701, Para. 375, Add.(2) 238 (much bibl.). *D. Buitron-Oliver, Douris (Kerameus 9, 1995) 81/143 (facs. of Gr.), pl. 84. CAVI Subject Int.: seated woman beating wool over her knee (no epinetron);(1) woman; wool baskets. A-B: komos. CAVI Inscriptions Int.: above the left woman: h ο? παις. From the head of the woman at right: καλος. [Under foot,] Gr.: )Y. Not in TGV. CAVI Comments + ex Florence 7 B 28 and ex Rome, Villa Giulia (see ARV(2) 1701). CAVI Footnotes (1)Beazley compares Florence 3918, ARV(2) 826/7.
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Vase Number 205092 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, CERVETRI Date 500 BC to 450 BC Inscriptions Kalos/Kale: HIPODAMASKALOS Inscriptions Signature: DORISEGRAPHSEN Attributed To DOURIS by SIGNATURE Decoration I: YOUTH AT LAVER, STOOL, STAFF, SPONGE AND ARYBALLOS SUSPENDED Decoration B: (continued) LYRE AND WRITING TABLET SUSPENDED Decoration A: EDUCATION, DRAPED MEN SEATED, ONE WITH STAFF, ONE WITH SCROLL WITH INSCRIPTION, YOUTHS, ONE DRAPED, Decoration A: (continued) ONE SEATED WITH LYRE, CUP, PIPES CASE, SCROLL, LYRE AND BASKET SUSPENDED, MAN SEATED PLAYING LYRE Decoration B: EDUCATION, SEATED MAN WITH STAFF, SEATED YOUTHS, ONE WITH WRITING TABLET, ONE PLAYING PIPES, DRAPED YOUTH, SCROLL, Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2285 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2285 Publication Record Atti del Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia: 19 (1979) PL.3.2 (PART OF A) Publication Record Berger, E. (ed.), Parthenon-Kongress Basel: Referate und Berichte, 4. bis 8. April 1982, II (Mainz, 1984): PL.3.1 (A) Publication Record Moon, W.G. (ed.), Polykleitos, the Doryphoros, and Tradition (Madison) 1995: 26, FIG.3.2 (DRAWING OF A AND B) Publication Record Renfrew, C., and Bahn, P., Archaeology, Theories, Methods and Practice, 2nd edition (London, 1996): 176 TOP LEFT (DRAWING OF PART OF B) Publication Record Tiverios, M.A., Elliniki techni, archaia angaia (Athens, 1996): 156, FIGS.132-133 (COLOUR OF A AND B) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 29-30, PLS.(1006,1007) 77.1-2, 78.1-4 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 374 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1056) 127.1.5 Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 117 Publication Record Das Altertum: 34 (1988) 3, 140, FIG.9 (B) Publication Record West, M.L., Ancient Greek Music (Oxford, 1992): PL.11 (A) Publication Record Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 91, FIG.83 (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 426, 431.48, 1653, 1701 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 237 Publication Record Blanck, H., Das Buch in der Antike (Munich, 1992): 24, FIG.9 (DRAWINGS OF A AND B) Publication Record International Congress of Classical Archaeology, 12, Athens, 1983. Praktika, 2-3 Tou XII Diethnous Synedriou Klasikes Archaiologias, Athena, 4-10 Sep: B, PL.37.1 (PART) Publication Record Knittlmayer, B. and Heilmeyer, W-D., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Die Antikensammlung, Altes Museum - Pergamonmuseum (Mainz, 1998): 80, NO.39 (COLOUR OF A) Publication Record Furtwangler, A. und Reichhold, K., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1904-32): III, 87, FIG.43, PL.136.1 (A, B, I) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 106, NO.2 (PART OF A AND B) Publication Record Buitron-Oliver, D., Douris, A Master-Painter of Athenian Red-Figure Vases (Mainz, 1995): PL.58, NO.88 (I, A, B) Publication Record Schulze, H., Ammen und Padagogen, Sklavinnen und Sklaven in der antiken Kunst und Gesellschaft (Mainz, 1998): PL.4.1 (A) Publication Record Archeologia, Rocznik Instytuto Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk: 44 (1993) 121, FIG.3 (PART OF A) Publication Record Archeo, Attualita di Passato: 151 (SEPTEMBER 1997) 62 (DRAWING) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1585 Publication Record Das Altertum: 23 (1977) 67 (A) CAVI Collection Berlin 2285. CAVI Lemma RF cup. From Cervetri. Douris. Python potter. First quarter fifth. 490-480. *FurtwBeschreibung, no. 2285 (facs.). Kretschmer, Vas. 104, para. 87. *FR iii, 87-90, pl. 136 (ext.); fig. 43 (int., after Mon. Ined.). *Imag(2)., pl. 11/22 (A, part). CVA, Germany 22, pls. 1 and 5 (small pictures). *Beazley, AJA 52 (1948) 337/2. ARV(2) 431/48 (much bibl.), 1653, Para. 374, Add.(2) 237 (much bibl.). *Classical Studies Ullman 18/1 (bibl. on book roll). Script 533. A.D. Booth, "Douris' Cup and the Stages of Schooling in Classical Athens," Echos du Monde Classique 29 (1985) 275-80. Robertson, AVCA 89 (description) and fig. 83 (B). *F. Lissarrague, The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet, tr. by A. Szegedy-Maszak (1990; orig. 1987) 137-39, figs. 106a-b (ph. of A; sketch of seated man holding inscribed book roll). *D. Buitron-Oliver, Douris (Kerameus 9, 1995) 23-24, 45, 78/88, pl. 58. CAVI Subject Int.: athlete taking off his sandals; with clothes, and higher up, sponge and aryballos; on his right, his stick; standed basin. A-B: school scenes.(1) CAVI Inscriptions Int.: at left, starting above the cothes and running along the margin, ending above the youth: Δορις εγραφσεν. Ext.: below the top margin, widely spaced: A: h ιπποδαμας καλος. On the book roll: Μοισα μοι ανφι Σκαμανδρον ευρΩν αρχομαι αει ν δεν. vac. B: h ιπποδαμας [κα]λος. CAVI Comments ευρΩν = ευρουν, omega for ou. The nu in the last line may be that missing in line 2 (Class. Studies Ullman 19, n. 1). Dotted delta and tailed rho. Lissarrague gives a different text for the book roll, after F. Chamoux, `Un vers mal lu,' Rev. Philol. 1970, 7-10, and C. Calame, in La part de l'oeil 5 (1989) (forthcoming) (see L., n. 42): moisa moi askamandron on archomai aeide`Muse find for me on the banks of the Scamander a place to start my song'. I.e., Μοισα μοι αμφι Σκαμανδρον εφευρ ων αρχομαι αειδειν. This makes a single hexameter of the quotation, but I doubt that it is right, as it involves a major error. CAVI Footnotes (1)note that B (music instruction) has hanging on the wall a rolled and bound-up book roll and a tied-up set of tablets.
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Vase Number 204878 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 500 BC to 450 BC Inscriptions Signature: HIERONEPOIESEN Attributed To HIERON POTTER by SIGNATURE Attributed To MAKRON by BEAZLEY Decoration A,B: DRAPED MEN, SOME SEATED WITH STAFFS AND SPRIG (?), HARE, SPONGES, ARYBALLOI, BAG AND PIPES CASE SUSPENDED Decoration I: DRAPED MAN WITH STAFF, WOMAN, STOOL Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2292 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2292 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1057) 128.2.6 Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 112, NO.3 (I) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 246 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 35, PL.(1019) 90.1-4 Publication Record Kunisch, N., Makron (Mainz, 1997): 69, FIG.32, PL.134.386 (A, B, I, AH) Publication Record von Reden, S., Exchange in Ancient Greece (London, 1995): PL.4A (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 471.195, 482, 1701 CAVI Collection Berlin 2292. CAVI Lemma RF cup. From Vulci. Makron. Hieron potter. First quarter fifth. *FurtwBeschreibung 2292 (facs.). CIG 8216. ARV(2) 471/195, 482, 1701, Add.(2) 246. CAVI Subject Int.: man and girl. A, B, each: men conversing. CAVI Inscriptions On one handle, Gr.: h ιερον εποιεσεν. CAVI Comments Standard lettering.
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Vase Number 204730 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 500 BC to 450 BC Inscriptions Signature: HIERONEPOIESEN Attributed To HIERON POTTER by SIGNATURE Attributed To MAKRON by BEAZLEY Decoration A: CULT (?), MAENADS WITH THYRSOS, ONE PLAYING PIPES, DANCING AT ALTAR AND STATUE OF DIONYSOS Decoration UH: COLUMN KRATER Decoration I: DIONYSOS WITH THYRSOS AND GRAPE VINE, SATYR PLAYING PIPES Decoration B: MAENADS DANCING WITH KROTALA, THYRSOI, DEER, SKYPHOS Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2290 Previous Collection 1: Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia: XXXX0.4730 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2290 Publication Record Vierneisel, K., and Kaeser, B. (eds.), Kunst der Schale, Kultur des Trinkens (Munich, 1990): 439-441, FIGS.80.1A-G (A, B, I) Publication Record Osborne, R., Archaic and Classical Greek Art, Oxford History of Art (Oxford, 1998): 133, 150-151, FIG.81 (COLOUR OF I, B AND PART OF B) Publication Record Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 102, FIGS.97-98 (A, B) Publication Record Kunisch, N., Makron (Mainz, 1997): 36, 69, FIGS.19, 32.345, PLS.116-117.345 Publication Record Hephaistos: 14 (1996) 88, FIG.2 (PART OF A) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1057) 128.1.5 Publication Record Metropolitan Museum Journal: 26 (1991) 71, FIG.36 (OH) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 377 Publication Record Reeder, E.D., et al., Pandora, Women in Classical Greece (Baltimore, 1995): 384-385, NO.123 (COLOUR OF A, B, I) Publication Record Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts: 112 (1997) 300, FIG.20B (PART OF A) Publication Record Docter, R.F. and Moormann, E.M. (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Int. Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam, July 12-17, 1998 (Amsterdam, 1999): FIG.19 (DRAWING OF PART) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 34-35, PLS.(1016,1017,1018) 87.1-2, 88.1-4, 89.1-5 Publication Record Kurtz, D.C. (ed.), Greek Vases, Lectures by J.D. Beazley (Oxford, 1989): PL.74 (DRAWING OF A AND B, A) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 124, NO.3 (I) Publication Record Berard, C. (ed.), Images et societe en Grece ancienne, L'iconographie comme methode d'analyse, Cahiers d'Archeologie Romande 36 (Lausanne, 1987): 95, FIG.9 (DRAWING OF A AND B0 Publication Record Pelling, C. (ed.), Greek Tragedy and the Historian (Oxford, 1997): PL.9 (A, B) Publication Record International Congress of Classical Archaeology, 12, Athens, 1983. Praktika, 2-3 Tou XII Diethnous Synedriou Klasikes Archaiologias, Athena, 4-10 Sep: VOL.B, PL.19.1-2 (A, B) Publication Record Revue des Etudes Anciennes: 94 (1992) 148, FIG.12 (A, B) Publication Record Hephaistos: 9 (1988) 70, FIG.11 (DRAWING OF A AND B) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., Dionysian Imagery in Fifth-Century Athens (Oxford, 1997): PLS.20B, 21 (PART OF A, B) Publication Record Hornblower, S. and Spawforth, A. (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization (Oxford, 1998): 440 (DRAWING OF A) Publication Record Moraw, S., Die Manade in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. (Mainz, 1998): PL.13.34 (A, B) Publication Record Duby, G., Perrot, M. (eds.), Histoire des femmes (Plon, 1991): 210-211, FIG.32 (A) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 120 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 244 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 462.48, 481, 1654 CAVI Collection Berlin 2290.+ CAVI Lemma RF cup. From Vulci. Makron. Hieron potter. First quarter fifth. 490-80. *FurtwBeschreibung, no. 2290. CIG 8215. Beazley, CF 34/13, pl. Z 1 (VG fr.). ARV(2) 462/48 (much bibl.), 1654, Para. 377, Add.(2) 244 (much bibl.). Script 1071. D.C. Kurtz (ed.), Greek Vases: Lectures by J. D. Beazley (1989) 93-94, pl. 74,1-2.(1) Robertson, AVCA, figs. 97-98 (A, B). B. Cohen, `The Literate Painter: A Tradition of Incised Signatures on Attic Vases,' Met. Museum Journal 26 (1991) 70, fig. 36 (signature). CAVI Subject Int.:Dionysus and satyr. A-B: maenads dancing at the image of Dionysus. CAVI Inscriptions On one handle, Gr.: h ιερον εποεσεν. CAVI Comments Berlin West. + Rome, Villa Giulia. epoesen also on Louvre G 143. For the tailed rho see Cohen, n. 125. Attic with four-stroke sigma. CAVI Footnotes (1)shows A augmented by fr. in Villa Giulia.
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Vase Number 204418 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To BRISEIS P by BEAZLEY Decoration B: DRAPED YOUTHS WITH WALKING STICKS AND LYRE, CHAIR, PIPES CASE SUSPENDED Decoration A: YOUTH SEATED PLAYING PIPES, BETWEEN DRAPED YOUTHS WITH STAFFS, AND PIPES CASE Decoration I: MAN WITH ANIMAL SKIN, CAP AND STAFF AT ALTAR, ROCK Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: 3359 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: 3359 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 407.19 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 27, PL.(1003) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1054) 125.4.8
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203944 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ITALY, CAPUA Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To BRYGOS P by FURTWANGLER Attributed To DOKIMASIA P by BEAZLEY Decoration A,B: KOMOS, YOUTHS AND MEN, WITH CUPS, SKYPHOS, POINTED AMPHORA, OINOCHOE, PLAYING LYRE, SOME AT KRATER, Decoration I: KOMOS, DRAPED MAN VOMITING, YOUTH, BASIN Decoration A,B: (continued) WOMAN AND YOUTH PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2309 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2309 Publication Record Seki, T., Untersuchung zum Verhaltnis von Gefassform und Malerei attischer Schalen (Berlin, 1985): PL.40.1-3 (I,A,B, UNDERNEATH) Publication Record Ruhfel, H., Das Kind in der Griechischen Kunst (Mainz, 1984): 66, FIG.38 (I) Publication Record Archaologischer Anzeiger: 1984, 396, FIG.1 (A) Publication Record La Cite des Images, Religion et Societe en Grece Antique (Lausanne, 1984): 122, FIG.170 (I,A,B) Publication Record Scheibler, I., Griechische Topferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefasse (Munich, 1983): 63, FIG.60 (I) Publication Record Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Fuhrer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PLS.73, 76 (I,A) Publication Record Himmelmann, N., Archaologisches zum Problem der Sklaverei (Mainz, 1971): 25, FIG.32 (I) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.275 (A, PART OF B) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1055) 126.2.4 Publication Record Prospettiva Rivista dell' arti antica e moderna (Siena): 89-90 (JANUARY-APRIL 1998) 75, FIG.2 (I) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 24-25, PLS.(998,999) 69.1-4, 70.1-2 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 366, 372.11BIS Publication Record Peschel, I., Die Hetare bei Symposium und Komos in der attisch rotfigurigen Malerei des 6.-4. Jhs. v.Chr. (Frankfurt, 1987): PL.120 (A, B) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 112 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 233 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 373.46, 1649, 1701 Publication Record Scheibler, I., Griechische Topferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefasse, 2nd ed. (Munich, 1995): 63, FIG.60 (I) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 114, NO.1 (A) Publication Record Vierneisel, K., and Kaeser, B. (eds.), Kunst der Schale, Kultur des Trinkens (Munich, 1990): 45, 180, 281, 334, FIGS.3.20, 29.5, 45.2, 56.18A-B (A, I) Publication Record Reinsberg, C., Ehe, Hetarentum und Knabenliebe im antiken Griechenland (Munich, 1989): 97, FIG.45 (I) Publication Record Schafer, A, Unterhaltung beim griechischen Symposium (Mainz, 1997): PL.28.2 (I) CAVI Collection Berlin 2309. CAVI Lemma RF cup. From Capua. Dokimasia Painter.(1) First quarter fifth. *FurtwBeschreibung 2309. ARV(2) 373/46, 1649, 1701, Para. 366, 372, Add.(2) 226.(1) K. Vierneisel and B. Kaeser, eds., Kunst der Schale: Kultur des Trinkens (1990), fig. 45.2 (Int.). CAVI Subject Int.: man vomiting, assisted by a boy. A-B: komos: A: under one handle, man with an amphora; youth; two youths at a large krater; girl flautist; man dancing; youth; youth under a handle. B: man with a lyre and man dancing; youth with flutes, man, youth; two men. CAVI Inscriptions Nonsense: imitation: Int.: very widely spaced, in a circle around the figures: seven hasty letters, among them Λ twice. A-B: small imitation letters strewn over the scenes, especially Λ, Υ, Ν.(2) CAVI Comments Done from Furtw.'s text. CAVI Footnotes (1)attributed to the Brygos Painter in ARV(2) 373/46, but on p. 1649 said to be close to him, but perhaps by the Dokimasia Painter; in Para. 366 and 372 definitely attributed to Dokimasia Painter as [412]/11 bis. (2)upsilon V-shaped.
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Vase Number 200459 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 525 BC to 475 BC Inscriptions Signature: EPIKTETOS EGRAPHSEN Attributed To EPIKTETOS by SIGNATURE Attributed To PAMPHAIOS POTTER by SIGNATURE Decoration B: YOUTH WITH HORSES Decoration I: SATYR WITH WINESKIN Decoration A: ATHLETES, ACONTIST, DISKOBOLOS, BOXING, DRAPED YOUTHS PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2262 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2262 Publication Record Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique: 110 (1986) 208, FIG.10 Publication Record Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Fuhrer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PL.69 (A,B) Publication Record Das Altertum: 22 (1976) 10-15, FIGS.5,10 (PARTS OF A) Publication Record Patrucco, R., Lo Sport nella Grecia antica (Florence, 1972): 138, FIG.48, 236, FIG.105 (A, DRAWING OF PART OF A) Publication Record Juthner, J., Die athletischen Leibesubungen der Griechen, II (Vienna, 1968): PL.90B (A) Publication Record Harris, H., Greek Athletes and Athletics (London, 1964): PL.12B (A) Publication Record Stumpfe, O., Die Heroen Griechenlands: Einubung des Denkens von Theseus bis Odysseus (1978): 122 (DRAWING OF A) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): 58, HEAD DETAILS 2 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1051) 122.4 Publication Record West, M.L., Ancient Greek Music (Oxford, 1992): PL.10 (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 328 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 12, PLS.(984,994,995) 55.1-6, 65.4, 66.3 Publication Record Tzachou-Alexandri, O., Mind and Body: Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece (Athens, 1988): 155, NO.43 (A) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 104, NO.6 (A) Publication Record Frasca, R. (ed.), La multimedialita della comunicazione educativa in Grecia e a Roma, Scenario, Percorsi (Bari, 1996): 82, FIG.1 (A) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 82 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 72.15, 1623 Publication Record Annali del Seminario di Studi del Mondo Classico: 10 (1988) FIG.17.2 (PART) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 167 CAVI Collection Berlin 2262. CAVI Lemma RF cup.(1) From Vulci. Epiktetos. Pamphaios potter. Last quarter sixth. 520-510. *FurtwBeschreibung, no. 2262 (facs.). Cf. CIG 8177. Neugebauer, Fpl. 46. *CV, Germany 21, pls. 55, 65,4 and 66,3. ARV(2) 72/15, 1623, Para. 328, Add.(2) 167 (bibl.). BABesch 49 (1974) 243, figs. 1-3 (Int., A, B). Cohen, Bilinguals, pl. 116,1 (Int.). *AJA 88 (1984) 349/23. CAVI Subject Int.: satyr. A: javelin thrower, with two flautists. B: youth leading two horses. CAVI Inscriptions Int.: around the satyr: Παμαφ[ι]ος. Παμαφιος, i.e., Παμφαιος. A: to left and right of the right flautist: Επικτετος. B: εγραφσεν καλος.(2) CAVI Comments The foot modern. CAVI Footnotes (1)type A. (2) καλ'φ1[49]ς or καλ o' ς? I would opt for the former.
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Vase Number 200459 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ETRURIA, VULCI Date 525 BC to 475 BC Inscriptions Signature: EPIKTETOS EGRAPHSEN Attributed To EPIKTETOS by SIGNATURE Attributed To PAMPHAIOS POTTER by SIGNATURE Decoration B: YOUTH WITH HORSES Decoration I: SATYR WITH WINESKIN Decoration A: ATHLETES, ACONTIST, DISKOBOLOS, BOXING, DRAPED YOUTHS PLAYING PIPES Current Collection 2: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2262 Previous Collection 1: Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2262 Publication Record Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique: 110 (1986) 208, FIG.10 Publication Record Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Fuhrer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PL.69 (A,B) Publication Record Das Altertum: 22 (1976) 10-15, FIGS.5,10 (PARTS OF A) Publication Record Patrucco, R., Lo Sport nella Grecia antica (Florence, 1972): 138, FIG.48, 236, FIG.105 (A, DRAWING OF PART OF A) Publication Record Juthner, J., Die athletischen Leibesubungen der Griechen, II (Vienna, 1968): PL.90B (A) Publication Record Harris, H., Greek Athletes and Athletics (London, 1964): PL.12B (A) Publication Record Stumpfe, O., Die Heroen Griechenlands: Einubung des Denkens von Theseus bis Odysseus (1978): 122 (DRAWING OF A) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): 58, HEAD DETAILS 2 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 3, 19, PL.(1051) 122.4 Publication Record West, M.L., Ancient Greek Music (Oxford, 1992): PL.10 (A) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 328 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 12, PLS.(984,994,995) 55.1-6, 65.4, 66.3 Publication Record Tzachou-Alexandri, O., Mind and Body: Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece (Athens, 1988): 155, NO.43 (A) Publication Record Heilmeyer, W-D., et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 104, NO.6 (A) Publication Record Frasca, R. (ed.), La multimedialita della comunicazione educativa in Grecia e a Roma, Scenario, Percorsi (Bari, 1996): 82, FIG.1 (A) Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 82 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 72.15, 1623 Publication Record Annali del Seminario di Studi del Mondo Classico: 10 (1988) FIG.17.2 (PART) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 167 CAVI Collection Berlin 2262. CAVI Lemma RF cup.(1) From Vulci. Epiktetos. Pamphaios potter. Last quarter sixth. 520-510. *FurtwBeschreibung, no. 2262 (facs.). Cf. CIG 8177. Neugebauer, Fpl. 46. *CV, Germany 21, pls. 55, 65,4 and 66,3. ARV(2) 72/15, 1623, Para. 328, Add.(2) 167 (bibl.). BABesch 49 (1974) 243, figs. 1-3 (Int., A, B). Cohen, Bilinguals, pl. 116,1 (Int.). *AJA 88 (1984) 349/23. CAVI Subject Int.: satyr. A: javelin thrower, with two flautists. B: youth leading two horses. CAVI Inscriptions Int.: around the satyr: Παμαφ[ι]ος. Παμαφιος, i.e., Παμφαιος. A: to left and right of the right flautist: Επικτετος. B: εγραφσεν καλος.(2) CAVI Comments The foot modern. CAVI Footnotes (1)type A. (2) καλ'φ1[49]ς or καλ o' ς? I would opt for the former.
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Vase Number 1001278 Fabric ETRUSCAN Technique BLACK-FIGURE Shape Record AMPHORA, NECK Current Collection Berkeley (CA), Phoebe Apperson Hearst Mus. of Anthropology: 8.445 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERKELEY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 1, 36, PL.(210) 29.2A-D
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Vase Number 206704 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record PELIKE Provenance ITALY, CORTONA Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To PERSEUS P by BEAZLEY Decoration B: DOMESTIC, WOMEN, ONE SEATED WITH MIRROR, ONE WITH PLEMOCHOE Decoration A: MAENAD PLAYING PIPES, SATYR DANCING Current Collection 1: Berkeley (CA), Phoebe Apperson Hearst Mus. of Anthropology: 8.4582 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 263 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERKELEY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 1, 46, PL.(224) 43.1A-B
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Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 581.2, 1659
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Vase Number 204789 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ITALY, ETRURIA Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To MAKRON by SMITH Decoration A,B: KOMOS, YOUTHS, ONE DRAPED (?), WITH STAFFS, ONE PLAYING PIPES, PIPES CASE SUSPENDED Decoration I: YOUTH Current Collection 1: Berkeley (CA), Phoebe Apperson Hearst Mus. of Anthropology: 8.3222 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 466.107 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERKELEY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 1, 40, PL.(214) 33.2A-C
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Publication Record Kunisch, N., Makron (Mainz, 1997): PL.168.519 (A, B, I)
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Vase Number 204789 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record CUP Provenance ITALY, ETRURIA Date 500 BC to 450 BC Attributed To MAKRON by SMITH Decoration A,B: KOMOS, YOUTHS, ONE DRAPED (?), WITH STAFFS, ONE PLAYING PIPES, PIPES CASE SUSPENDED Decoration I: YOUTH Current Collection 1: Berkeley (CA), Phoebe Apperson Hearst Mus. of Anthropology: 8.3222 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 466.107 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERKELEY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 1, 40, PL.(214) 33.2A-C
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Publication Record Kunisch, N., Makron (Mainz, 1997): PL.168.519 (A, B, I)
spiroslyra Creative Commons License 2005.05.05 0 0 38
Vase Number 208065 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record LEKYTHOS Date 475 BC to 425 BC Attributed To BOWDOIN P by BEAZLEY Decoration WOMEN, ONE SEATED PLAYING PIPES, ONE DANCING WITH KROTALA, CLOTH ON STOOL, PIPES CASE SUSPENDED Current Collection 2: Basel, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig: BS44.2699 Previous Collection 1: Basel, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig: BS1944.2699 Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 682.112 Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 279 Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 136 Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BASEL, ANTIKENMUSEUM UND SAMMLUNG LUDWIG 3, 53-54, PLS.(341,343,346) 29.3-4, 31.3-4, 34.2
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Vase Number 207096 Fabric ATHENIAN Technique RED-FIGURE Shape Record KRATER, VOLUTE Date 475 BC to 425 BC Attributed To BOLOGNA 279, P OF by BEAZLEY Decoration NAB: (continued) ONE WITH OINOCHOE (?), FOOD ON TABLETS, DOOR Decoration NAB: SYMPOSIUM YOUTHS AND MAN RECLINING, WITH LYRE AND SKYPHOI, DRAPED YOUTH, WOMEN SOME PLAYING PIPES, Decoration AB: AMAZONOMACHY, WARRIORS AND AMAZONS, SOME FALLEN, AMAZON WITH PELTA, ONE ON HORSEBACK, SHIELD DEVICE, STAR Current Collection 2: Switzerland, Private: XXXX0.7096 Previous Collection 1: Basel, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig: BS486 Publication Record Boardman, J. (ed.), The Oxford History of Classical Art (Oxford, 1993): 107, FIG.97 (A) Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases, The Classical Period (London, 1989): FIG.16 (A) Publication Record Schefold, K., Jung, F., Die Urkonige, Perseus, Bellerophon, Herakles und Theseus in der klassischen und hellenistischen Kunst (Munich, 1988): 276, FIG.326 (A) Publication Record Antike Kunst: 11 (1968), PL.17.1-2 (A,B) Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 612.2 Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 131 Publication Record Denoyelle, M., La cratere des Niobides (Paris, 1997): 34, FIG.27 (UH) Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BASEL, ANTIKENMUSEUM UND SAMMLUNG LUDWIG 3, 16-20, BEILAGE 1.2, PLS.(315,316,317) 3.1-4, 4.1-6, 5.1-4
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Publication Record Ceccarelli, P., La pirrica nell'antichitΰ greco romana : studi sulla danza armata (Pisa, 1998): PL.8.3 (PART OF NA) Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 268 Publication Record Boardman, J., The history of Greek vases: potters, painters and pictures (London, 2001): 97, FIG.132 (UH)

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