
Részletes keresés

ebolacola Creative Commons License 2002.11.19 0 0 273
mondhatni szarevő vagy.:))

menj el arra a bulira, aztán meglátod, de szerintem nem csalódsz. Jól nyomják nagyon az AiC számokat.

Előzmény: Artension (272)
Artension Creative Commons License 2002.11.19 0 0 272
Nem vagyok egy zsákbamacska-vevő típus, mi? :)))))))
Előzmény: ebolacola (271)
ebolacola Creative Commons License 2002.11.19 0 0 271
van lapjuk, de már nem emléxem a címére. és csak mp3ak vannak többnyire, a saját számaik.

kétlem hogy lenne setlist.

De figyelj, itt a kultúrában van egy Flop topic, ott érdeklődj, a zkr tagok oda írogatnak.

Előzmény: Artension (270)
Artension Creative Commons License 2002.11.19 0 0 270
Flopnak van honlapja?
Hátha van erről is info, urambocsá setlist.
Előzmény: ebolacola (269)
ebolacola Creative Commons License 2002.11.19 0 0 269
nem felejtettem el a jelszavam, csak kurva hosszú az, hogy i start ...

és vmiért, nemtom hány hónap után épp most kezdett el idegesiteni a beirogatása.

PJ sztem nem lesz, azt a Flop a normál programjában szokta nyomni, ez most kifejezetten egy AiC est, szóval nincs okod aggodalomra.

Előzmény: Artension (268)
Artension Creative Commons License 2002.11.19 0 0 268
Te is ugyanaz vagy? Elfelejtetted a jelszavad? :)))))

De ugye Pearl Jam-et nem fog játszani a Flop azon az esten????????? Azt nem szeretem ui.

Előzmény: ebolacola (267)
ebolacola Creative Commons License 2002.11.19 0 0 267
nem, én csak néző leszek, ha sikerül eljutnom.
Előzmény: Artension (266)
Artension Creative Commons License 2002.11.18 0 0 266
Nem vagy véletlenül bennfentes?
Előzmény: i start to turn to static (265)
i start to turn to static Creative Commons License 2002.11.18 0 0 265
a programajánló igazat ír.
A Flop zenekar játszik AiC számokat. Garantált családias hangulat, meg minden amit akarsz. Gyere te is, vagy ne.
Előzmény: Artension (263)
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.11.15 0 0 264
lásd: flop topic, seattle topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aztán meet you there.... :)
Előzmény: Artension (263)
Artension Creative Commons License 2002.11.13 0 0 263
A programajánló szerint dec. 13-án AIC est lesz a Wigwamban.
Szeretnék minden fellelhető infot megtudni erről az eseményről: fellépők, stb.
Mostanában kicsit fázom az ilyen "estektől".
i start to turn to static Creative Commons License 2002.11.13 0 0 262
Előzmény: babealinie (261)
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.10.10 0 0 261
azaz azota elmult a haragom. szokas szerint!
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.10.10 0 0 260
rad? soha.
i start to turn to static Creative Commons License 2002.10.10 0 0 259

ne haragudj!


Előzmény: babealinie (258)
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.10.07 0 0 258
azt hittem mi ketten összetartunk.....
Előzmény: i start to turn to static (257)
i start to turn to static Creative Commons License 2002.10.07 0 0 257
És van képed ideírni úgy, hogy nincs infod?:)
Előzmény: babealinie (256)
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.10.07 0 0 256

static cica nincs infom roluk. sorry.

Előzmény: i start to turn to static (255)
i start to turn to static Creative Commons License 2002.10.06 0 0 255
Nem tud valaki infot a Spys 4 Darwin ról? még jobb lenne ha valakinek lenne zenéje tőlük.

Ez Sean Kinney uj bandája, érdekelne.

babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.27 0 0 254
static ha tudnád!!!!
de persze az alice fanokért mindent!!!
(mondjuk most nincs semmi ami publikus lenne)

a dupla jerry cantrell limitált lesz, ha valakinek kell mert olyan originál mániás mint én az rendeljen inkább mert nem valószínű hogy M.o.-n is a boltokba kerül (okulva az 1. kiadás példájából)
megrendelni pedig a bemásolt címen is lehet, steff nagyon szívesen segít (szerintem)

i start to turn to static Creative Commons License 2002.09.27 0 0 253
ugyan, tudjuk mi, hogy imádsz gépelni. annyira felesleges tagadni.:) Szóval rajta.
Előzmény: babealinie (252)
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.26 0 0 252
majd átnézem a cuccaim van -e még valami amit felrakhatok ide (csak ne lenne olyan uncsi bepötyögni)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.09.26 0 0 251
Jaja, klassz kis írás, köszönjük is szépen.:o)Főleg a "guest list"-es rész tetszett nagyon.:o)


Előzmény: babealinie (248)
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.26 0 0 250
ezt nem találtam.
ez az én példányom volt, postán kaptam.
** High Priority **


I thought I would give you some info on Jerry's new double album
released tentatively on 18/11 and available then at all good record shops.

Tracklisting Disc 1
01. Psychotic Break
02. Bargain Basement Howard Hughes
03. Owned
04. Angel Eyes
05. Solitude
06. Mother Spinning In Her Grave
07. Hellbound
08. Spiderbite
09. Profalse Idol
10. Feel The Void
11. Locked On
12. Gone

Tracklisting Disc 2
01. Castaway
02. Chemical Tribe
03. What It Takes
04. Dying Inside
05. Siddhartha
06. Hurts Don't It?
07. She Was My Girl
08. Pig Charmer
09. Anger Rising
10. SOS
11. Give It A Name
12. Thanks Anyway
13. 31/32

This 2CD will also include the video, EPK and some live bonus tracks to
help make this an extra special package. It will be a strictly limited


Steff De Vos
Roadrunner Product Manager
Rue de Wandstraat 209-213
1020 Brussel
tel: +32 (0) 2/264.99.28
mobile: +32 (0) 475/24.13.85

i start to turn to static Creative Commons License 2002.09.25 0 0 249
Nagyon állat írás volt ez. Ha találsz még ilyesmit, vmi zenésztárs véleményét vagy akármi, ne habozz idemásolni.
Előzmény: babealinie (247)
babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.25 0 0 248
cyberjunkie,remélem ilyesmit vártál

újra megpróbálkozok a képpel neked jó?

babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.25 0 0 247

a couple years later when we formed our own band, mad season, we talked about how our life experiences, together and separately, had brought us all to this singular point. the point of deciding to create together, with the focused intention of making a good record. and that is exactly what we did. we made the record we wanted to make, about how we felt, musically and spiritually. i have always felt that it was the finest rock record i ever had the priviledge of making, and i think the rest of the band would agree.

unfortunately, we lost baker sounders, the bassist, a couple years ago, in a similar manner. now there are only three of us from that band left, but the music we made together is the statement of that friendship and trust. and i think that is what defined layne as an artist: because he made the kind os music he wanted to make, not what the trends dictated. he cut a wide swath through popular music with his style and it helped define the trends that are still being copied today. he lived what others pretended to live. and then he wrote about it.

my best memory of layne was when we were making the "above" album. he was in the studio lounge reading kahlil gibran's "the prophet". i had read it a few years earlier so we started talking about what it meant to be an artist and have a spiritual message. i don't need to get into the specifics of the conversation, but suffice it to say that layne staley felt as though he was on a spiritual mission through his music. not a rock mission, a spiritual mission. and i think that is evident in his words and in the timbre of his voice. when you hear it, you know it. he was an authentic artist in a time of imposters.

i'm not going to quote the prophet; you can read that for yourselves. but i would like to quote a japanese death poem in the form of jisei, the art of writing a final poem, moments before one's death. this one seems to best describe how i felt about layne staley, in his life and his death.

My sword leans against the sky.
With it's polished blade i'll behead
The buddha and all of his saints.
Let the lightning strike where it will.

....." (end)

babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.25 0 0 246

one of the things that always stuck with me about layne was an early conversation we had about our past day jobs. he and i had both worked as carpenters, and we talked about our lives before and after musical success. we both agreed that music was, by far, a much more difficult profession that required a tremendous amount of discipline and physical fortitude. you could leave the tool belt at the job sight after a day's work, but you carried the music with you long after you left the studio or the stage. it WAS your life. he approached his "work" like a skilled craftsman and i think that is why any musician who has had to truly work for a living, can express themselves in that blue collar, working man kind of way, the way layne did.

when he was at his peak of greatness, he was awesome to behold. his command to his voice and natural charisma was a very rare combination indeed and those of us who toured with him and saw him onstage remember the power he held. his unique vocal style has been frequently imitated since the heyday of the seattle music scene, but none will ever really come close to his mastery. he was most certainly "a natural" and one couldn't have imagined a more perfect embodiment of a rock singer. surprisingly, behind this outer image, was a very intelligent, gracious and humble man.

when alice and the trees toured together over the course of 12 months and in as many countries, i saw a different side of layne. his guest list, for example was not for friends or elite patrons of the rock circuit; it was for the kids who couldn't afford to buy a ticket. i remember an argument he had with a tour manager who needed layne's share of list for some VIPs. layne refused to give it up saying "those people can afford to buy their own tickets, those kids out in front of the club cannot." he refused to budge on this and that's when i knew he really had backbone. because those kids were the ones he thought should really see his show, those of the dispossessed.

i remember wandering around european cities with him and talking about the age and history of the places we were in, marveling at the architecture, the differences in style. he really had a keen intellect and a wicked sense of humor and he always made us laugh at the profane.


babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.25 0 0 245

one of the thinggs that always stuck with me about layne was an early conversation we had about our past day jobs. he and i had both worked as carpenters, and we talked about our lives before and after musical success. we both agreed that music was, by far, a much more difficult profession that required a tremendous amount of discipline and physical fortitude. you could leave the tool belt at the job sight after a day's work, but you carried the music with you long after you left the studio or the stage. it WAS your life. he approached his "work" like a skilled craftsman and i think that is why any musician who has had to truly work for a living, can express themselves in that blue collar, working man kind of way, the way layne did.

when he was at his peak of greatness, he was awesome to behold. his command to his voice and natural charisma was a very rare combination indeed and those of us who toured with him and saw him onstage remember the power he held. his unique vocal style has been frequently imitated since the heyday of the seattle music scene, but none will ever really come close to his mastery. he was most certainly "a natural" and one couldn't have imagined a more perfect embodiment of a rock singer. surprisingly, behind this outer image, was a very intelligent, gracious and humble man.

when alice and the trees toured together over the course of 12 months and in as many countries, i saw a different side of layne. his guest list, for example was not for friends or elite patrons of the rock circuit; it was for the kids who couldn't afford to buy a ticket. i remember an argument he had with a tour manager who needed layne's share of list for some VIPs. layne refused to give it up saying "those people can afford to buy their own tickets, those kids out in front of the club cannot." he refused to budge on this and that's when i knew he really had backbone. because those kids were the ones he thought should really see his show, those of the dispossessed.

i remember wandering around european cities with him and talking about the age and history of the places we were in, marveling at the architecture, the differences in style. he really had a keen intellect and a wicked sense of humor and he always made us laugh at the profane.


babealinie Creative Commons License 2002.09.25 0 0 244
"memoriam for layne staley - written with love by barrett martin

another one of our best and brightest has fallen. layne staley died alone in his seattle apartement sometime last week. we are all very saddened at the end of this remarkable man's life, but whatever the cause of his death, it is unimportant, because death is really just the punctuation mark on the life itself.

as an ordained former zen monk, i learned to meditate on death frequently; it is one of the primary practices. in doing so, you eventually come to realize that life and death are one and the same, two sides of the same continuum. if life can be expressed as a circle, then birth and death are literally the same singularity on that circle. chief sealth, indian leader of what became seattle once said, "there is no death, only a change of worlds". now layne staley has changed his worlds.

i learned long ago that a person's addictions and obstacles are merely the outer veneer that hides the true spirit within. if you were fortunate enough to know layne, you would know what i'm talking about. if we look at his strengths and talents, his gift to us becomes clear: his life was expressed in his words and in his music. listen to them! he said a lot in a very short period of time.

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!