kotelezo olvasmany trump rajongpknak es trump gyiloloknek is keresd meg a cijj sorozat elso reszet is meg fogod erteni miert puszi pajtasa trumpnak orban es nevezi fiatakabb occsenek magyarhirlap.hu/velemeny/20201002-valami-amerika-2/
en vegighallgattam a vitat utana tucatszor ismeteltek nem en allitom hanem trump hogy hunter biden volt kirugva a hadseregbol nem azt mondta trump hogy irakban rugtak ki hanem azt hogy HE WAS DIShoNORABLE DISMISSEd FROM THE MILITARY megeszem a kalapom ha nem ezt mondta most ebbe ugy belekotni hogy irak vagy nem irak azert az nagyon beteg nem normalis dolog biden meg a sajat szajaval mondta hogy a fianak drog problemai voltak azaz egy kabitoszeres roncs volt de mar kigyogyult apuci ki korrumpalt neki dollar milliokat ukrajnaban moszkvaban es pekingben ezek utan megvadoltak trumpot 4 evvel ezelott hogy orosz protezsalt hat konkluziom a politika beteg budapesten de amerikaban meg kene operalni a politikuokat mert tonkre fogjak tenni ezt az europai kulturaju orszgot europa haldoklik a migracio miatt amerika is haldoklik baj van nagy a baj nagyon nagy kezdodott azzal hogy nem ehetek cigany pecsenyet mert akkor rasszista vagyok jo a roma pecsenye mehet ?
hunter was dis-honorable discharged fro0mk the usa military kirugtak mint katonat az amerikai hadseregbol a trump a sajat szajaval mondta a televizioban ez a beteg ember vagy nem nezte meg meg a 90 perces vitat vagy annyira buta hogy nem erti az amerikai angolt
tehat ujra es ujra TRUMP AZT MNDTA BIDEN SZEMEBE A VITAN ANGOLUL HOGY HUNTER KIGYOGYULT A DROGOS BETEGSEGEBOL aki tud angolul a guglin barmikor leelenorizheti hogy en CSAK IDEZTEM TRUMP - ot itt valaki nagyon BETEG
te betegebb vagy mint kero valoszinuleg bszegenyebb is en most 150 ezerert reultem retur bud es orlando kozott neked repcsire nincs penzed titokba hallgatod a rush limbought te agyatlan
comey VOLT igazgato amikor rajott kirugta comey-t trump ennek megfeleloje lenne ha orbant a pinter buktatna meg hatbadofve kenyerado gazdijat mert ugye erzi hogy bukik 2022-ben de o szivesen szolgalna tovabb az ellenzeki jeloltet talan igy doftek hatba gyurcsi hazudozot is mert ugye nem orban kagylozott az oszodi uduloben es a pinter sanyika se juj le merjem irni ilyen hatbadofosdi volt az indexnel is ami egesz europat megmozgatta es meg mindig ugatnak rola brusszelista burokratak
igy van folyik az elemzes es az derult ki szamomra csak tegnap a fox televiziobol hogy COMEY fbi vagy cia igazgato volt az eceszgeber mostanra az is kiderult hogy bides biden hunter fia kapott dollar milliokat 3 rezsimtol KINA UKRAJNA ES MOSZKVA megis azt nyomattak hogy trump eskudott ossze ( collusion ) putyinnal ugyanaz megy amerikaban mint magyarorszagon HAZUGSAGOK MILLIOI millioi amiket ugyse tudnak az emberek kibogozni mert egyszeruen nincs ra idejuk meg idegrendszeruk is alkalmatlan ra
nem foglak elolvasni oki doki szerinted trump hazudott mi a celod az hogy bidenre szavazzak nem fogok oktoberben levelszavazok azonnal trumpra nyilvan tudod hogy en kb ugyanannyit vagyok butapesten mint floridaban ugyhogy a bides biden se fogja az en eletemet tonkretenni 90 percig neztem hallottam mit mond a szajuk biden egy katasztrofa amerikanak te is azert jarsz ide mint a kanadai hogy legyozd a magyarokat mert nem jarsz haza nincs mit egymas szemere hanynotok az uj topickot ti ketten tettetek tonkre persze en is de a fo gyilkosai ti voltatok az uj topicnak
H. Biden sosem volt Iraq-ban, sosem volt neki PTSD-je.
Hunter Biden studied at Georgetown University and graduated in 1992. It was while earning his undergraduate history degree that he began to differ from his teetotaler father as he began to ramp up his social drinking habit into smoking Marlboro Reds and occasionally using cocaine, according to a 2019 interview with The New Yorker.
After graduation, he spent a year in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, working in Portland, Oregon, before graduating from Yale Law School in 1996. Hunter Biden bought a historic estate in Wilmington in 1997, where he lived with his wife, young daughters, and brother Beau. He assumed a role as an executive vice president at MBNA bank but later said he disliked the stiff corporate culture.
"If you forgot to wear your MBNA lapel pin, someone would stop you in the halls," he later told The New Yorker.
His role at the bank raised eyebrows as MBNA was known as a massive donor to several of Joe Biden's campaigns over the years, but he stayed with the company for nearly five years.
In 1998, he reached out to William Oldaker, a Washington, DC-based lawyer who had worked on Joe Biden's 1987 presidential campaign about getting a job in President Bill Clinton's administration, according to The New Yorker. Oldaker connected Hunter Biden with Commerce Secretary William Daley, who had worked with Joe Biden and bonded with Hunter over being from political families, according to The New Yorker.
Hunter Biden was then appointed to the department by President Bill Clinton and served from 1998 to 2001 as a director in the Department of Commerce focusing on e-commerce-policy issues.
Hunter Biden moved his young family to a tony Washington, DC, neighborhood for the role, where he began to establish himself as a DC player, even though he later revealed his salary barely covered the family's house, the children's schooling, and the living expenses that kept them in pace with high DC society. CNN reported that Hunter Biden resigned from the firm when then-Sen. Barack Obama, who said he would refuse donations from lobbyists, asked Joe Biden to join his presidential ticket.
Hunter Biden later told The New Yorker that no one from the Obama campaign had directly told him to break his lobbying ties but that he knew "the writing was on the wall," so he resigned from the firm and from an unpaid seat on the Amtrak board in preparation for the election.
"I wanted my father to have a clean slate," Hunter Biden told the outlet. "I didn't want to limit him in any way." In September 2008, Hunter Biden launched a consulting firm, Seneca Global Advisors, and in June 2009, Hunter cofounded the private-equity firm Rosemont Seneca Partners. The New Yorker said that through his companies and his partners, Hunter Biden established various business connections to figures in China and Russia.
His blooming international business relationships came to a head when his father adopted policy priorities to crack down on corruption in Ukraine, but he was not accused of any formal wrongdoing. Hunter Biden's tumultuous personal life became tabloid fodder during and after his father's time with the administration.
He sparked confusion when he, then 44 years old, enlisted in the Navy Reserves in 2012, less than two years before reports broke that the Reserve discharged him in 2014 after he tested positive for cocaine.
Hunter Biden eventually confirmed the news and said in a statement that it was "the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge. I respect the Navy's decision. With the love and support of my family, I'm moving forward."
After tragedy struck the family through 46-year-old Beau Biden's death from cancer in 2015, Hunter Biden's personal life remained in the headlines.
After he divorced his first wife and the mother of his three daughters, Kathleen, the Biden family acknowledged he was dating Hallie Biden, Beau's widow.
Hunter Biden raised eyebrows with a candid New Yorker interview in which he said he spent the aftermath of his brother's death on a bender that included him buying crack from homeless people. He also said that he and Hallie Biden discovered they were "sharing a very specific grief" and spent a lot of time together in 2016 before they became a couple.
The couple apparently tried to keep the relationship secret, but the former vice president found out when Page Six called him for comment on a story on the relationship, after which he and Jill Biden issued a supportive statement.
"We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness," the statement said. "They have mine and Jill's full and complete support and we are happy for them."
It's unclear when Hunter and Hallie Biden stopped dating, but their breakup was reported in early May, shortly before TMZ reported the "secret" wedding between Hunter Biden and the South African model Melissa Cohen, which happened on May 16. In May 2014, Hunter Biden signed on as a board member of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest gas-production company. He found the company through his business contacts at a controversial time, and as part of the board's anti-corruption efforts, he recommended the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, where he was "a counsel."
A press release announced upon Hunter Biden's hiring said he was in charge of the company's international legal relations with different companies, but he later denied that characterization.
The appointment caused concerns as it came at a tense time between the White House and Russia over Ukraine and its energy dependence, sparking criticism that Hunter Biden's role with the energy giant was a blatant conflict of interest.
But the Bidens dismissed the controversy, telling media outlets that Hunter Biden is a private citizen and his business interests don't represent or affect the views of the government. Within one month of his term on the board expiring, a bombshell New York Times story published on May 1 detailed Joe and Hunter Biden's ties to Ukraine and said the former vice president had successfully gotten a Ukrainian prosecutor removed from office.
The move raised questions about a possible conflict of interest and if Joe Biden was trying to shield his son from an investigation into the company, whose founder faced multiple investigations into allegations of tax evasion and money laundering.
The former vice president was reported to be just one part of a larger push coming from former President Obama's administration for the Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin to be removed over concerns of corruption in his office. Joe Biden has since publicly detailed his threat to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from the country if Shokin wasn't fired.
However, it's since been reported that there was not an active investigation into Hunter Biden when the former vice president made the push for Shokin's firing, and Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine's prosecutor general, later said that he had no evidence of wrongdoing against either Biden.
Despite the absence of proven wrongdoing by the Bidens, the back-and-forth has been used by the Trump administration to obscure Rudy Giuliani's communications with Ukraine that were made public earlier this year and the growing concern that Trump actively collaborated with a foreign power to gain political leverage.(businessinsider 18 hours ago)
a sajat edesapja mondta tegnap a sajat szajaval hogy hunter RECOVERED azaz kigyogyult a betegsegbol ez a lenyeg meg az hogy kinanak moszkvanak es kijevnek tartozik a sir szelen tantorgo bides biden ha amerika megvalasztja putyin a kinai komcsi es a kijevi zelenszkij fogja megmondani mit vsinaljon amerika EGY BORZALOM LENNE
hat aki olyan hulye hogy bevette a mesejet ami kb igy hangozhatott bemutatta a kanadai utlevelet aztan jott a mese hogy mennyi kanadai dollarja van de mondjuk epp elloptak a brifkojat erre kinyiltak a bukszak megerdemelte a buta magyar akibol hujet cinalt
en mindent elhiszek de te is csak olvastad ezt valahol egy viszont teny hunter haboruban serult meg egy drogos beteg lett a tobbi nem lenyeges sziriaban is bekattanhatott az agya