Itt ulok a broadband-en, Nyugat-Europa legnyugatibb csucskeben. (a gyengebbek kedveert Londonban) Eppen ujrafeltamadasom megunneplesere turnet szervezek, ahol eloadom regi slagereimet, mint pl. Blue British Shoes stb.
A a bajom csak annyi, hogy az altalam hasznalt ingyenes internet hozzaferes egy ora sorbanallas majd fel ora gepido, de azert probalok nem kimaradni a forumbol. (mar amennyire lehet.)
Paulina, lecci surgesd meg az uj portregyujtemenyed kesziteset, es kuldj kopiakat, ehe-ehe-ehe....
No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed;
Lay that on your heart,
My young angry dear;
This truth, this hard and precious stone,
Lay it on your hot cheek,
Let it hide your tear.
Hold it like a crystal
When you are alone
And gaze in the depths of the icy stone.
Long, look long and you will be blessed:
No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed.
sitting in the rain alone
looking at a place that's gone
boarded up my memories
but something's drawn me here again and i
i cannot leave the past alone
hoped that i would never find
all the shit i left behind
now i find the child in me is going to remind me that i
i can't forget my past for long
so take a look outside yourself
and tell me what you see
i can't believe
that you won't see the change in me
give me strength to find the road that's lost in me
give me time to heal and build myself a dream
give me eyes to see the world surrounding me
give me strength to be only me
i don't want to hear the things
you say you know all you've redeemed
'cause i can't change what's come before
build myself some better dreams
and cast off the fear that holds me here
so take a look outside yourself
and tell me what you see
‘cause i can't believe
that you won't see the change in me
give me strength to find the road that's lost in me
give me time to heal and build myself a dream
give me eyes to see the world surrounding me
give me strength to be only me
ja, azt meg napok óta el akarom mondani, hogy megint veszteség érte a szeretett lubunkat...ez alkalommal elvis bajtársunk távozott köreinkből :_(
de én remélem hogy nem felejt el minket, és mire megszokná a baloldali közlekedést, már vissza is tér közénk....
őrizzük meg a őt jó emlékezetünkben!
isten óvja a királyt!