jájáááj, végre megnéztem a zelső részt... Cuddynak volt képe rácsukni az ablakot Gregre, amikor ő olyan kiskutyaszemekkel és ázottan és szexistenként ott állt... vaze Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Milyen jó kis rész volt! A vége meg tök megható lett... furi a bot nélkül... Wilson meg lávláv még jobban!!
Én is le lettem egy picit hurrogva, amikor múltkor megosztottam a többiekkel egy apró észrevételt a 2. évadból. Nem tudtam, hogy rossz néven veszik. :) Na mind1, mindig tanul az ember...
Aha:) Mondjuk nem vagyok akkora House fan, csak én vok a topicnyitó. Azóta pörög mióta spoilereket nyomtak a csajok a főtopicunkban, és megunták őket:)
Ugyan csajok, nem kell felülni a hírnek! Ez olyan, mint a kiragadott jelenet, amelyben House odaugrik Cameron elé, hogy "I love you". Na én ezen lelki beteg vótam hetekig, erre mikor a lopótök dvd-n végre megláttam azt a bizonyos részt, amelyből kiderült, hogy abszolúúúúút félreértelmeztem, hiszen csak egy szájkitátást akart House elérni, hogy mintát vegyen az AIDS tesztjéhez a csajnak, nem többet, különben is Staceyvel volt akkoriban:-)))
És: .......úgy kezdődött, hogy csináltak egy meglepi, humoros minifilmet a közönségnek, hogyan érkezik a műsorvezető....és
...ebben a filmben benne van House, de még hogy, gyerekek, könnyesre röhögtem magam, és persze azt is nézzétek meg, hogyan reagált a közönség, amikor a doki feltűnt a vásznon, hát a tombolás nem kifejezés!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Itt a link, rácuppanni ezerrel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwCOUgjECtI
a jó k*rvaéletbe!!!! ne mondjátok, hogy télleg össze akarják hozni Cameront House-szal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"House asks Cam out on a date! It's true! I watched the first episode (airing Sept. 5) over the weekend and I had to rewind that particular scene to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, and, well, I wasn't. He definitely offers to take her out for dinner and drinks. (Of course, there's a twist. There always is with those two.) Speaking of Cam, it looks like the flirty little minx sprouted bangs over the hiatus, not to mention a new, sexier wardrobe and a few extra layers of makeup. Oh, and in the opening seconds, we're going to see House do something he's never done before. Well, at least we've never seen him do it before."
ez az Ausiello a tvguide egyik írója vagy ki egyébként!
és még itt van ez:
"Lisa Edelstein (Dr. Lisa Cuddy) promises interesting writing. The actress, who had just returned to the United States from a trip to Israel, would not give anything away about what is going to happen with her character and Dr. House (Hugh Laurie), but she said that there is some mention of her character's pregnancy in the upcoming season"
" I was able to get the Season 2 DVD set before the release date and now know that David Shore is a House/Cam shipper. On the set, he, along with Katie Jacobs, provides a revealing commentary for "No Reason". In the scene where House is guiding the robotic arms over Cameron's prone form, Shore says, "This is the closest House will get to making love to Cameron...this season.". He also says in order to get HL's reaction shots, JM had to read the scripted description to him as he moved the arms. Shore said that HL (not to mention a couple of the camera crew) went absolutely red after the shot. Earlier in the episode, Shore and Katie make mention of the strong sexual attraction between the two."
és David Morse:
"Producers won't give away details about the new season, except to say House dives right back into work after recuperating from the gunshot wounds he received in the last season's cliff-hanger finale (although he doesn't heal as completely as he might have hoped), and that Hack's David Morse will drop by for seven episodes as an equally crabby cop when House gets busted for possession of painkillers without a prescription."
Igen, ezért javasoltam azt az időpontot, mert akkor már itthon leszek, és ki leszek éhezve én is a Dokira egy hét elvonás után. Majd jól kidumáljuk! ;-)
Feanornak már említettem, hogy olvastam egy nagyon jó kis Lisa interjút, ami szinte egy az egyben Hugh-ról való áradozás, szóval nekünk való. ;-)))
Végre előkerítettem, enjoy:
Chick: We just saw scenes from FOX's highly popular House, and with us in studio is Lisa Edelstein, who plays hospital administrator Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Welcome Lisa!
Lisa: Thank you.
Chick: Thank you for coming.
Lisa: Thank you for having me.
Chick: Yeah, you know, well it's just so funny, you know right before the break we were just talking about your eyes and how fabulous your eyes are and they show up on camera even in the studio; they're gorgeous.
Dude: It's true.
Lisa: Thanks. Thank you.
Chick: Absolutely gorgeous. And they're intense. Which is great for the intensity that you have with- with um-
Lisa: His eyes are quite beautiful too-
Chick: Yeah-
Lisa: Hugh's eyes are amazing.
Chick: With Hugh Laurie's eyes; amazing, amazing.
Lisa: Yeah.
Dude: How did you come to be cast on this show, because this was made by Brian Singer, who did the X-Men. Correct?
Lisa: It was the normal route of auditioning, and auditioning again... and auditioning again. [laughs]
Dude: Well now we've seen you - you've played a call girl on The West Wing, a transsexual on-
Lisa: On Ally McBeal-
Dude: You played a lesbian on Relativity-
Lisa: -on Relativity-
Dude: -and a nymphomaniac on Frasier
Lisa: -on Frasier.
Dude: So, first off - I love you* [laughs] and secondly did this role seem a bit mundane for you, or are you happy to be playing someone who's relatively balanced?
[clips to the side from 2x13] Lisa: Well, that's true - and playing somebody who doesn't have some kind of sexual definition... up first [gestures] uh is an interesting challenge. Like oh she's - you mean she's just a gal who happens to be really brilliant and smart and funny and clever and dresses well.
Chick: Yeah, and the great chemistry of the show is - is - is the magnetism, the attraction and - the attraction, that you guys have;
Lisa: Their relationship.
[back to full screen] Chick: You're adversaries but you're not really adversaries which makes it interesting; it's layered, because it makes you go, 'What's the possibility of them having - pardon the French - fierce sex?'
Lisa: Yeah, I think-
Chick: -eventually because of the complicated people that they are. Because he's complicated in his own right - Hugh Laurie's character House is complicated - your character is very complicated and I want to see more of that - that connection happen, I look forward to that.
[clips to the side from 2x13] Lisa: I- Me too, and I think that they're going to start developing on that uh, next year, uh, at least towards the end of this season and next year. I hope so, because I do think they're really interesting, full, human beings that would uh, be interesting to see together
[back to full screen] Dude: Well we've always seen many shows where the two leads have the sexual tension and then it's like, okay, the foregone conclusion: when are they finally-
Lisa: You kinda don't want them to-
Dude: Yeah-
Lisa: Like Moonlighting you don't want them to-
Dude: [They've] really avoided that very creatively, and really drawn out a lot more tension and backstory with these characters in this season.
Lisa: Yeah.
Dude: But I-I get the feeling that your two characters have been involved before this, and we haven't seen that yet.
[clips to the side from 2x13] Lisa: We've- We've mentioned it, that we knew each other, and that- but it- we haven't mentioned in detail how well we knew each other. And even though I have an idea, I- they haven't written it down so -
Dude: [Overlapping] They tell you?
Lisa: - I could be wrong. Well, I told them what I thought my relationship had been with him and that- uh, they loved it. But whether or not that's what they're going to run with, I don't know.
Dude: And- can you tell us what that is?
Lisa: No.
Dude: Oh.
[back to full screen] Lisa: [laughs] Because if I tell you, then that's what people are going to think it is, and really they've haven't written it down, so if they haven't written it down, then I - they could change it.
Chick: Just give us a little bit? Not even a little bit?
Lisa: [laughs]
Dude: She's not gonna tell.
Chick: [laughs] Just asking, from woman to woman. Just asking, from woman to woman. Now, what complexities are you bringing to this character because there's something that's so internal, I know you can't give away any secrets, but there's something so internal - how do you prepare for a character like this?
Lisa: You know, you can just bring yourself to it, and-and put yourself in that circumstance, play within the realm of that reality, that's the fun thing about being an actor, you go, 'Okay here I am, now I'm running a hospital' Now, I get to do this, I didn't have to go to medical school, didn't have to suffer my way through, through all those tests, But I, I can pretend to be in this world and it's really exciting to do that, I love it. Plus there's so many great props and special effects that we get to play with, that you can kind of make yourself believe it.
Chick: And I'm always interested in how everyone has to memorize all these medical terms and conditions.
Lisa: Yeah, Anamronam(sp!) can cause arrhythmia and thrombocytopenia was my favorite line this year.
Chick: [laughs]
Dude: Actually we already knew that, here on this show.
Lisa: [laughs] Yeah, yeah.
Dude: This past week's episode had a very unique sub-plot where House had come to you for some morphine because he wanted some help with pain killers and in the end he comes back to you and wants more, and your character reveals:
[short clip to the side from 2x13 during] Lisa: That I gave him a placebo. I loved that actually, when I read that. I was really excited about it because - because he trusts me enough. I loved that you saw that he trusts me enough to come for help above and beyond anybody else. That he knows I'll - I'll keep it between us, and that I will respect his needs, but at the same time, she's taking care of him even- even beyond what he expected. Like she has - she can see beyond his request into what's really going on. They're that - they understand each other that well.
Dude: Well we have a lot more to talk about with you, both with House and your other TV projects you've done before. So stay tuned, a lot more of Lisa Edelstein when we come back.
Chick: We're back with Lisa Edelstein from the hit TV show House.
Lisa: Hi. [laughs]
Chick: Hi. You know we were just talking - um, it's really great because you pick up a lot of information on break and we found out you are an amazing animal advocate. You have some animals that are adopted.
Lisa: I have three rescued dogs. And they're all - something's wrong with all of them. One has a short leg and a reconstructed hip and a fused foot; one has brain damage and the other one has just got emotional issues.
Chick: And what made you adopt these dogs?
Lisa: I - I don't know, it just kind of happened. The first one was the daughter of a stray that my friend had found; the stray was pregnant and she gave birth and this dog became my roommates dog at the time - this was a long time ago now - and then the dog got hit by a car, the roommate couldn't deal with it and I took over and became her- her- her... mother. For better- I can't figure out how else to put it.
Chick: I think that's a great way of - if you're a nurturer. Absolutely. How do you deal with a career, this huge career, and this main character on House, and taking care of these needy animals?
Lisa: Well, they have - well they're not needy anymore. First of all they have each other; I've had them all for ten years at least and they're - they're quite a nice little pack of dogs. I have a doggy door, they run outside, either I take them hiking every day or somebody else does. They have the best life in the world for a dog. They each have their own little bed... [laughs]
Dude: And they get to live with you.*
Lisa: [laughs] They live with me. It's an amazing relationship I have to say. I was talking about it with my friend the other day, when a relationship with an animal, once you get beyond a certain point after a few years and you really know each other and you've really bonded, it's terrifying because I'm on the other side of town sometimes, and I think, "What if there's an earthquake? How am I going to get to my animals? What if something terrible happens and we have to leave?" I think about the people in New Orleans and Katrina; I get it those people that stayed behind with their animals.
Dude: That's the same way my parents felt about their pets. Not the kids.
Lisa: [laughs] Not the kids, the pets!
Dude: Lisa, I have a question - how big of a club kid were you?
Lisa: [laughs] I was, uh, really into it. But it was - I was young, and it didn't last that long it was probably just a two and a half years of-
Dude: Were you a notorious club kid? [Lisa nods] And for those who don't know how would you define a New York City club kid?
Lisa: Well, I was, uh - it was before the actual 'club kid murders' Um, uh, but those people that were involved in that were just starting to become a part of the scene that I was in when I was skedaddling. And you know and it was really exciting. New York in those days was really exciting. Andy Warhol was still around, and all those people and they were really interesting and amazing and strange and exciting and I was just thrilled to be around - it was like The Island of Misfit Toys. And everyone was incredibly talented, but in ways that did not translate whatsoever into the rest of the world. In fact years later when I ended up doing that show on MTV that I absolutely hated-
Dude: What was the show, for those who don't remember?
Lisa:Awake on the Wild Side. I can't even watch like -
Chick: [laughs] You roll your eyes as you say that-
Lisa: Literally, I can't even watch one frame of it without getting upset, like not one frame. I see one frame and I'm freaked out. I mean it's like bad 80s hair, I was much heavier so I had these big boobs [insert priceless gesture here] and really tight clothes [more gesturing] and because my- the person doing the wardrobe was a very petite- Like, my shirts would pop open in the middle of - I mean, it was really bad, but anyway-
Dude: [to audience] Next time we see her we'll have a clip for you.
Lisa: [laughs] But, but the thing that was great about it was that I was able to take people I knew from that scene in New York and put them on and interview them. And just get them on TV, and for that it was exciting and for me, I got to share something that I was miserable doing but they were really excited to do. I mean, being on national television and humiliated for four hours a day is really awful-
Dude: [laughs] Oh, [we] know what that's like every week. [winks at audience]
Chick: [laughs] You just paid your dues. Congratulations, you've paid your dues.
Dude: It's time now, for the Cooler Quiz.
Lisa: Oh, okay.
Chick: Yeah, what we're going to do is we're going to grill you on some questions. And you can't fail. What's great about the Cooler Quiz is you can never fail. You ready?
Lisa: Okay.
Chick: Okay. Number one: Have you ever gotten into a yoga position you couldn't get out of, and can we see some downward-dog?
Lisa: [laughs] Uh, no, I refuse to do downward-dog.
Chick: [laughs] Okay.
Dude: Good for you.
Lisa: One time when I was in this yoga position where both my legs were behind my head, it was before I'd gotten lasik surgery on my eyes, so I had contact lenses in, my contact lense disintegrated, it divided into four different pieces. And I literally had my ankles bound behind my head and my arms bound behind my back -
Dude: I love you.*
Lisa: - when that happened. It was an interesting moment.
Chick: Okay. Well, we're gonna put you in two more suspenseful moments - one more - does Hugh Laurie get fish and chips on the set?
Lisa: No, never.
Chick: [laughs] Watch, I'm gonna do one more- If you were sick, what, um - would you want House as your doctor, and why? [overlapping] Or why not?
Lisa: Yeah, I would definitely want House as my doctor.
Chick: Why?
Lisa: Because, I relate to people who are rudely funny that way; no editing skills, I'm right there.
Dude: And he's got the good drugs.
Lisa: And he's got the good drugs. [overlapping] Just reaches into his pocket-
Dude: Right on. Lisa, thank you so much for being here.
Chick: You are gorgeous and lovely; thank you so much for coming.