24 új nevet árulunk el ma, bemelegítésként itt is az első 7 név! Hogy ne izguljatok annyira, annyit még megsúgunk, hol játszik ez a 24 fellépő: Nagyszínpad délutáni-koraesti sáv, A38 Színpad és a megaparti sátor: Aréna.
Editors are excited to announce a performance at the Bilbao BBK Live 2013 festival. Editors will be playing on Thursday, 11th July. www.facebook.com/editorsmusic
Kevésbé veszi el a figyelmet Tomról, szépen el van a háttérben, de jó ez így, jól szólnak együtt. Lehet hogy több és ekkora számot már nem fognak írni, de ha csak turnéznak a régiekkel, már beírták magukat oda ami számít.
In a decision entirely based upon future musical direction, and with huge sadness, Editors and Chris Urbanowicz have parted ways. In ten years we’ve gone from playing tiny clubs in Birmingham to having number one records in several countries, selling out massive shows across the globe and headlining festivals as four friends together so this was a massively painful decision for all of us to make. We wish Chris the best of luck in his future endeavours, and expect you all to do the same. The parting is amicable and however sad things are right now we all hope we’ll continue to be friends for many years to come. From Editors side Tom , Russ and Ed are continuing to work on album four with Flood and play festival shows at Rock Werchter and Arras in June. They are super excited about working with the core of the band as a three piece and trying to introduce new elements to Editors sound. Chris is going to take a little time to think about his future direction.