Megnéztem,Haas jön,aki szintén háromban nyert,Schalken ellen.
A centerpályán lesz majd a meccs,de csak hajnali egy felé kezdődik,mert ha jól tudom 6 óra az időeltolódás,és a menetrendben ottani idő szerint este hétre van kiírva a meccs.
HAJRÁ PETE!!!!!!!!
Hagyd már,kapott egy szettet a kutyaevő,csak azt hitte utána,hogy a bab is hús,oszt így járt.Jól tudom,hogy a harmadik körben Haas lesz az ellenfél?Mingyár utána is nézek.
lassan már úgy cserélgeti az edzőket, mint más a zoknit.
PALO ALTO, California (Reuters) - Pete Sampras's coaching merry-go-round continued this week when he rehired Paul Annacone until the end of the year.
Sampras has won 13 grand slams but is currently in the worst slump of his career, without a title victory since taking his seventh Wimbledon crown two years ago.
Annacone split with Sampras last November and the player has now changed his coaching staff three times in the last nine months.
"Getting back to the top is the biggest challenge of Pete's career," Annacone told Reuters by telephone from Toronto.
"I told him yesterday, 'This is a great opportunity for you to do something that no other player has done before.'
"Getting back to his old level should be enough to get him fired up and motivated again."
The 31-year-old Sampras parted ways with coach Jose Higueras shortly after his stunning second round loss to George Bastl at Wimbledon in June.
Sampras claims the pair split because he wanted his coach to travel with him more often while Higueras wanted to continue on a part-time basis.
Higueras has previously coached Jim Courier and Michael Chang to grand slam titles.
Sampras and Higueras were together for four and a half months following the hiring and dismissal of former U.S. Davis Cup captain Tom Gullikson, who lasted just two months.
Annacone coached Sampras for nearly seven years and was named the USTA's managing director for the USA Tennis High-Performance program after parting ways with the player.
He is in Toronto with Sampras this week preparing for the Canadian Open, but said that he would not be able to travel with the player all the time.
"Both Pete and Jose were happy with the coaching part of it, but Pete felt he needed more stability when he's travelling," Annacone said.
"Everyone realises what a great coach Jose is, but Pete told me that if he was to go with someone part-time, he wanted someone who he has more of a history with.
"Pete and I have remained very close friends."
Annacone is hoping that in the next five weeks before the U.S. Open begins, the 13th-ranked Sampras can regain the confidence that enabled him to defeat three former champions in succession before losing to Lleyton Hewitt in last year's final.
"I wouldn't put anything past Pete," Annacone said.
"He's the greatest player of all time.
"You cannot categorise him and say he has no chance of being an elite player again.
"His emotional disposition has been off for a while and he needs to be more positive and get back to dictating the points again.
"The tour is so deep now that there are a lot of guys who can hit the ball hard and challenge him but that doesn't mean he can't raise it up a level."
Annacone added what Sampras really needed was confidence.
"Practice can be a little overrated, " he said. "Pete needs a lot of matchplay, but the only way he is going to get that is to win some matches.
"He looks great in practice right now and hopefully next week he can carry that into matches and get some wins."
Mit tudnék mondani ami értelmes lenne?Lehangolt,amikor elovastam Tygger barátom sms-ét,egyszerűen nem tudtam elhinni,hogy megtörtént Pete-tel az,amit sokan előrejeleztek,és ami sajnos valamilyen szinten a közelmúlt történéseit figyelembe véve a levegőben lógott.No de az ember azért szurkol a kedvencének,hogy mindig bízzon benne,és várja a sikereket.Ezzel együtt a kudarcokat is el kell fogadni,mégha oly nehéz is.
Nem tudom ezek után mit várjunk Pete-től,hiszen az évek során annyira magasra tette a mércét,hogy már egy második helyet is csalódásként értünk meg.Most ugyanezért a második helyért sok mindent odaadnánk,hiszen élete legmélyebb gödrében vergődik bálványunk.Biztos,hogy van innen kiút,de kérdés,hogy meddig lesz türelme Pete-nek elindulni felfelé a gödörből,és hogy mikor tud végre újra valami kiugró eredményt produkálni.Mivel óriási sportember,hiszem,hogy nem adja fel,és odateszi magát úgy,ahogy régen.Én optimista vagyok,különben mi értelme lenne az egésznek,úgyhogy Pete barátom,fel a fejjel,tessék kézbe venni az ütőt,visszamenni a pályára,és görcs nélkül,felszabadultan játszani.
Ma nem láttam az egyik meccset sem, mert nem voltam itthon, de amikor jöttem haza találkoztam az egyik haverommnal, aki mondta, hogy kikapott Pete. Komolyan modnom alig bírtam megszólalni. Nem hittem el, hogy mit mondott.
Ezekután tényleg el kéne gondolkodni, hogy érdemes e folytatni. Ha nem alkot valami nagyot idén, akkor...
nos, kis túlzással élve ma összedőlt a világ. az még hagyján volt, hogy peti wimbledon előtt kikapott füvön kiefertől. az mondták, és egyetértettem én is, a felkészülés közben belefér, és a német nem is volt olyan gyenge, hiszen halléban a döntőig menetelt.
aztán jött az első forduló itt londonban, ahol peti nyert ugyan sima három szettben, de a játéka korántsem volt éppen hibátlan. de erre, hogy egy lucky loser üsse ki a második körben, senki nem számított, de leginkább ő sem. ez több, mint hihetetlen, itt komoly bajok vannak.
ezt ugyan már elmondtam egyszer régebben is, de fel nem foghatom, az isteni pete hogy tud kikapni füvön egy lényegében ismeretlen bastltól (persze hallottam már róla). kedvenc versenye, borítása, mi kellene még. derék dolog, hogy vissza akar térni és kiköszörülni a csorbát, de félek, abból első fordulós zakó lenne.
peti, el kell gondolkozni a folytatáson. ha nem érzed az erőt, amit állítólag még érzel, akkor szögre kellene akasztani az ütőt. gondold meg.
Pete Sampras, the greatest modern day champion at Wimbledon with seven titles, suffered one of his worst defeats in 14 challenges when he was beaten by the lucky loser from Switzerland, George Bastl.
Bastl won their second round match 6-3, 6-2, 4-6, 3-6, 6-4 on the notorious No. 2 Court, often called the Graveyard of Champions because so many famous champions have been beaten there.
But Sampras said that this would not be his last appearance at Wimbledon. He said that his immediate future was flying home to the USA but said: "But l plan on being back. You know, I am not going to end my time here with that loss."
"As long as I feel I can win majors and contend, I will continue to play. Right now I am discouraged. I put a lot of work into the year. And to come up pretty empty for the first six months is pretty discouraging. I still feel I can go out there and do it. I'm not maybe as dominant as I once was but when it comes to the majors I believe I can win here, the US Open, or the others."
Sampras admitted he felt that players were not "quite as intimidated by my name". He said: "I still have that here but he had nothing to lose today. He came out swinging away and played great. I give him credit but I felt like I was going to come through today."
At the end, said Sampras, the match went away from him quickly. "It happens pretty quick out there. I am still just a little bit shocked at what happened out there."
Sampras said he was not happy about playing on No. 2 Court. "I would much rather have been on one of the show courts," he said. "But anything can happen out there on any court. I would much rather have played him somewhere where I am a little more comfortable. But that's scheduling. You just have to play on any court. It is still a tennis court, still the same dimensions. It's really a moot point now."
The 30-year-old Sampras had lost once before in the second round in 1991, his third year in The Championships. He lost in the first round on his first two visits in 1989 and 1990 but then grew into a position of dominance, winning the title three times from 1993 and four more times running from 1997.
But as Sampras left the All England Club, it was clear that he has every intention of coming back.