Igen erősen! :)))
Nekem is van pár, nem számoltam meg, de különösen szeretem az Amish Paradise-t, a Fat-et, a már említett Living With a Hernia-t, na és a Like a Surgeon-t. Van még pár, boltolhatnánk...
A Csupasz pisztoly xx-ben pár pillanat erejéig felbukkant, a Különc Al Yankovic néven mutatták be, az Oscar átadási jelenet elején volt.
Bisexual bisexual bisexual
I want to try a
Bisexual bisexual bisexual
I want to date a bisexual
I want to date a d'yke
I want to date a bisexual
I can’t decide which sex I like
Is it wrong? Is it right?
If you’re weird. I’m uptight!
Is that strange?
Let me say, man, guys were never my scene but I do like showtunes
I want guys!
I want girls!
Why deprive half the world?
Am I gay? Am I straight?
I don’t think I’m a Peter Pan, Nancy boy or girly man,
'Cause all I want to be is bisexual bisexual bisexual
I just might be a bisexual bisexual bisexual
I think I might be bisexual
There’s nothing I don’t like
I want to try a bisexual
I can’t decide which
Bisexual dating’s the in-thing today
That Brad Pitt’s such a cutie, Oh, yeah
Taking your swings from both sides of the plate
You get twice as much booty, Oh, yeah
On your mark, get set, go
Bisexual bisexual bisexual
Bisexual bisexual bisexual
(Yeah, Hey)
I want to date a bisexual Bisexual Bisexual
I want to date a bisexual
I want to date a d'yke
I want to date a bisexual
I can’t decide which sex I like
Bennem bízhatsz :-) Bár skorpió lányokkal való közelebbi kapcsolataimról elég rossz emlékeim vannak nekem is :-(
De a mi kapcsolatunk merőben más, ugye? :-)))