
Részletes keresés

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.08.11 0 0 4142

Hátha most kisebb lesz!

Előzmény: Törölt nick (4141)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.08.11 0 0 4141
Húúú,kicsit nagy lett!!

DE ő a valóságban is óriási!!!!


Előzmény: Törölt nick (4140)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.08.11 0 0 4140

TyggeR Creative Commons License 2002.08.09 0 0 4139
roddick nyer.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (4138)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.08.09 0 0 4138
Apró vigasz,de TomiRobi se bírt Arthurs-szal,így már negyeddöntős.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (4136)
TyggeR Creative Commons License 2002.08.09 0 0 4137
azokkal mindig. :-)
Előzmény: Ruud_Krol (4134)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.08.09 0 0 4136
Yeah. Jó kis olvasnivaló volt.Kiváncsi vagyok, ezzel a szervagéppel mit kezd TomiRobi ma éjjel.
Mindenesetre breakelni nem tudta az első szettben,és tie-ban Arthurs nyerte.
Előzmény: principe (4135)
principe Creative Commons License 2002.08.08 0 0 4135
Egy kis olvasnivaló!

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Start with the match and what went right; what went wrong?

PETE SAMPRAS: It started off pretty well on the first, 6‑4 played a good service game to break him. Good return game. Things were going pretty well. At 4‑3 I threw in a couple of doubles and he puts a lot of pressure on your service games because his serve is so big, he's very tough to break. Matter a couple of minutes one set‑all and start over again and no breaks in the third and lost a tough tiebreaker. I mean, he has got a huge serve, no question. He has got one of the best serves on the Tour. And he backs it up with a big second serve, has a lot of action on it, and never really feel like I really got a hold of it, just, you know, had one chance at Love‑30 there, he popped in a couple of aces and it is a tough one to lose, tiebreaker in the third, you could roll the dice. Unfortunately it didn't go my way.

Q. He can roll the dice, but is he the guy the kind that you don't want to meet in that type of situation because of the serve?

PETE SAMPRAS: You hope that you can close him out earlier, but when you get into a breaker I start off serving in the breaker in the sun and that kind of wasn't easy to deal with and he got a couple of mini breaks, anything can happen. He hit a couple of good returns and couple of big bombs and that's it. I just felt like my chance there was ‑‑ first game of the second when I had a couple of breakpoints and if I could have broken him there, I think things would have went a little smoother. But he managed to win that game, and he played pretty well from there. Tough one to lose. It was an awkward match. You get no rhythm out there, I am a little bit at the mercy of him a little bit. I don't feel like I had much control out there.

Q. Is that getting weird for you to be the person on the ‑‑ I mean, so many guys have come in here and said that about you?

PETE SAMPRAS: Well, I just think it's just Wayne and his game. There aren't too many big servers like that. We have big servers but I mean, he really is one of the best servers, I think I have played against. You are a little bit at the mercy of ‑‑ it is like playing Goran a little bit, he's going to pop in his aces; he's going to throw in a few doubles, you have to be patient. But it's frustrating, you know, not to see the ball for ‑‑ service game, you just hit a couple of big bombs, that's the way he plays.

Q. Still planning on taking next week off?


Q. You will play the following week?


Q. Long Island?


Q. You were concerned about this match going in because of the way he serves?

PETE SAMPRAS: Oh, yeah. He's dangerous, very dangerous. He's qualified, he's obviously in a pretty good rhythm and going in, I knew he was going to pop his aces, and he has got a big second serve. That's the shot that kind of worries me a little bit, is that second serve. And I knew he ‑‑ it was going to be a match like this, a lot of ‑‑ not a lot of rallies, just basically a lot of returning and hopefully make him play a little bit, and ‑‑ but I knew it was going to be a dangerous match.

Q. You didn't have a good draw at all, I mean, last night's match wasn't easy and today's, did you expect last night to be like that too?

PETE SAMPRAS: Yeah. I knew it was going to be a tough match against Canas, after winning Toronto he came in here pretty confident. I knew it was going to be a battle. He's playing well, and it is a tough turnaround getting done late and then coming back in the afternoon. Physically I felt fine and ready to go. It was a huge contrast from last night to today, from playing some baseline; now just hitting, you know, seeing a lot of big serves go by, but that is the nature of the sport.

Q. You played like four, five straight 3‑set matches. Does that wear you down at all that things don't come as easily as going out and popping someone out in a short time?

PETE SAMPRAS: I thought I was on my way today to maybe getting through a straight‑set match, but sure, when you play three‑setters back‑to‑back, it takes its toll on the body a little bit as you get a little bit older. It would have been nice to have gotten through this match in three sets, just to get through it. But it wasn't to be.

Q. Do you think there should be a different kind of rule for, let's say, Andre and you who have been on the Tour for at least ten years and are over 30 maybe not having to supposedly play all nine Tennis Masters, maybe 7, you know ‑‑

PETE SAMPRAS: No, we kind of have our own schedule at this stage. We don't play them all.

Q. But not to get penalized at a certain point, if you have been there a long time and let's say you are over 30 that maybe you get seven instead of the nine or something?

PETE SAMPRAS: I don't think we get penalized. They make the draw ‑‑‑

Q. \Pointswise?

PETE SAMPRAS: Pointswise, I am not really too concerned about it. But I think there used to be a rule if you have been on the Tour for ten years you only had to play one less. I mean, I like that. I think as you have been out there a number of years nine is a big commitment, and ‑‑ but you know those are things that I don't worry about much.

Q. You're worried a little bit about his serve and last night a guy that was coming off a big victory. Five years ago anyone you played, would you have ‑‑ would that have concerned you at all? Are you more concerned about things like that now?

PETE SAMPRAS: No, I was concerned about it five years ago. The players are better today, that's a concern. But worried about just as much when I was one in the word than what I am now. It is tough to turn around and playing two really good players back‑to‑back. But today's match was just an awkward match, awkward, had no rhythm. There aren't a lot of guys on Tour that play like that. He comes up with some big serves and little bit at the mercy of him, a little bit, which is ‑‑ you don't really see much in the game. Usually you have some time to play a little bit, but the court is playing a little bit quicker in the afternoon than last night. He was tough to break.

Q. Can you just look forward a little bit to the Open? Last year obviously was the highlight for you, are you hoping the same?

PETE SAMPRAS: Yeah, I am looking forward to it. I feel like I am hitting the ball okay and body is holding up quite well. Yeah, I am ready to go. I am a little disappointed these two weeks didn't show more, two breakers in the third that I lost, a little frustrating, but in the picture, by US Open hopefully I will be peaking at the right time and playing great. That's the plan. These matches were important to win, they really are, for confidence, for just guys know I am starting to play better now, but when you lose it's pretty discouraging at times.

Q. Feeling a little more on the comfort zone with Paul back?

PETE SAMPRAS: Yeah, feel like I have some peace of mind with my coaching situation and he knows me better than anyone and there's a comfort level, he knows my game, my personality, and he knows what to say. I am glad we are working together.

FastScripts by ASAP Sports

Ruud_Krol Creative Commons License 2002.08.08 0 0 4134
ugye, mindig a nőkkel van a baj:)))

szerintem nem a 100-200 a különbség, hanem a koncentráció!!

Előzmény: TyggeR (4133)
TyggeR Creative Commons License 2002.08.08 0 0 4133
én is inkább 100-at mondanék, de az teljesen biztos. hogy petinél mi a baj, azt csak ő tudhatja, de azért észrevehető, hogy az esküvő óta játszik gyengébben.
Előzmény: Ruud_Krol (4131)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.08.08 0 0 4132
Azért a 200 költői túlzás,abba jópár 4-5 pontot elért teniszező is belefér,de a 100-ban kiegyezhetünk.:-))
Előzmény: Ruud_Krol (4131)
Ruud_Krol Creative Commons License 2002.08.08 0 0 4131
valamit ki kellene találnia, mert nagyon nem megy.
ki kellene hagynia pár hónapot, h. "agyilag" rendbe szedje magát, majd felpörgetnie magát és újra, megmutatni a világnak.

kedvenc tenisz edzőm szerint a jelenlegi férfi mezőny első 200-a 1formán tud teniszezni, az első 10 plusz fejben van egyben!


Előzmény: TyggeR (4130)
TyggeR Creative Commons License 2002.08.08 0 0 4130
de azért gyerünk peti, azért hiszünk benned!!!
Előzmény: TyggeR (4129)
TyggeR Creative Commons License 2002.08.08 0 0 4129
kedvencünk nem tett a kedvünkre, mivel 4:6, 6:3, 7:6-ra kikapott arthurstól a második fordulóban. ez az egész egyre kiábrándítóbb...
Előzmény: elcondor (4128)
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.07 0 0 4128
Bravó Peti,jó ilyen eredményre ébredni!
Csak így tovább,gyerünk,gyerünk!!!!!!!!!!
Előzmény: TyggeR (4127)
TyggeR Creative Commons License 2002.08.07 0 0 4127
a grand slam tenisz topic információi szerint pete sampras borzasztó nehézségek árán, de bejutott a cincinnati masters series torna második fordulójába. sampras azt az argentin canast verte három játszmában, aki vasárnap megnyerte a szintén ezen sorozat tagjának számító torontói viadalt.

az első játszmát még 7:5-re elveszítette, a folytatásban azonban 7:6, 6:3-mal fordított, s kivívta a továbbjutást. ami azért persze nem volt ilyen sima, a második szettben canas 6:5-re vezetett már, ráadásul adogathatott a meccsért is. sampras minden rutinját összeszedve lebrékelte az argentint, majd a rövidítésben döntő játszmába terelte az ütközetet, amit aztán meg is nyert.

mit lehet ehhez hozzátenni még: szerencsére.

sampras - canas 5:7, 7:6, 6:3

elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.06 0 0 4126
Nemsokára játszik Pete,nagyon kéne a győzelem a bombaformában lévő Canas ellen!
GYERÜNK PETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xabi Creative Commons License 2002.08.06 0 0 4125
nem baj, ez már bíztató a jövőre nézve!!!
hajrá Pete!!!
Előzmény: elcondor (4122)
GDávid Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4124
Most nézem, hogy ha Pete hozza a meccset, akkor Santoroval játszott volna. Az meg elvileg könyebb meccs lett volna. Na mindegy. Nem idegeskedek többet.
GDávid Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4123
Ilyen nincs! :-((((((((((
Nem sokon múlott ez a meccs.
Ne add fel Pete!
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4122
A rohadt életbe,a harmadik is tiebreakben ment el,ráadásul a köcsög gépem is akkor halt meg,amikor a legkritikusabb szakasza volt a meccsnek,tököm bele.
Csak Pete!
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4121
Ez az!Pete hozta a másodikat,6-3-ra!
Gyerünk Peteeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Csak így tovább!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Előzmény: elcondor (4120)
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4120
Az első játszma sajnos Haasé,7-6-ra,a tiebreaket 7-3-ra nyerte.Pete-nek 5-4-nél játszmalabdája is volt.:-(
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4119
Előzmény: Giovanna (4117)
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4118
Általában nem nézek teniszt,ha Pete nem indul,de most sasoltam az Eurosportot,hátha látlak a lelátón.Azt hittem Ti voltatok a Corretja Fan Club feliratú spanyol zászlónál,de a végén kiderült,hogy valami osztrák csoport volt.
Nálam is jó,csak az előbb elnéztem valamit.Győzelmet várok Pete-től,bár nem ő az esélyes,de ő Pete,tehát nem kaphat ki!
Előzmény: Giovanna (4116)
Giovanna Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4117
Nagyon áll a board, lehet egy kis záporocska szólt közbe.
Én megyek aludni.

Pusszancs jó éjszakát!

Giovanna Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4116
Tündérmackó már csak ilyen:)

Nálam müxik,de a Centeren még nem játszanak. Biztos bemelegítenek éppen.
Nehéz menet lesz Haas.

Előzmény: elcondor (4115)
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4115
Arról olvastam,eléggé emlékezetesre sikerült!A Mackód mindent megtett,hogy jól érezd magad!
Közben a francér nem mükszik a scoreboard,Pete-nek most kéne játszani elvileg.
Előzmény: Giovanna (4114)
Giovanna Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4114
Inkább kényszer pihenő. A nyaralás már megvolt múlt héten.
Előzmény: elcondor (4113)
elcondor Creative Commons License 2002.08.02 0 0 4113
Akkor ez inkább munka?Vagy azért nyaralás is valamilyen szinten?
Előzmény: Giovanna (4112)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!