De még mennyire! A top 100 cégvezetői székből is, 5-6% a nők aránya, hallatlan impertinencia, és még azok is, akik a csúcsra jutottak, 30%-os bérkülönbséget kénytelenek nagy átlagban elszenvedni!!!!
"The chief executives of the FTSE 100, the index of the UKs largest publicly-listed companies, are still 94 per cent male. In November, the independent Hampton Alexander Review found that while the index is on track to meet a target of filling at least 30 per cent of company board positions with women up from 12.5 per cent in 2011 almost one in four companies in the broader FTSE 350 still only have one woman on their board."
"Business leaders more likely to be called Stephen than to be women - The few women at the top are getting paid 32 per cent less than men"
De jön már a megváltó kvóta, kitartás: "Government targets state that by 2020, 33 per cent of board members should be women. "
Persze a százalékokkal való harcba néhányan belegabalyodnak: "Just six FTSE 100 CEOs are women and they earn half the salaries of male counterparts
Even women who have reached the highest echelons face a gender pay gap and are paid less than men, says Dr Wanda Wyporska, executive director of The Equality Trust"
Viszont olyan, hogy kvótanő, az van: azt a nőt jelenti, aki nem tehetsége és szorgalma alapján került be egy pozícióba, hanem más alkalmasabb jelölteket háttérbe szorítva, egy szexista numerus clausus (vagyis a női kvóta) alapján, csak a nemi szerve miatt.
"Ms Duflo becomes only the second woman to win the economics prize since it was first awarded in 1969. She will share the prize of 9 million Swedish krona (£728,000) with the other two winners."